Important Measure of Future National Energy Usage

In the past two years, with the continuous progress of the national energy saving and environmental protection situation, industrial waste  usage secondary becomes the most popular topic, the usage effects of the Xinjiang region using carbide slag crushed cement are significantly.

It is understood that the development of Xinjiang PVC industry is extremely rapidly; therefore, large amounts of industrial waste residue( such as produced by the impact breaker ) - calcium carbide slag are produced in the production process. According to the preliminary calculations, in the "Twelfth Five-Year" period, the amount of carbide slag generated is expected to reach 10 million tons, if we don't handled well these large amount of industrial waste residue,  they will cause immeasurable harm environment for human survival.while Xinjiang carbide slag after crushing processing made of cement raw materials to the carbide slag recycling painting indelible mark in the history.

The relative experts pointed out that, for secondary using the industrial waste, the most critical  method is crushing. But now, most of our production crusher is used only for the crushing of limestone, pebbles, granite and other natural stone, broken equipment for industrial waste residue, very few reason these corrosive industrial waste residue, and some even having strong toxic ,  Industrial residues stockpiling , especially the solid waste long-term not only take up a lot of land, but also cause serious pollution and endanger aqueous and atmospheric. The results of a large number of mining waste rock pile up and destroyed large tracts of farmland and forest areas. Industrial harmful the slag long-term stockpiling, through rain and snow leaching soluble components from the surface down with water penetration. Soil migration and conversion, enrichment of harmful substances, so the yard near the soil acidification, alkalization, hardening. Even cause the heavy metal pollution. therefore, the requirements to these crushing equipments   are very stringent.

In the current era of innovation will be able to win, who can introduce new things , who can ease the development of the market. as the well-known domestic crusher producers, our company took the lead  to keep trying in industrial waste slag crushing equipment production, and finally launched a slag crusher, crusher of fly ash, coal gangue grinder, carbide slag crusher equipment, the particle size we produced can be completely suitable for raw materials such as limestone, clay match, thus improving the production process, and produce a composite portland cement, slag Portland cement, fly ash portland cement and other varieties of high-quality cement.

The industrial waste residue are an integral part of the    industrialized societies development, increase the research and innovation degree of the equipment, realize the waste recycling are important measures of the sustainable development.

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jaw breakers :
Dryer machine :

posted @ 2012-09-19 14:31  kara liu  阅读(172)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报