TWebBrowser and POST request

Today I want to describe how you can send some data to web-server from your remote script using TWebBrowser component.

PostData: OleVariant;
Headers: OleVariant;
i: Integer;
{1. you must create a string with parameter names and values
Result string must be in the next format:
strData :
= 'Param1Name=' + HTTPEncode(Param1Value) + '&' +
'Param2Name=' + HttpEncode(Param2Value) + ...;

{2. you must convert a string into variant array of bytes and
every character from string is a value in array
PostData :
= VarArrayCreate([0, Length(strData) - 1], varByte);

{ copy the ordinal value of the character into the PostData array}
for i := 1 to Length(strData) do
-1] := Ord(strData[i]);

{3. prepare headers which will be sent to remote web-server}
Headers :
= 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + #10#13;

{4. you must navigate to the URL with your script and send as parameters
your array with POST-data and headers

'', EmptyParam, EmptyParam, PostData, Headers);

Of course, the same task can be solved with any internet component which implement the http-client (not only TWebBrowser). But for every component the data for script will be posted by own rules (most components have pre-defined properties for this task).

posted @ 2011-02-22 00:13  dwbboy  阅读(223)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报