

  • 构建是经常的,构建最大的目标还是生成一个包或者应用
  • 发布应用也是频繁的,发布本质上是把这个包放到可运行的环境中便于测试
  • 如果每次构建我们都需要去Build一个环境,包括配置连接池等和应用相关的资源的话,那就太消耗时间和CPU了
  • 在日常项目中更多的变动应该还是在代码上,因此考虑的就是把针对某个项目的环境发布成一个images,然后基于这个images进行应用代码的发布。

基于这种考虑就没必要每次构建通过Jenkins基于Dockfile去build image,而应该尽量采用事先构建的images模板。

把Jenkins作为kubernetes pod来用今天也尝试了一下,无奈虚拟环境性能不行放弃,我个人感觉放在kubernetes集群外运行就可以了,没必要放进去作为Pod来统一管理。

Kubernetes还是专门作为一个应用运行环境,而不是发布构建持续集成的环境比较好点 :)

基于上次的maven project,改造了一下把应用部署到kubernetes环境中的WebLogic Pod。当然只能做功能测试,如果性能测试的话,我还要考虑考虑。




now=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
echo "============begin weblogic pod check========"
echo "the shell execute time is ${now}"
weblogic_num=`kubectl get pods | grep helloworld-service  | wc -l`
if [ "${weblogic_num}" == "1" ]; then
       kubectl delete -f /home/ericnie/rc.yaml
       echo "delete the weblogic pod"

sleep 20s
echo "==========create weblogc pod==========="
kubectl create -f /home/ericnie/rc.yaml
sleep 10s
weblogic_ip=`kubectl get pods -o wide | grep helloworld-service | grep Running | awk '{for(i =1; i <=NF; i++){ if($i~/[0-9]\.[0-9]/) print $i}}'`
echo "weblogic ip is ${weblogic_ip}"

sleep 60s
echo "==========deploy the application========" 
java -cp /home/ericnie/Middleware/wlserver/server/lib/weblogic.jar weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3://${weblogic_ip}:7001 -user weblogic -password welcome1  -name ${war_name} -targets AdminServer -deploy -upload -source ${file_path}/${war_name}

echo "=========job finish,you can acess!======"





jenkins console输出

[jenkins_test] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ project=easy-springmvc-maven
+ war_name=easy-springmvc-maven.war
+ war_path=
+ file_path=/home/ericnie/.jenkins/workspace/jenkins_test/target/
++ date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S
+ now=20171031153657
+ echo '============begin weblogic pod check========'
============begin weblogic pod check========
+ echo 'the shell execute time is 20171031153657'
the shell execute time is 20171031153657
++ kubectl get pods
++ grep helloworld-service
++ wc -l
+ weblogic_num=1
+ '[' 1 == 1 ']'
+ kubectl delete -f /home/ericnie/rc.yaml
replicationcontroller "helloworld-service" deleted
service "helloworldsvc" deleted
+ echo 'delete the weblogic pod'
delete the weblogic pod
+ sleep 20s
+ echo '==========create weblogc pod==========='
==========create weblogc pod===========
+ kubectl create -f /home/ericnie/rc.yaml
replicationcontroller "helloworld-service" created
service "helloworldsvc" created
+ sleep 10s
++ kubectl get pods -o wide
++ grep helloworld-service
++ grep Running
++ awk '{for(i =1; i <=NF; i++){ if($i~/[0-9]\.[0-9]/) print $i}}'
+ weblogic_ip=
+ echo 'weblogic ip is'
weblogic ip is
+ sleep 60s
+ echo '==========deploy the application========'
==========deploy the application========
+ java -cp /home/ericnie/Middleware/wlserver/server/lib/weblogic.jar weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3:// -user weblogic -password welcome1 -name easy-springmvc-maven.war -targets AdminServer -deploy -upload -source /home/ericnie/.jenkins/workspace/jenkins_test/target//easy-springmvc-maven.war
weblogic.Deployer invoked with options:  -adminurl t3:// -user weblogic -name easy-springmvc-maven.war -targets AdminServer -deploy -upload -source /home/ericnie/.jenkins/workspace/jenkins_test/target//easy-springmvc-maven.war
<Oct 31, 2017 3:38:35 PM CST> <Info> <J2EE Deployment SPI> <BEA-260121> <Initiating deploy operation for application, easy-springmvc-maven.war [archive: /home/ericnie/.jenkins/workspace/jenkins_test/target/easy-springmvc-maven.war], to AdminServer .> 
Task 0 initiated: [Deployer:149026]deploy application easy-springmvc-maven.war on AdminServer.
Task 0 completed: [Deployer:149026]deploy application easy-springmvc-maven.war on AdminServer.
Target state: deploy completed on Server AdminServer

+ echo '=========job finish,you can acess!======'
=========job finish,you can acess!======
Finished: SUCCESS




posted @ 2017-10-31 15:57  ericnie  阅读(4833)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报