Development Trend of Building Waste Disposal Industry

Construction wastes are considered as  misplaced gold in the environmental community , in fact, compared with the garbage, construction wastes have the features of large number of components , kinds are variety , the nature is complex , toxic is small , recyclable utilization is high. Currently, many cities in the country have launched the construction waste recycling project, turning waste into treasure, and achieve the environmental, economic double harvest.

Today, in our country, unswervingly take the road of sustainable development, the industrialization of construction waste(such as the waste produced by sand making machine, classifier, and so on) disposal is an effective way to deal with construction waste problem fundamentally. China has sufficient condition to implement building waste disposal industrialization, which mainly reflected in the following aspects:

First, the total processing scale of construction waste is large , provided the preconditions for the industrialization process. Many building materials in the construction waste with a high degree of recyclability and recycling, and is conducive to the recycling of construction materials into the construction market again, can bring economic benefits for the construction industry to. Such as: scrap steel, scrap wire, scrap wire and metal scrap accessories, sorting, concentrated, re-melted steel manufactured into a variety of specifications can be reprocessed; waste bamboo timber can be used in the manufacture of artificial wood; crushed brick, stone, concrete and other waste can on behalf of sand for masonry mortar, plastering mortar, playing concrete cushion, can also be used to make blocks, pavement tiles, plaid tiles and other building material products.

Second, the construction market demand to the low recycling building materials is relatively large , and  after the industrialization, the recovery cost will reduce , bring to the specialized  construction waste recycling company  enough profit, and thus economically viable. Industrial construction waste processing mode, on the one hand, is conducive to the building (structure) building was dismantled, recycling and processing of construction waste management company for the entire management approach is more efficient integration of construction waste resources, compared to the previous construction waste simply can effectively reduce construction waste disposal costs, and save a lot of waste management costs, on the other hand can provide cheaper recycled building materials to the construction market, and reduce the construction costs.

Third, The mature construction waste at home and abroad provide technical support for the industrialization of construction waste recycling technology. Several decades ago,teh foreign countries have developed a waste concrete, wood, brick and other construction waste recycling technology, also apply to their construction waste recycling technology developed and patented in China in recent years reported. We can learn from the more advanced foreign mature construction waste recycling processing technology, combined with the composition of the characteristics of Chinese construction waste, consolidated existing domestic construction waste recycling technology and patents, solve the technical problems of construction waste recycling.


Stone crushing plant :
Hammer crusher :

posted @ 2012-09-27 14:20  kara liu  阅读(155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报