win7 x64 installation oracle10g x64 and PL / SQL Developer 8.02

1, oracle10g installation is relatively simple

1. To download the Vista version of Oracle Oracle:Oracle Database 10gRelease 2 ( for Microsoft Windows Vista x64 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64
2. Unzip the downloaded installation file
3. Modify validation documentation to support windows7
Modify the \ stage \ prereq \ db \ refhost.xml

Adding <! - Microsoft Windows 7 ->

Modify the \ install \ oraparam.ini, adding 6.1, Windows = 5.0,5.1,5.2,6.0,6.1

4. If the network card IP is dynamically assigned, there will be installation of a warning can be ignored, if do not feel a solution is as follows:
Add Microsoft Loopback Adapter
Open the "Device Manager" Device Manager window, right-click the computer name -> Add obsolete hardware ->
I manually select from a list of installed hardware -> select "Network Adapter" ->
Select Microsoft Corporation under the Microsoft Loopback Adapter, to complete the add.
Modify a fixed IP, free settings, such as
5. Successful installation

2, PL / SQLDeveloperInstallation

1. Download and install
License your search, many RI
Note: Do not install in the default C: \ Program Files (x86) directory, otherwise it will error because can not resolve this with () the path

2. Start PL / SQL Developer reports the following error
The reason is oci.dll 64-bit, 32-bit applications can not load PLSQL Developer, Internet search has found a solution: You can install a 32-bit Oracle Client to resolve, Client features I tend to use less, too was not loaded. Reference to this article was free to install Oracle client software - using the pl / sql configuration landing.

3. DownloadOracle Client Package
I downloaded the download
4. Unzip to C: \ oracle_client under, oci directory is C: \ oracle_client \ instantclient_10_2.
5. Start PL / SQL Developer, click Cancel Do not log on, in the Tools \ Perferences under the Connection configuration Oracle_Home and OCI Library, as follows

OracleHome: OraDb10g_home1
OCI library: C: \ oracle_client \ instantclient_10_2 \ oci.dll
6. Set the system environment variables

TNS_ADMIN = C: \ oracle \ product \ 10.2.0 \ db_1 \ NETWORK \ ADMIN

Note: NLS_LANG first part must be AMERICAN_AMERICA, because the instant client does not support other languages; the second half can adjust your database character set, if the database using AL32UTF8, you can set AL32UTF8

7. Start PL / SQL Developer, OK, no problem.

如果上述的操作太过麻烦,你可以装一个Oracle 11gR2 版的客户端,可以直接解决上述问题.

OS: Windows 7 proessional /IE 9.0 Beta


posted @ 2011-01-07 13:48  dbblog  阅读(635)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报