atexit - register a function to be called at normal process termination


       #include <stdlib.h>

       int atexit(void (*function)(void));

       The atexit() function registers the given function to be called at nor‐
       mal process termination, either via exit(3) or via return from the pro‐
       gram's main().  Functions so registered are called in the reverse order
       of their registration; no arguments are passed.
       The same function may be registered multiple times: it is  called  once
       for each registration.

       POSIX.1-2001  requires that an implementation allow at least ATEXIT_MAX
       (32) such functions to be registered.  The actual limit supported by an
       implementation can be obtained using sysconf(3).

       When  a child process is created via fork(2), it inherits copies of its
       parent's registrations.  Upon a successful call to one of  the  exec(3)
       functions, all registrations are removed.

       The  atexit()  function returns the value 0 if successful; otherwise it
       returns a nonzero value.


static void my_exit1(void);
static void my_exit2(void);

int main()
    if(atexit(my_exit2) != 0)
        err_sys("can not register my_exit2\n");
    if(atexit(my_exit1) != 0)
        err_sys("can not register my_exit1\n");
    if(atexit(my_exit1) != 0)
        err_sys("can not register my_exit1\n");
    printf("main is done\n");
    return 0;

    printf("main has exited!\n");

static void my_exit1(void){
    printf("first exit handler\n");
static void my_exit2(void){
    printf("second exit handler\n");



posted on 2016-02-24 22:59  farbeyond  阅读(706)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报