


 * Holder for both Model and View in the web MVC framework.
 * Note that these are entirely distinct. This class merely holds
 * both to make it possible for a controller to return both model
 * and view in a single return value.
 * <p>Represents a model and view returned by a handler, to be resolved
 * by a DispatcherServlet. The view can take the form of a String
 * view name which will need to be resolved by a ViewResolver object;
 * alternatively a View object can be specified directly. The model
 * is a Map, allowing the use of multiple objects keyed by name.
 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Rob Harrop
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @see DispatcherServlet
 * @see ViewResolver
 * @see HandlerAdapter#handle
 * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller#handleRequest
public class ModelAndView {

	/** View instance or view name String */
	private Object view;

	/** Model Map */
	private ModelMap model;

	/** Optional HTTP status for the response */
	private HttpStatus status;

	/** Indicates whether or not this instance has been cleared with a call to {@link #clear()} */
	private boolean cleared = false;


mv = ha.handle(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler.getHandler());


1. 全局初始化:@ControllerAdvice

public class RequestMappingHandlerAdapter extends AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter
		implements BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean


  • 查找并构造ControllerAdviceBean
public static List<ControllerAdviceBean> findAnnotatedBeans(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
  List<ControllerAdviceBean> beans = new ArrayList<ControllerAdviceBean>();
  for (String name : BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(applicationContext, Object.class)) {
    if (applicationContext.findAnnotationOnBean(name, ControllerAdvice.class) != null) {
      beans.add(new ControllerAdviceBean(name, applicationContext));
  return beans;
  • 查找所有@ModelAttribute注解的方法
public static final MethodFilter MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_METHODS = new MethodFilter() {
  public boolean matches(Method method) {
    return ((AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, RequestMapping.class) == null) &&
        (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, ModelAttribute.class) != null));
  • 查找@InitBinder方法
public static final MethodFilter INIT_BINDER_METHODS = new MethodFilter() {
		public boolean matches(Method method) {
			return AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, InitBinder.class) != null;
  • 缓存所有的requestResponseBodyAdviceBeans
if (RequestBodyAdvice.class.isAssignableFrom(bean.getBeanType())) {
  if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
    logger.info("Detected RequestBodyAdvice bean in " + bean);
if (ResponseBodyAdvice.class.isAssignableFrom(bean.getBeanType())) {
  if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
    logger.info("Detected ResponseBodyAdvice bean in " + bean);
if (!requestResponseBodyAdviceBeans.isEmpty()) {
  this.requestResponseBodyAdvice.addAll(0, requestResponseBodyAdviceBeans);

2. 模型那些事

  • 相关类图Overview
  • 序列图Overview
  • 浅谈SessionAttributeHandler
public interface SessionAttributeStore {
	 * Store the supplied attribute in the backend session.
	 * <p>Can be called for new attributes as well as for existing attributes.
	 * In the latter case, this signals that the attribute value may have been modified.
	 * @param request the current request
	 * @param attributeName the name of the attribute
	 * @param attributeValue the attribute value to store
	void storeAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName, Object attributeValue);

	 * Retrieve the specified attribute from the backend session.
	 * <p>This will typically be called with the expectation that the
	 * attribute is already present, with an exception to be thrown
	 * if this method returns {@code null}.
	 * @param request the current request
	 * @param attributeName the name of the attribute
	 * @return the current attribute value, or {@code null} if none
	Object retrieveAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName);

	 * Clean up the specified attribute in the backend session.
	 * <p>Indicates that the attribute name will not be used anymore.
	 * @param request the current request
	 * @param attributeName the name of the attribute
	void cleanupAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName);


public void storeAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName, Object attributeValue) {
  Assert.notNull(request, "WebRequest must not be null");
  Assert.notNull(attributeName, "Attribute name must not be null");
  Assert.notNull(attributeValue, "Attribute value must not be null");
  String storeAttributeName = getAttributeNameInSession(request, attributeName);
  request.setAttribute(storeAttributeName, attributeValue, WebRequest.SCOPE_SESSION);


public SessionAttributesHandler(Class<?> handlerType, SessionAttributeStore sessionAttributeStore) {
		Assert.notNull(sessionAttributeStore, "SessionAttributeStore may not be null");
		this.sessionAttributeStore = sessionAttributeStore;

		SessionAttributes annotation =
				AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(handlerType, SessionAttributes.class);
		if (annotation != null) {

		for (String attributeName : this.attributeNames) {


for (String name : findSessionAttributeArguments(handlerMethod)) {
  if (!container.containsAttribute(name)) {
    Object value = this.sessionAttributesHandler.retrieveAttribute(request, name);
    if (value == null) {
      throw new HttpSessionRequiredException("Expected session attribute '" + name + "'", name);
    container.addAttribute(name, value);
private List<String> findSessionAttributeArguments(HandlerMethod handlerMethod) {
  List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
  for (MethodParameter parameter : handlerMethod.getMethodParameters()) {
    if (parameter.hasParameterAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class)) {
      String name = getNameForParameter(parameter);
      Class<?> paramType = parameter.getParameterType();
      if (this.sessionAttributesHandler.isHandlerSessionAttribute(name, paramType)) {
  return result;
  • 浅谈@ModelAttibute
private ModelFactory getModelFactory(HandlerMethod handlerMethod, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) {
  SessionAttributesHandler sessionAttrHandler = getSessionAttributesHandler(handlerMethod);
  Class<?> handlerType = handlerMethod.getBeanType();
  Set<Method> methods = this.modelAttributeCache.get(handlerType);
  if (methods == null) {
    methods = MethodIntrospector.selectMethods(handlerType, MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_METHODS);
    this.modelAttributeCache.put(handlerType, methods);
  List<InvocableHandlerMethod> attrMethods = new ArrayList<InvocableHandlerMethod>();
  // Global methods first
  for (Entry<ControllerAdviceBean, Set<Method>> entry : this.modelAttributeAdviceCache.entrySet()) {
    if (entry.getKey().isApplicableToBeanType(handlerType)) {
      Object bean = entry.getKey().resolveBean();
      for (Method method : entry.getValue()) {
        attrMethods.add(createModelAttributeMethod(binderFactory, bean, method));
  for (Method method : methods) {
    Object bean = handlerMethod.getBean();
    attrMethods.add(createModelAttributeMethod(binderFactory, bean, method));
  return new ModelFactory(attrMethods, binderFactory, sessionAttrHandler);
private InvocableHandlerMethod createModelAttributeMethod(WebDataBinderFactory factory, Object bean, Method method) {
  InvocableHandlerMethod attrMethod = new InvocableHandlerMethod(bean, method);
  return attrMethod;


public ModelFactory(List<InvocableHandlerMethod> handlerMethods,WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory, SessionAttributesHandler attributeHandler) {
  if (handlerMethods != null) {
    for (InvocableHandlerMethod handlerMethod : handlerMethods) {
      this.modelMethods.add(new ModelMethod(handlerMethod));
  this.dataBinderFactory = binderFactory;
  this.sessionAttributesHandler = attributeHandler;


private void invokeModelAttributeMethods(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer container) throws Exception {
  while (!this.modelMethods.isEmpty()) {
    InvocableHandlerMethod modelMethod = getNextModelMethod(container).getHandlerMethod();
    ModelAttribute ann = modelMethod.getMethodAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class);
    if (container.containsAttribute(ann.name())) {
      if (!ann.binding()) {

    Object returnValue = modelMethod.invokeForRequest(request, container);
    if (!modelMethod.isVoid()){
      String returnValueName = getNameForReturnValue(returnValue, modelMethod.getReturnType());
      if (!ann.binding()) {
      if (!container.containsAttribute(returnValueName)) {
        container.addAttribute(returnValueName, returnValue);


3. 参数解析

  • 类图
  • 模型视图详解


 * Holder for both Model and View in the web MVC framework.
 * Note that these are entirely distinct. This class merely holds
 * both to make it possible for a controller to return both model
 * and view in a single return value.
 * <p>Represents a model and view returned by a handler, to be resolved
 * by a DispatcherServlet. The view can take the form of a String
 * view name which will need to be resolved by a ViewResolver object;
 * alternatively a View object can be specified directly. The model
 * is a Map, allowing the use of multiple objects keyed by name.
 * @author Rod Johnson
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Rob Harrop
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @see DispatcherServlet
 * @see ViewResolver
 * @see HandlerAdapter#handle
 * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller#handleRequest
public class ModelAndView {

	/** View instance or view name String */
	private Object view;

	/** Model Map */
	private ModelMap model;

	/** Optional HTTP status for the response */
	private HttpStatus status;

	/** Indicates whether or not this instance has been cleared with a call to {@link #clear()} */
	private boolean cleared = false;


mv = ha.handle(processedRequest, response, mappedHandler.getHandler());


1. 全局初始化:@ControllerAdvice

public class RequestMappingHandlerAdapter extends AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter
		implements BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean


  • 查找并构造ControllerAdviceBean
public static List<ControllerAdviceBean> findAnnotatedBeans(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
  List<ControllerAdviceBean> beans = new ArrayList<ControllerAdviceBean>();
  for (String name : BeanFactoryUtils.beanNamesForTypeIncludingAncestors(applicationContext, Object.class)) {
    if (applicationContext.findAnnotationOnBean(name, ControllerAdvice.class) != null) {
      beans.add(new ControllerAdviceBean(name, applicationContext));
  return beans;
  • 查找所有@ModelAttribute注解的方法
public static final MethodFilter MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_METHODS = new MethodFilter() {
  public boolean matches(Method method) {
    return ((AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, RequestMapping.class) == null) &&
        (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, ModelAttribute.class) != null));
  • 查找@InitBinder方法
public static final MethodFilter INIT_BINDER_METHODS = new MethodFilter() {
		public boolean matches(Method method) {
			return AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(method, InitBinder.class) != null;
  • 缓存所有的requestResponseBodyAdviceBeans
if (RequestBodyAdvice.class.isAssignableFrom(bean.getBeanType())) {
  if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
    logger.info("Detected RequestBodyAdvice bean in " + bean);
if (ResponseBodyAdvice.class.isAssignableFrom(bean.getBeanType())) {
  if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
    logger.info("Detected ResponseBodyAdvice bean in " + bean);
if (!requestResponseBodyAdviceBeans.isEmpty()) {
  this.requestResponseBodyAdvice.addAll(0, requestResponseBodyAdviceBeans);

2. 模型那些事

  • 相关类图Overview
  • 序列图Overview
  • 浅谈SessionAttributeHandler
public interface SessionAttributeStore {
	 * Store the supplied attribute in the backend session.
	 * <p>Can be called for new attributes as well as for existing attributes.
	 * In the latter case, this signals that the attribute value may have been modified.
	 * @param request the current request
	 * @param attributeName the name of the attribute
	 * @param attributeValue the attribute value to store
	void storeAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName, Object attributeValue);

	 * Retrieve the specified attribute from the backend session.
	 * <p>This will typically be called with the expectation that the
	 * attribute is already present, with an exception to be thrown
	 * if this method returns {@code null}.
	 * @param request the current request
	 * @param attributeName the name of the attribute
	 * @return the current attribute value, or {@code null} if none
	Object retrieveAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName);

	 * Clean up the specified attribute in the backend session.
	 * <p>Indicates that the attribute name will not be used anymore.
	 * @param request the current request
	 * @param attributeName the name of the attribute
	void cleanupAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName);


public void storeAttribute(WebRequest request, String attributeName, Object attributeValue) {
  Assert.notNull(request, "WebRequest must not be null");
  Assert.notNull(attributeName, "Attribute name must not be null");
  Assert.notNull(attributeValue, "Attribute value must not be null");
  String storeAttributeName = getAttributeNameInSession(request, attributeName);
  request.setAttribute(storeAttributeName, attributeValue, WebRequest.SCOPE_SESSION);


public SessionAttributesHandler(Class<?> handlerType, SessionAttributeStore sessionAttributeStore) {
		Assert.notNull(sessionAttributeStore, "SessionAttributeStore may not be null");
		this.sessionAttributeStore = sessionAttributeStore;

		SessionAttributes annotation =
				AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(handlerType, SessionAttributes.class);
		if (annotation != null) {

		for (String attributeName : this.attributeNames) {


for (String name : findSessionAttributeArguments(handlerMethod)) {
  if (!container.containsAttribute(name)) {
    Object value = this.sessionAttributesHandler.retrieveAttribute(request, name);
    if (value == null) {
      throw new HttpSessionRequiredException("Expected session attribute '" + name + "'", name);
    container.addAttribute(name, value);
private List<String> findSessionAttributeArguments(HandlerMethod handlerMethod) {
  List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
  for (MethodParameter parameter : handlerMethod.getMethodParameters()) {
    if (parameter.hasParameterAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class)) {
      String name = getNameForParameter(parameter);
      Class<?> paramType = parameter.getParameterType();
      if (this.sessionAttributesHandler.isHandlerSessionAttribute(name, paramType)) {
  return result;
  • 浅谈@ModelAttibute
private ModelFactory getModelFactory(HandlerMethod handlerMethod, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) {
  SessionAttributesHandler sessionAttrHandler = getSessionAttributesHandler(handlerMethod);
  Class<?> handlerType = handlerMethod.getBeanType();
  Set<Method> methods = this.modelAttributeCache.get(handlerType);
  if (methods == null) {
    methods = MethodIntrospector.selectMethods(handlerType, MODEL_ATTRIBUTE_METHODS);
    this.modelAttributeCache.put(handlerType, methods);
  List<InvocableHandlerMethod> attrMethods = new ArrayList<InvocableHandlerMethod>();
  // Global methods first
  for (Entry<ControllerAdviceBean, Set<Method>> entry : this.modelAttributeAdviceCache.entrySet()) {
    if (entry.getKey().isApplicableToBeanType(handlerType)) {
      Object bean = entry.getKey().resolveBean();
      for (Method method : entry.getValue()) {
        attrMethods.add(createModelAttributeMethod(binderFactory, bean, method));
  for (Method method : methods) {
    Object bean = handlerMethod.getBean();
    attrMethods.add(createModelAttributeMethod(binderFactory, bean, method));
  return new ModelFactory(attrMethods, binderFactory, sessionAttrHandler);
private InvocableHandlerMethod createModelAttributeMethod(WebDataBinderFactory factory, Object bean, Method method) {
  InvocableHandlerMethod attrMethod = new InvocableHandlerMethod(bean, method);
  return attrMethod;


public ModelFactory(List<InvocableHandlerMethod> handlerMethods,WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory, SessionAttributesHandler attributeHandler) {
  if (handlerMethods != null) {
    for (InvocableHandlerMethod handlerMethod : handlerMethods) {
      this.modelMethods.add(new ModelMethod(handlerMethod));
  this.dataBinderFactory = binderFactory;
  this.sessionAttributesHandler = attributeHandler;


private void invokeModelAttributeMethods(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer container) throws Exception {
  while (!this.modelMethods.isEmpty()) {
    InvocableHandlerMethod modelMethod = getNextModelMethod(container).getHandlerMethod();
    ModelAttribute ann = modelMethod.getMethodAnnotation(ModelAttribute.class);
    if (container.containsAttribute(ann.name())) {
      if (!ann.binding()) {

    Object returnValue = modelMethod.invokeForRequest(request, container);
    if (!modelMethod.isVoid()){
      String returnValueName = getNameForReturnValue(returnValue, modelMethod.getReturnType());
      if (!ann.binding()) {
      if (!container.containsAttribute(returnValueName)) {
        container.addAttribute(returnValueName, returnValue);


3. 参数解析

  • 类图
  • parameterNameDiscover族,默认使用的是DefaultParameterNameDiscover。parameterNameDiscover只有两个方法,故名思议,不做过多解释
public interface ParameterNameDiscoverer {
	String[] getParameterNames(Method method);
	String[] getParameterNames(Constructor<?> ctor);
public DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer() {
  if (standardReflectionAvailable) {
    addDiscoverer(new StandardReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer());
  addDiscoverer(new LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer());


 *Implementation of {@link ParameterNameDiscoverer} that uses the LocalVariableTable
 *information in the method attributes to discover parameter names. Returns
 *{@code null} if the class file was compiled without debug information.
 *<p>Uses ObjectWeb's ASM library for analyzing class files. Each discoverer instance
 *caches the ASM discovered information for each introspected Class, in a thread-safe
 *manner. It is recommended to reuse ParameterNameDiscoverer instances as far as possible.
 *@author Adrian Colyer
 *@author Costin Leau
 *@author Juergen Hoeller
 *@author Chris Beams
 *@since 2.0
public class LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer implements ParameterNameDiscoverer {


  • HandlerMethodArgumentResolver族:
public interface HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {
	boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter);
	Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,
			NativeWebRequest webRequest, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception;


if (this.argumentResolvers == null) {
  List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> resolvers = getDefaultArgumentResolvers();
  this.argumentResolvers = new HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite().addResolvers(resolvers);
if (this.argumentResolvers.supportsParameter(parameter)) {
  try {
    args[i] = this.argumentResolvers.resolveArgument(
        parameter, mavContainer, request, this.dataBinderFactory);
  catch (Exception ex) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logger.debug(getArgumentResolutionErrorMessage("Error resolving argument", i), ex);
    throw ex;


3. 返回值处理

  • 类图
  • SpringMVC对返回值的处理跟参数解析实现类似都是使用组合模式,关键方法也是类似的两个方法,同样本文不作详细分析,后面笔者会详细分析每一中返回值的解析。
public interface HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler {
	boolean supportsReturnType(MethodParameter returnType);
	void handleReturnValue(Object returnValue, MethodParameter returnType,
			ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, NativeWebRequest webRequest) throws Exception;
if (this.returnValueHandlers == null) {
  List<HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler> handlers = getDefaultReturnValueHandlers();
  this.returnValueHandlers = new HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite().addHandlers(handlers);

4. 返回ModelAndView

private ModelAndView getModelAndView(ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,
    ModelFactory modelFactory, NativeWebRequest webRequest) throws Exception {
  modelFactory.updateModel(webRequest, mavContainer);
  if (mavContainer.isRequestHandled()) {
    return null;
  ModelMap model = mavContainer.getModel();
  ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(mavContainer.getViewName(), model, mavContainer.getStatus());
  if (!mavContainer.isViewReference()) {
    mav.setView((View) mavContainer.getView());
  if (model instanceof RedirectAttributes) {
    Map<String, ?> flashAttributes = ((RedirectAttributes) model).getFlashAttributes();
    HttpServletRequest request = webRequest.getNativeRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
  return mav;
posted @ 2016-12-19 23:35  dragonfei  阅读(1342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报