Quiesce Database and Wait Event (resmgr: become active)



首先去查看了下alert文件,没有发现什么异常的信息。 好吧,查询下视图v$session看看有啥等待事件没有,结果发现了有几个session出于等待状态,等待事件显示为"resmgr:become active", 从文档上了解到这个等待时间的含义,如下....

resmgr: become active

The session is waiting for a resource manager active session slot. This event occurs when the resource manager is enabled and the number of active sessions in the session's current consumer group exceeds the current resource plan's active session limit for the consumer group. To reduce the occurrence of this wait event, increase the active session limit for the session's current consumer group.

Wait Time: The time the session waited to be allocated an active session slot

location location of the wait

看起来这个等待时间跟database resource manager相关。但是从视图v$session中的resource_consumer_group发现那些session的consumer_group都显示为NULL, 参数resource_manager_plan的值也为NULL. 那按道理那些session应该不会受到resource方面的限制,尤其是登陆session的个数相关限制才对。



Quiescing a Database


"The Database Resource Manager blocks all actions that were initiated by a user other than SYS or SYSTEM while the system is quiesced.

Oracle instructs the Database Resource Manager in all instances to prevent all inactive sessions (other than SYS and SYSTEM) from becoming active. No user other than SYS and SYSTEM can start a new transaction, a new query, a new fetch, or a new PL/SQL operation.

During the quiesced state, you cannot change the Resource Manager plan in any instance. "  

这个很吻合我现在遇到的情况,从等待事件中得知问题跟resource manager有关系,而且现在确实是非sys/system用户连接不上数据库。那么很有可能是因为处于了quiesce状态了。



Viewing the Quiesce State of an Instance

You can query the ACTIVE_STATE column of the V$INSTANCE view to see the current state of an instance. The column values has one of these values:

  • NORMAL: Normal unquiesced state.

  • QUIESCING: Being quiesced, but some non-DBA sessions are still active.

  • QUIESCED: Quiesced; no non-DBA sessions are active or allowed.




“Oracle waits for all existing transactions in all instances that were initiated by a user other than SYS or SYSTEM to finish (either commit or terminate). 
Oracle also waits for all running queries, fetches, and PL/SQL procedures in all instances that were initiated by users other than SYS or SYSTEM and that are not inside transactions to finish. 
If a query is carried out by multiple successive OCI fetches, Oracle does not wait for all fetches to finish. It waits for the current fetch to finish and then blocks the next fetch. 
Oracle also waits for all sessions (other than those of SYS or SYSTEM) that hold any shared resources (such as enqueues) to release those resources. ”

The ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED statement may wait a long time for active sessions to become inactive. You can determine the sessions that are blocking the quiesce operation by querying the V$BLOCKING_QUIESCE view. This view returns only a single column: SID (Session ID). You can join it with V$SESSION to get more information about the session, as shown in the following example:
select bl.sid, user, osuser, type, program
from v$blocking_quiesce bl, v$session se
where bl.sid = se.sid;






Configure EM may cause this issue as well....

So also: http://amardeepsidhu.com/blog/2011/03/04/waiting-for-resmgr-become-active-cant-login/

posted @ 2011-08-01 09:33  FangwenYu  阅读(522)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报