How to reduce number of records on CTXSYS.DR$WAITING,CTXSYS.DR$PENDING tables in Oracle EBS?

From Metalink 382809.1


a) Following jobs will purge unwanted records in CTXSYS.DR$WAITING,CTXSYS.DR$PENDING

1.FND Rebuild Help Search Index
2.JTF Item InterMedia Index Optimizing operation (CRM Foundation)
3.JTF Item InterMedia Index Sync Operation (CRM Foundation)
4.MES InterMedia Index Optimizing operation (Oracle MarketView)
5.MES InterMedia Index Sync Operation (Oracle MarketView)
6.Knowledge Management Index Synchronization Program (Oracle Service)
7.Rebuilding Intermedia Index for Task Names
8.Synchronize JTF_NOTES_TL_C1 index

b) Execute the following query to find out what are the indexes that still have pending rows in DR$PENDING:

connect as ctxsys:

select u.username, i.idx_name
from dr$index i, dba_users u
where u.user_id=i.idx_owner#
and idx_id in (select pnd_cid from dr$pending);

Synchronize those indexes manully, running:

exec ctx_ddl.sync_index('USERNAME.INDEX');

or u can generate sql using:

select count(*) from ctxsys.dr$waiting
select count(*) from ctxsys.dr$pending

select 'exec ctx_ddl.sync_index('''||u.username||'.'||i.idx_name||''')'
from ctxsys.dr$index i, dba_users u
where u.user_id=i.idx_owner#
and idx_id in (select pnd_cid from ctxsys.dr$pending);

0.Metalink:382809.1 here Are Millions Of Records In CTXSYS.DR$PENDING And CTXSYS.DR$WAITING Tables
1.Predefined Administrative Accounts CTXSYS
2.Metalink:731921.1 Cannot Export Data from E-Business Suite to Excel
3.Metalink:427964.1 Information You Should Upload When Creating an SR for File Export and Attachments


add by 2013-10-30


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