(个人阅读作业2:http://www.cnblogs.com/jiel/p/4030382.html )
1.1 定义
- 大教堂模式(The Cathedral model):源代码在软件发行后公开,但在软件的每个版本开发过程中是由一个专属的团队所控管的。作者以GNU Emacs及GCC这两软件为例。
- 市集模式(The Bazaar model):源代码在开发过程中即在互联网上公开,供人检视及开发。作者以Linux核心的创始者林纳斯·托瓦兹带领Linux核心的开发为例,亦引用fetchmail的开发为例。
此书的要义是“让够多人看到源代码,错误将无所遁形”(Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow)。作者表示大教堂模式的软件开发让程式除错的时间大幅增加,因为只有少数的开发者可参与修改工作。市集模式则相反。”
1.2 关于 Lost in CatB
中文版: http://www.ituring.com.cn/article/9363
“其实,忽略了一个事实,不管开源还是商用,都需要商业机会和商用环境,这就是市场杠杆,在市场需要的基础上,去谈论技术优劣与否,才有意义,否则就是吵吵嚷嚷。 就技术论技术,意义何在?世上哪有完美的事物? 开源不等于拒绝商业,有市场需求,就有其存在的空间,不管你怎么讨厌它。 ”
“The problem is in the use of "C" ”
“.. .We need at last a new start (maybe Java or a cleaner C with Java influences but certainly not C++)."-----(这意思是说C语言本身的缺陷才是罪魁祸首?)
二. Worse is Better
原文链接: The Rise of Worse is Better
关于Worse is Better,摘录原文里的几段话
”the right thing.“:
Simplicity-the design must be simple, both in implementation and interface. It is more important for the interface to be simple than the implementation.
Correctness-the design must be correct in all observable aspects. Incorrectness is simply not allowed.
Consistency-the design must not be inconsistent. A design is allowed to be slightly less simple and less complete to avoid inconsistency. Consistency is as important as correctness.
Completeness-the design must cover as many important situations as is practical. All reasonably expected cases must be covered. Simplicity is not allowed to overly reduce completeness.
”The worse-is-better philosophy“:
Simplicity-the design must be simple, both in implementation and interface. It is more important for the implementation to be simple than the interface. Simplicity is the most important consideration in a design.
Correctness-the design must be correct in all observable aspects. It is slightly better to be simple than correct.
Consistency-the design must not be overly inconsistent. Consistency can be sacrificed for simplicity in some cases, but it is better to drop those parts of the design that deal with less common circumstances than to introduce either implementational complexity or inconsistency.
Completeness-the design must cover as many important situations as is practical. All reasonably expected cases should be covered. Completeness can be sacrificed in favor of any other quality. In fact, completeness must sacrificed whenever implementation simplicity is jeopardized. Consistency can be sacrificed to achieve completeness if simplicity is retained; especially worthless is consistency of interface.
the right thing:
四个性质的重要性:简单性>正确性, 简单性>一致性,简单性>正确性
随后我看了Is Worse Really Better,里面是这样总结的:
With the-right-thing, designers are equally concerned with simplicity, correctness, consistency, and completeness. With worse-is-better, designers are almost exclusively concerned with implementation simplicity and performance, and will work on correctness, consistency, and completeness only enough to get the job done, sacrificing any of these other qualities for simplicity.
我觉得这样的评判有失偏颇,特别是对于the-right-thing的总结,我完全不能同意:4个方面明显是有所侧重的,而非“equally concerned”,而且这两篇文章还是同一个作者写的,我实在想不通,或许是我太过字斟句酌而误解了作者的本意?
1970年温斯顿·罗伊斯(Winston Royce)提出了著名的“瀑布模型”,直到80年代早期,它一直是唯一被广泛采用的软件开发模型。
瀑布模型(Waterfall Model) 是一个项目开发架构,开发过程是通过设计一系列阶段顺序展开的,从系统需求分析开始直到产品发布和维护,每个阶段都会产生循环反馈,因此,如果有信息未被覆盖或者发现了问题,那么最好 “返回”上一个阶段并进行适当的修改,项目开发进程从一个阶段“流动”到下一个阶段,这也是瀑布模型名称的由来。
(原文:http://martinfowler.com/articles/newMethodology.html )
4.1the reasons for agile methods
“…The most immediate difference is that they are less document-oriented, usually emphasizing a smaller amount of documentation for a given task. In many ways they are rather code-oriented: following a route that says that the key part of documentation is source code.
However I don't think this is the key point about agile methods. Lack of documentation is a symptom of two much deeper differences:
Agile methods are adaptive rather than predictive. Engineering methods tend to try to plan out a large part of the software process in great detail for a long span of time, this works well until things change. So their nature is to resist change. The agile methods, however, welcome change. They try to be processes that adapt and thrive on change, even to the point of changing themselves.
Agile methods are people-oriented rather than process-oriented. The goal of engineering methods is to define a process that will work well whoever happens to be using it. Agile methods assert that no process will ever make up the skill of the development team, so the role of a process is to support the development team in their work.“
敏捷型与滞重型方法(Engineering methods?直译的话是工程化方法,但是还没找到比较权威的解释)有一些显著的区别。其中一个显而易见的不同反映在文档上。敏捷型不是很面向文档,对于一项任务,它们通常只要求尽可能少的文档。从许多方面来看,它们更象是“面向源码”(code-oriented)。事实上,它们认为最根本的文档应该是源码。
敏捷型方法是“适配性”而非“预设性”。 重型方法试图对一个软件开发项目在很长的时间跨度内作出详细的计划,然后依计划进行开发。这类方法在计划制定完成后拒绝变化。而敏捷型方法则欢迎变化。其实,它们的目的就是成为适应变化的过程,甚至能允许改变自身来适应变化。
敏捷型方法是“面向人”的(people-oriented) 而非“面向过程”的 (process-oriented)。 它们试图使软件开发工作顺应人的天性而非逆之。它们强调软件开发应当是一项愉快的活动。
4.2 预测性VS适应性
So the approach for software engineering methodologies looks like this: we want a predictable schedule that can use people with lower skills. To do
this we must separate design from construction. Therefore we need to figure out how to do the design for software so that the construction can be
straightforward once the planning is done.
Mary Poppendieck
"A late change in requirements is a competitive advantage".
A predictive project is often measured by how well it met its plan. A project that's on-time and on-cost is considered to be a success. This measurement is nonsense to an agile environment. For agilists the question is business value - did the customer get software that's more valuable to them than the cost put into it. A good predictive project will go according to plan, a good agile project will build something different and better than the original plan foresaw.
4.3 自适应过程
- What did we do well? 我们完成了什么?
- What have we learned?我们从中学到了什么?
- What can we do better? 我们如何能做得更好?
- What puzzles us? 我们有什么疑惑?
Extreme Programming, Scrum, Lean Development,
XP begins with five values (Communication, Feedback, Simplicity, Courage, and Respect).
1.首先,敏捷开发并不是适用于所有人的Using an agile method is not for everyone
it is much less of a step than using a heavyweight method
the light weight of agile methods is an advantage. Simpler processes are more likely to be followed when you are used to no process at all.
3.The first step is to find suitable projects to try agile methods out with.你得找到一个自己真心想要融入其中、为其工作的团队
4.start learning on a project of a more manageable size.团队的规模不要太大,易于管理的规模更适于你开始
5.take a project that's a little bit more critical than you are comfortable with. 如果一个项目成功与否没什么人在意,你在其中自然可以过的“舒服”,因为没有人在旁边监督项目的质量,可是这样就无法锻炼自己的能力了
6.find someone more experienced in agile methods to help you learn.向有敏捷开发经验的人寻求帮助
once you've found a good mentor, follow their advice.找到了好导师,听取他们的建议
One of the open questions about agile methods is where the boundary conditions lie….
7.it's so hard to decide what success and failure mean in software development, as well as too many varying factors to easily pin down the source of problems.
So where should you not use an agile method? I think it primarily comes down to the people.
自己不想要干,就不用强求I think that this means you should never try to impose agile working on a team that doesn't want to try it.
http://continuousdelivery.com/2012/08/why-software-development-methodologies-suck/ )
As Daniel Kahneman says in Thinking Fast and Slow, there are “two basic conditions for acquiring a skill: an environment that is sufficiently regular to be predictable; [and] an opportunity to learn these regularities through prolonged practice.”
But traditional software projects are the opposite of a regular, predictable environment. The only good measure of success of a project – did the end result create the expected value over its lifetime? – is so distant from the critical decisions that caused that success or failure that it’s rare for anybody from the original team even to be present to get the feedback.
The root cause in all these cases – the reason the environment is not regular – is that the feedback loop between making a change and understanding the result of that change is too long. The word “change” here should be understood very generally to mean change in requirements, change in methodology, change in development practices, change in business plan, or code or configuration change.
It’s virtually impossible for us to practice continuous improvement, to learn how to get better as teams or as individuals, and to acquire the skills that enable the successful creation of great products and services – unless we focus on getting that feedback loop as short as possible so we can actually detect correlations, and discern cause and effect.
software projects can be made more regular through reducing cycle times
My point is that reducing cycle time and increasing feedback are necessary conditions for gathering scientific evidence. The problem is not that people aren't trying hard - the problem is they're trying hard to do the wrong things.
至于评论,有人感叹人才(smart people)难找,有人以自己的开发经历为例说了Tight feedback loops的种种好处,当然也有人觉得对软件工程方法论过于关注了:
I think much attention is given to issues of methodology instead of programmers skills which is the crux of every succesful software. Most methodologies takes up much time, thereby delaying the time frame for the project completion. Originators and proponents of such methodologies clamor for fame and superiority of their methods.
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