Separator Develop Towards Large-scale

In 1965, our country designed and manufactured  the magnetic system wet permanent magnet drum magnetic separator after using the material of  strontium ferrite , and tested successfully in  Benxi Iron and Steel Nan fen concentrator   ,soon after that, this technology get widely promoted, and realized  The weak magnetic field of permanent magnet magnetic separation equipment and serialization. At the same time, the electromagnetic simple magnetic separator,  introduced the 128 - C3 type  the former Soviet Union with a weak magnetic separator have been gradually eliminated, and the permanent magnet drum low intensity magnetic separation machine dominated.
In the last 20 years of development process, Weak magnetic field of magnetic separation equipment has  developed rapidly. Important trends of the permanent magnet simply weak magnetic field separator is a large aspect, cylinder diameter from600 mm, 750 mm to 1 050 mm, 200 mm,, l 500 mm, length from 2100 mm, 2 400 mm 3 000 mm, 4 000 mm. And multi-Jane used in tandem, thereby significantly improving the processing capacity. However, the most widely used still is the 1050 type permanent magnet simple magnetic separation. Meanwhile, they actively used the new high magnetic thin disabilities permanent magnet material (NdFeB), to increase the number of poles, with additional poles, the use of the compound and changes in the magnetic field, which further enhances the performance of permanent magnet drum magnetic separator, so that maturing and expanding range of applications, especially in the production of magnetite beneficiation, greatly improving the iron concentrate grade and recovery, economic efficiency is very significant to get a very good technical and economic indicators.
There are several advantages of fine-grained dry weak magnetic field magnetic separation equipment, such as the process is simple, does not consume water, saving dehydration, concentration and filtration operations and therefore less investment, plant area of ??small, low cost; but the drawback is sometimes more technical indicators low, especially with the rising demand for environmental protection, Dry dust pollution caused by difficult to control. Therefore, since the 1970s, the application of fine dry low intensity magnetic separation machine less and less, gradually being replaced by wet low intensity magnetic separation machine. At present, the fine dry low intensity magnetic separation machine used only for the dry and cold areas of the concentrator. However, the large piece of ore dry-type permanent magnetic separator (magnetic pulley) as the concentrator preselected throw to the end of an important equipment, continue to promote the use Played an important role for the concentrator energy saving. 

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posted @ 2012-08-15 16:32  kara liu  阅读(110)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报