


从0开始学习linux C编程

我是在windows xp-sp2上使用SSHSecureShellClient-3[1].2.9.exe进行linuxC编程的,下面先讲一下怎么使用这个软件:
在本地安装SSHSecureShellClient-3[1].2.9.exe,在服务器上建立用户名和密码,然后打开SSH Secure Shell Client,enter键或者点击quick connect,输入目标机(我不懂,瞎叫)ip,输入用户名,enter键,输入密码。现在你应该已经进入linux了,在这里所有的linux命令都可以使用,新手不妨先敲几个常用的命令试一下!

下面从最简单的hello word讲到比较复杂的库引用,当然怎么写通用的makefile限于水平,不做讨论。

1、hello word
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
 printf ("hello, word\n");

 return 0;

进入SSH Secure Shell Client,使用 《cd 路径名》进入到你的helloword.c所在的目录,
然后gcc -o helloword helloword.c,下面将显示编译的情况,有错误和警告将会列出,没有则不显示而返回的你刚才进的目录,要运行则输入./helloword, 这样就会看到hello, word

#include "mytool1.h"
#include "mytool2.h"

int main(int argc,char **argv)


#include "mytool1.h"
void mytool1_print(char *print_str)
printf("This is mytool1 print %s\n",print_str);

#ifndef _MYTOOL_1_H
#define _MYTOOL_1_H 

void mytool1_print(char *print_str);


#include "mytool2.h"
void mytool2_print(char *print_str)
printf("This is mytool2 print %s\n",print_str);

#ifndef _MYTOOL_2_H
#define _MYTOOL_2_H

void mytool2_print(char *print_str);


main:main.o mytool1.o mytool2.o
 gcc -o main main.o mytool1.o mytool2.o
 main.o:main.c mytool1.h mytool2.h
 gcc -c main.c
 mytool1.o:mytool1.c mytool1.h
 gcc -c mytool1.c
 mytool2.o:mytool2.c mytool2.h
 gcc -c mytool2.c

[root@svn helloword]# cd -
[root@svn mengj]# cd makefileexample
[root@svn makefileexample]# make
cc    -c -o main.o main.c
cc    -c -o mytool1.o mytool1.c
mytool1.c: In function 鈓ytool1_print?
mytool1.c:4: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 鈖rintf?
cc    -c -o mytool2.o mytool2.c
mytool2.c: In function 鈓ytool2_print?
mytool2.c:4: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 鈖rintf?
gcc -o main main.o mytool1.o mytool2.o
main.o:main.c mytool1.h mytool2.h
make: main.o:main.c: Command not found
make: *** [main] Error 127
[root@svn makefileexample]# ./main
This is mytool1 print hello
This is mytool2 print hello
[root@svn makefileexample]#




 * gjobread.c : a small test program for gnome jobs XML format
 * See Copyright for the status of this software.
 * Daniel.Veillard@w3.org

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * This example should compile and run indifferently with libxml-1.8.8 +
 * and libxml2-2.1.0 +
 * Check the COMPAT comments below

 * COMPAT using xml-config --cflags to get the include path this will
 * work with both
#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>

#define DEBUG(x) printf(x)

 * A person record
 * an xmlChar * is really an UTF8 encoded char string (0 terminated)
typedef struct person {
    xmlChar *name;
    xmlChar *email;
    xmlChar *company;
    xmlChar *organisation;
    xmlChar *smail;
    xmlChar *webPage;
    xmlChar *phone;
} person, *personPtr;

 * And the code needed to parse it
static personPtr
parsePerson(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlNodePtr cur) {
    personPtr ret = NULL;

     * allocate the struct
    ret = (personPtr) malloc(sizeof(person));
    if (ret == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n");
    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(person));

    /* We don't care what the top level element name is */
    /* COMPAT xmlChildrenNode is a macro unifying libxml1 and libxml2 names */
    cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
    while (cur != NULL) {
        if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"Person")) &&
     (cur->ns == ns))
     ret->name = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
        if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"Email")) &&
     (cur->ns == ns))
     ret->email = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
 cur = cur->next;


 * and to print it
static void
printPerson(personPtr cur) {
    if (cur == NULL) return;
    printf("------ Person\n");
    if (cur->name) printf(" name: %s\n", cur->name);
    if (cur->email) printf(" email: %s\n", cur->email);
    if (cur->company) printf(" company: %s\n", cur->company);
    if (cur->organisation) printf(" organisation: %s\n", cur->organisation);
    if (cur->smail) printf(" smail: %s\n", cur->smail);
    if (cur->webPage) printf(" Web: %s\n", cur->webPage);
    if (cur->phone) printf(" phone: %s\n", cur->phone);

 * a Description for a Job
typedef struct job {
    xmlChar *projectID;
    xmlChar *application;
    xmlChar *category;
    personPtr contact;
    int nbDevelopers;
    personPtr developers[100]; /* using dynamic alloc is left as an exercise */
} job, *jobPtr;

 * And the code needed to parse it
static jobPtr
parseJob(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlNodePtr cur) {
    jobPtr ret = NULL;

     * allocate the struct
    ret = (jobPtr) malloc(sizeof(job));
    if (ret == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n");
    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(job));

    /* We don't care what the top level element name is */
    cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
    while (cur != NULL) {
        if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "Project")) &&
     (cur->ns == ns)) {
     ret->projectID = xmlGetProp(cur, (const xmlChar *) "ID");
  printf("ret->projectID: %s\n", ret->projectID);
     if (ret->projectID == NULL) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Project has no ID\n");
        if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "Application")) &&
            (cur->ns == ns))
     ret->application =
  xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
        if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "Category")) &&
     (cur->ns == ns))
     ret->category =
  xmlNodeListGetString(doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
        if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "Contact")) &&
     (cur->ns == ns))
     ret->contact = parsePerson(doc, ns, cur);
 cur = cur->next;


 * and to print it
static void
printJob(jobPtr cur) {
    int i;

    if (cur == NULL) return;
    printf("=======  Job\n");
    if (cur->projectID != NULL) printf("projectID: %s\n", cur->projectID);
    if (cur->application != NULL) printf("application: %s\n", cur->application);
    if (cur->category != NULL) printf("category: %s\n", cur->category);
    if (cur->contact != NULL) printPerson(cur->contact);
    printf("%d developers\n", cur->nbDevelopers);

    for (i = 0;i < cur->nbDevelopers;i++) printPerson(cur->developers[i]);
    printf("======= \n");

 * A pool of Gnome Jobs
typedef struct gjob {
    int nbJobs;
    jobPtr jobs[500]; /* using dynamic alloc is left as an exercise */
} gJob, *gJobPtr;

static gJobPtr
parseGjobFile(char *filename) {
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    gJobPtr ret;
    jobPtr curjob;
    xmlNsPtr ns;
    xmlNodePtr cur;

     * build an XML tree from a the file;
    doc = xmlParseFile(filename);
    if (doc == NULL) return(NULL);

     * Check the document is of the right kind
    cur = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc);
    if (cur == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"empty document\n");
    ns = xmlSearchNsByHref(doc, cur,
     (const xmlChar *) "http://www.gnome.org/some-location");
    if (ns == NULL) {
         "document of the wrong type, GJob Namespace not found\n");
    if (xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "Helping")) {
        fprintf(stderr,"document of the wrong type, root node != Helping");
 printf("cur->name: %s\n", cur->name);

     * Allocate the structure to be returned.
    ret = (gJobPtr) malloc(sizeof(gJob));
 printf("sizeof(gJob): %d\n", sizeof(gJob));
    if (ret == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"out of memory\n");
    memset(ret, 0, sizeof(gJob));

     * Now, walk the tree.
    /* First level we expect just Jobs */
    cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
    while ( cur && xmlIsBlankNode ( cur ) )
 cur = cur -> next;
    if ( cur == 0 )
      return ( NULL );
    if ((xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "Jobs")) || (cur->ns != ns)) {
        fprintf(stderr,"document of the wrong type, was '%s', Jobs expected",
 fprintf(stderr,"xmlDocDump follows\n");
 xmlDocDump ( stderr, doc );
 fprintf(stderr,"xmlDocDump finished\n");
 printf("cur->name: %s\n", cur->name);
 printf("cur->ns: %d\n", cur->ns);

    /* Second level is a list of Job, but be laxist */
    cur = cur->xmlChildrenNode;
    while (cur != NULL) {
        if ((!xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *) "Job")) &&
     (cur->ns == ns)) {
     curjob = parseJob(doc, ns, cur);
     if (curjob != NULL)
         ret->jobs[ret->nbJobs++] = curjob;
            if (ret->nbJobs >= 500) break;
 cur = cur->next;


static void
handleGjob(gJobPtr cur) {
    int i;

     * Do whatever you want and free the structure.
    printf("%d Jobs registered\n", cur->nbJobs);
    for (i = 0; i < cur->nbJobs; i++) printJob(cur->jobs[i]);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
 printf("test start!\n");
    int i;
    gJobPtr cur;

    /* COMPAT: Do not genrate nodes for formatting spaces */

    for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++) {
 cur = parseGjobFile(argv[i]);
 if ( cur )
   fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing file '%s'\n", argv[i]);


    /* Clean up everything else before quitting. */
 printf("test end!\n");


2)、链接库#include <libxml/xmlmemory.h> #include <libxml/parser.h>

libxml所在的目录为/home/mengj/libxml/inlcude 这个目录里安装了libxml2


 (a) ./configure 

 (b) make

 (c)make install


[root@svn example1]# gcc -o 1 1.c -L/home/mengj/libxml/include -lxml2 -I/home/mengj/libxml/include
[root@svn example1]# ./1 1.xml
test start!
cur->name: Helping
sizeof(gJob): 2004
cur->name: Jobs
cur->ns: 157174584
ret->projectID: 12
1 Jobs registered
=======  Job
projectID: 12
application: GBackup
category: Development
------ Person
        name: Nathan Clemons
        email: nathan@windsofstorm.net
0 developers
test end!
[root@svn example1]#

-L/home/mengj/libxml/include -lxml2 -I/home/mengj/libxml/include

ok, 到这里我已经花了两天时间熟悉,如果写的足够简洁希望以后的新手能在一个上午搞定!

posted on 2009-05-15 10:08  山径山精  阅读(2973)  评论(11编辑  收藏  举报
