How the Virtating Screen Sieve the Wet Materials

Recently, most regions of the country has entered the rainy season, the arrival of the rainy season makes some of the material easy wet, the vibrating screen is prone to be clogged when vibrating the wet materials ,because the wet materials have a certain viscosity,they bonded into a group or adhere to the screen surface to the otherclogged sieve,thus, the effective screening area of the screen surface is reudced , leading to the decline of screening efficiency ,and  the screening process is difficult to complete . So how the vibrating screen screen the wet materials?

The vibrating screen uses the transducer excitation generated by the multiplexed rotation vibration to work. Oscillator on the rotating weight make the screen surface plane do whirling vibration, while the lower rotating weight cone rotary vibration sieve surface, and their joint effect is the complex rotary-type vibration sieve surface. Vibration trajectory is a complex space curves. The curve in the horizontal projection is a round. Adjust the exciting force under rotating weight, and then you can change the amplitude.change the spatial phase angle under the weight,we can change the shape of the curve of the sieve surface trajectory ,and then change the trajectory of the screen surface material.

Main categories of vibrating screen are as follows: linear vibrating screen, high frequency vibrating screen, circular vibrating screen, vibration sieve, excitation-vibration sieve, ternary vibration sieve, variable frequency vibrating screen, probabilistic linear shaker arc shaped vibrating screen,the  playing arm vibrating screen.

Vibrating screen equipment since birth, over a long period of development, has been in continuous improvement and growing range of screening materials, some wet and the difficulty of screening materials, shaker difficult role to play, but after a Shanghai Hill Kai machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. technical staff have been efforts, Hill Kai vibrating screen has been screening all kinds of materials and wet materials dry sieving.

Seiko collection assembly and load commissioning equipment required in the factory and check all indicators qualified only after the factory, equipment shipped to the scene, the user should be packing list and equipment invoices check the entire machineThe parts are complete technical documentation has flaws.

After the equipment arrived at the scene, they should not be directly rested on the ground, but should be smoothly placed in the flat sleepers, and the distance from the ground is required not less than 250mm . If they are stored in the open air,the anti-tarpaulin should be covered to prevent wind and rain erosion.

dryer machine :

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posted @ 2012-10-06 14:16  kara liu  阅读(170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报