
Function MyTest(ParamA, ParamB)

 Dim OC

 Set OC = Log.EnterFunction("MyTest",Array("ParamA", ParamA, "ParamB", ParamB))

'Function code

End Function


Function Repeat(sText, iCount)

  Dim i

  For i = 1 to iCount

   Repeat = Repeat + sText


End Function


'Class to define a function call

Class FunctionCall

  'The name of the funtion

  Dim FunctionName


  'Array of parameters. Name and value pair

  Dim Parameters

  'Time of the call

  Dim CallTime


  Sub Class_Initialize()

   CallTime = Now()

  End Sub


  Function GetCallDetails()

   Dim s_Call, s_Params


   'Check if parameter is an object

   If IsObject(Parameters) Then

    s_Params = "[object:"&TypeName(Parameters)&"]"

   ElseIf not isArray(Parameters) Then

    'If not an array convert it to a string

    s_Params = CStr(Parameters)


    'We assume the parameters are key value pairs

    'Make sure we have an even number of elements in array

    If (UBound(Parameters) - LBound(Parameters) + 1) Mod 2 = 0 Then

     Dim j

     s_Param = ""

     For j = LBound(Parameters) To UBound(Parameters) Step 2

      s_Params = s_Params & Parameters(j) & ":="

      'Check if the value of the parameter is a object

      If IsObject(Parameters(j + 1)) Then

       s_Params = s_Params & "[object:"&TypeName(Parameters(j + 1))&"] ,"


       s_Params = s_Params & GetArrayText(Parameters(j + 1)) & " ,"

      End if



     s_Params = "[Error key value pair not specified]"

    End if


    If Right(s_Params, 1) = "," Then

     s_Params = Left(s_Params, Len(s_Params) - 1)

    End if

   End if

   s_Call = FunctionName & " (" & s_Params & ")"

   GetCallDetails = s_Call

  End Function


  Private Function GetArrayText(ByVal Arr)

   On Error Resume Next



   If IsArray(Arr) Then

    Dim newArr

    newArr = Arr


    Dim i

    For i = LBound(newArr) to UBound(newArr)

     if IsObject(newArr(i)) Then

      newArr(i) = ""


      newArr(i) = CStr(newArr(i))

     End if



    GetArrayText = "Array(""" & Join(newArr, """,""") & ")"


    GetArrayText = Arr

   End if


   If Err.Number Then

    GetArrayText = ""

   End if

  End Function

End Class


 'Function to get new instance of the function call

 Function NewFunctionCall()

  Set NewFunctionCall = New FunctionCall

 End Function


 'Class to get a callback executed. We need to set the two members

 'Caller - The object which needs the callback

 'CallbackCode - Code to be executed for callback

Class Callback

  Public Caller

  Public CallBackCode

  Sub Class_Terminate()

   Execute CallBackCode

  End Sub

End Class


 'Function get a new call object

 Function NewCallback()

  Set NewCallback = New Callback

 End Function





 'Class logger allows logging function calls abd entering log text

 'in between


Class Logger

  'Dictionary to maintain curren stack trace

  Private oStackTrace

  Private sLog

  'Class Initialization


  Sub Class_Initializa()

   Set oStackTrace = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

   sLog = ""

  End Sub


  Function SaveDebugLog()

   If DEBUG_LOG and sLog <> "" Then

    Dim FSO, sFile, debugFile

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    sFile = "Debug_" & Replace(Replace(Now(), ":","_"), "/", "_", " ", "_") & ".txt"


    Set debugFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(Reporter.ReportPath & "\Report\" & sFile, True)


    debugFile.Write sLog


    Set debugFile = Nothing

    Set FSO = Nothing

    sLog = ""

   End if

  End Function


  'Class termination

  Sub Class_Terminate()


   Set oStackTrace = Nothing

  End Sub


  'Private functions to Push and Pop Function calls

  Private Function Push(oFunctionCall)

   sLog = sLog + "[" & oFunctionCall.CallTime & "] " & Repeat(" | -", (oStackTrace.Count) * 2) & " Start Function - " & oFunctionCall.GetCallDetails & vbNewLine

   Set oStackTrace(oStackTrace.Count + 1) = oFunctionCall

  End Function


  Sub Write(ByVal sText)

   sLog = sLog & "[" & Now() & "] " & Repeat(" | -", (oStackTrace.Count)) & vbTab & sText & vbNewLine

  End Sub


  'Private function to pop and log the end of last function call


  Private Sub Pop()

   Dim oLastCall

   'Get the details about last function call

   Set oLastCall = oStackTrace(oStackTrace.Count)


   'Remove the last function from the stack

   oStackTrace.Remove oStackTrace.Count


   'Append the end of funtion to log

   sLog = sLog + "[" & oLastCall.CallTime & "] " & Repeat(" | -", (oStackTrace.Count) * 2) & " End Function - " & oLastCall.GetCallDetails & vbNewLine


   Set oLastCall = Nothing

  End Sub


  'Function to pop the last function call

  Sub LeaveFunction()

   Call Pop

  End Sub


  'Method to be called when entering the funtion

  'FunctionName - Name of the function being called

  'Parameters - Array of key value pair

  Function EnterFunction(FunctionName, Parameters)

   'Create a new function call with given function name

   'and parameters

   Dim oFuncCall

   Set oFuncCall = NewFunctionCall

   oFuncCall.FunctionName = FunctionName

   oFuncCall.Parameters = Parameters


   'Push the function call on to the stack

   Push oFuncCall


   'Create a new callback

   Set EnterFunction = New CallBack


   'Set the caller as current object

   Set EnterFunction.Caller = Me


   'Set the callbackcode to execute leave function

   EnterFunction.CallBackCode = "Caller.LeaveFunction"

  End Function

  Function Reporter()

   Set Reporter = New CallBack

   Set Reporter.Caller = Me

   Report.CallBackCode = "Caller.SaveDebugLog"

  End Function

  Function GetLog()

   GetLog = sLog

  End Function

  Function PrintLog()

   Print "-----------------START LOG-------------------"

   Print GetLog()

   Print "-----------------End     LOG-------------------"

  End Function

  'Function to get the current stack trace4

  Function GetStackTrace()

   Dim i

   Dim s_TraceLog, s_CurrentFunction

   s_TraceLog = ""

   For i = 1 to oStackTrace.Count

    s_TraceLog = s_TraceLog & "[" & oStackTrace(i).CallTime & "] -" & String((i - 1) * 2, "-")

    s_TraceLog = s_TraceLog & oStackTrace(i).GetCallDetails() & vbNewLine


   GetStackTrace = s_TraceLog

  End Function

  'Function to print the stack trace

  Sub PrintStackTrace()

   Print "- START STACK TRACE -"

   Print GetStackTrace()

   Print "- END STACK TRACE -"

  End Sub

End Class

Dim Log

Set Log = New Logger


posted @ 2012-06-25 21:26  dushuai  阅读(173)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报