GitFlow 精简版

a. create develop branch

git branch develop
git push -u origin develop

b. Start new feature

git checkout -b some-feature develop
# Optionally, push branch to origin:
git push -u origin some-feature

git status
git add some-file
git commit

c. finish the feature

git pull origin develop
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff some-feature
git push origin develop

git branch -d some-feature

# If you pushed branch to origin:
git push origin --delete some-feature

d. Start new relase

git checkout -b release-0.1.0 develop

# Optional: Bump version number, commit
# Prepare release, commit

e. Finish the release

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release-0.1.0
git push

git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff release-0.1.0
git push

git branch -d release-0.1.0

# If you pushed branch to origin:
git push origin --delete release-0.1.0

git tag -a v0.1.0 master
git push --tags

f. Start new hotfix

git checkout -b hotfix-0.1.1 master

g. Finish the hotfix

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff hotfix-0.1.1
git push

git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff hotfix-0.1.1
git push

git branch -d hotfix-0.1.1

git tag -a v0.1.1 master
git push --tags
posted @ 2017-02-21 10:02  enjoylearning  阅读(450)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报