Passing Data to Views

There are three different ways in which data can be passed to a view by using the ViewDataDictionary, the ViewBag, and strongly typed views.



public ViewResult Show(int id)
    var entry = _db.Entries.Find(id);
    bool hasPermission = User.Identity.Name == entry.Name;
    ViewData["hasPermission"] = hasPermission;
    return View(entry);

In the view, we extract the hasPermission information from ViewData, but we need a cast:


        bool hasPermission =


ViewBag provides a way to pass data from the controller to the view, but the ViewBag makes use of the dynamic language features of C# 4. Instead of storing items in a dictionary using a string key, you can simply set properties on the dynamic ViewBag property within your controller:

ViewBag.HasPermission = hasPermission;
    @if (ViewBag.HasPermission)

Strongly typed views with a view model

In controller:

public ActionResult Index()
            var mostRecentEntries =
                (from entry in m_guestbookContext.Entries
                 orderby entry.DateAdded descending
                 select entry).Take(20);
            return View(mostRecentEntries.ToList()); // Passed data to view, View method encapsulates setting the ViewData.Model property

In view:

@using Guestbook.Models
@model List<GuestbookEntry>
posted @ 2012-08-15 11:18  HelloWorld.Michael  阅读(207)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报