[原]SWFUpload 在IE9下不显示问题及IE9中模态窗下flash文件选择问题的处理
今天在IE9下的 SWFUpload 忽然消失,折腾了一天。
回了家使劲地调,四处地搜。也搜到一些IE9 下的FLASH 不显示的帖,却是无关痛痒。也上官网看到了一些人反馈了这个问题。
使劲地翻站,看flash 的html。怀疑过embed 、断着 swfupload.js 一行行地跑、打着debug 信息, 就是出来来flash。
疑惑了,为啥广告的 flash 显示得好好的,而我这轻轻的一个按钮就不出来了呢。 想起了 早报网 ,记得这个网站对 html 处理得还是比较“原生”,于是翻开,确实,我一眼盯上了
这一句。 将它添进了 swfupload.js(311行),神出来了,终于出来了。 是 IE9 严谨了?
一个问题过了,还留着一个问题:IE9中,在模态窗口中flash 打不开文件浏览对话框,要等模态窗关闭了才触发,是在等着什么呢?????
Hi, We use the AjaxUploader in many IE modal windows opened using the showmodaldialog. We have found that the uploader no longer works when using IE9. The window to select file never opens when you calick the add button. If you close the modal right after, the file picker opens up. This was fine in IE8. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.
Hi, IE modal dialog is a special case , it have many compatible issue. I suggest you use an iframe for the dialog . that means window.showModalDialog("theiframepage.html")... in the theiframepage.html , use <iframe src="myuploadpage.aspx"></iframe> to include the uploader. I think all silverlight/flash upload component will meet the same issue. If you have more solution rather than iframe , please let's know . Thanks. Regards, Terry.