
Win32 Types Specification CLR Type
char, INT8, SBYTE, CHAR(^)  8-bit signed integer System.SByte
short, short int, INT16, SHORT 16-bit signed integer System.Int16
int, long, long int, INT32, LONG32, BOOL(^) , INT 32-bit signed integer System.Int32
__int64, INT64, LONGLONG 64-bit signed integer System.Int64
unsigned char, UINT8, UCHAR(^) , BYTE 8-bit unsigned integer System.Byte
unsigned short, UINT16, USHORT, WORD, ATOM, WCHAR(^) , __wchar_t 16-bit unsigned integer System.UInt16
unsigned, unsigned int, UINT32, ULONG32, DWORD32, ULONG, DWORD, UINT 32-bit unsigned integer System.UInt32
unsigned __int64, UINT64, DWORDLONG, ULONGLONG 64-bit unsigned integer System.UInt64
float, FLOAT Single-precision floating point System.Single
double, long double, DOUBLE Double-precision floating point System.Double
(^) In Win32 this type is an integer with a specially assigned meaning; in contrast, the CLR provides a specific type devoted to this meaning.

posted @ 2006-10-19 20:01  VeryDxZ  阅读(439)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报