Deep Learning 16:用自编码器对数据进行降维_读论文“Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks”的笔记


论文“Reducing the Dimensionality of Data with Neural Networks”是深度学习鼻祖hinton于2006年发表于《SCIENCE 》的论文,也是这篇论文揭开了深度学习的序幕。































  当x和y的正负号一样的时候,两个函数结果是等同的;当x和y的符号不同时,rem函数结果的符号和x的一样,而mod和y一样。这是由于这两个函数的生成机制不同,rem函数采用fix函数,而mod函数采用了floor函数(这两个函数是用来取整的,fix函数向0方向舍入,floor函数向无穷小方向舍入)。rem(x,y)命令返回的是x-n.*y,如果y不等于0,其中的n = fix(x./y),而mod(x,y)返回的是x-n.*y,当y不等于0时,n=floor(x./y)







     function [f, df] = CG_MNIST(VV,Dim,XX);



  [X, fX, i] = minimize(X, f, length, P1, P2, P3, ... )






poshidprobs =  (data*vishid) + repmat(hidbiases,numcases,1);




w4probs = w3probs*w4; w4probs = [w4probs  ones(N,1)];








dataout = 1./(1 + exp(-w7probs*w8));











Train squared error:  4.318

Test squared error:  4.520




% Version 1.000
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton  
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our 
% web page. 
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

% This program pretrains a deep autoencoder for MNIST dataset
% You can set the maximum number of epochs for pretraining each layer
% and you can set the architecture of the multilayer net.

clear all
close all

maxepoch=10; %最大迭代次数  In the Science paper we use maxepoch=50, but it works just fine. 
numhid=1000; numpen=500; numpen2=250; numopen=30;

fprintf(1,'Converting Raw files into Matlab format \n');
converter; % 把测试数据集和训练数据集转换为.mat格式

fprintf(1,'Pretraining a deep autoencoder. \n');
fprintf(1,'The Science paper used 50 epochs. This uses %3i \n', maxepoch);

makebatches;% 把数据集及其标签进行打包或分批,方便以后分批进行处理,因为数据太大了,这样可加快学习速率
[numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata);%返回训练数据集的大小

fprintf(1,'Pretraining Layer 1 with RBM: %d-%d \n',numdims,numhid);
rbm;             %预训练第1个rbm
hidrecbiases=hidbiases; % 第一个rbm的隐含层偏置项
save mnistvh vishid hidrecbiases visbiases;% 保存第1个rbm的权值、隐含层偏置项、可视化层偏置项,为mnistvh.mat

fprintf(1,'\nPretraining Layer 2 with RBM: %d-%d \n',numhid,numpen);
batchdata=batchposhidprobs;% 第1个rbm中整个数据第一次正向传播时隐含层的输出概率(注意:不是把概率01化后的输出状态),作为第2个rbm的输入数据
numhid=numpen;% 第2个rbm的隐含层神经元数
rbm;       %预训练第2个rbm
hidpen=vishid; penrecbiases=hidbiases; hidgenbiases=visbiases;
save mnisthp hidpen penrecbiases hidgenbiases;% 保存第2个rbm的权值、隐含层偏置项、可视化层偏置项,为mnisthp.mat

fprintf(1,'\nPretraining Layer 3 with RBM: %d-%d \n',numpen,numpen2);
batchdata=batchposhidprobs;% 第2个rbm中整个数据第一次正向传播时隐含层的输出概率,作为第3个rbm的输入数据(注意:不是把概率01化后的输出状态作为输入数据)
rbm;       %预训练第3个rbm
hidpen2=vishid; penrecbiases2=hidbiases; hidgenbiases2=visbiases;
save mnisthp2 hidpen2 penrecbiases2 hidgenbiases2;% 保存第3个rbm的权值、隐含层偏置项、可视化层偏置项,为mnisthp2.mat

fprintf(1,'\nPretraining Layer 4 with RBM: %d-%d \n',numpen2,numopen);
batchdata=batchposhidprobs;% 第3个rbm中整个数据第一次正向传播时隐含层的输出概率,作为第4个rbm的输入数据
rbmhidlinear;      % 预训练第4个rbm,但是注意输出层单元激活函数是1,而不再是logistic函数
hidtop=vishid; toprecbiases=hidbiases; topgenbiases=visbiases;
save mnistpo hidtop toprecbiases topgenbiases;% 保存第4个rbm的权值、隐含层偏置项、可视化层偏置项,为mnistpo.mat

backprop; % 把4个RBM展开连接起来,再用训练数据进行微调整个模型



% Version 1.000
% % 作用:把测试数据集和训练数据集转换为.mat格式
% 最终得到的测试数据集:test(0~9).mat
% 最终得到的训练数据集:digit(0~9).mat
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

% This program reads raw MNIST files available at 
% and converts them to files in matlab format 
% Before using this program you first need to download files:
% train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz 
% t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz
% and gunzip them. You need to allocate some space for this.  

% This program was originally written by Yee Whye Teh 

%% 首先转换测试数据集的格式 Work with test files first 
fprintf(1,'You first need to download files:\n train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz\n train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz\n t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz\n t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz\n from\n and gunzip them \n'); 

f = fopen('t10k-images.idx3-ubyte','r');
[a,count] = fread(f,4,'int32');
g = fopen('t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte','r');
[l,count] = fread(g,2,'int32');

fprintf(1,'Starting to convert Test MNIST images (prints 10 dots) \n'); 
n = 1000;

Df = cell(1,10);
for d=0:9,
  Df{d+1} = fopen(['test' num2str(d) '.ascii'],'w');
for i=1:10,
  rawimages = fread(f,28*28*n,'uchar');
  rawlabels = fread(g,n,'uchar');
  rawimages = reshape(rawimages,28*28,n);

  for j=1:n,
    fprintf(Df{rawlabels(j)+1},'%3d ',rawimages(:,j));

for d=0:9,
  D = load(['test' num2str(d) '.ascii'],'-ascii');%这个test.ascii文件从哪来的?
  fprintf('%5d Digits of class %d\n',size(D,1),d);
  save(['test' num2str(d) '.mat'],'D','-mat');

%% 然后转换训练数据集的格式Work with trainig files second  
f = fopen('train-images.idx3-ubyte','r');
[a,count] = fread(f,4,'int32');

g = fopen('train-labels.idx1-ubyte','r');
[l,count] = fread(g,2,'int32');

fprintf(1,'Starting to convert Training MNIST images (prints 60 dots)\n'); 
n = 1000;

Df = cell(1,10);
for d=0:9,
  Df{d+1} = fopen(['digit' num2str(d) '.ascii'],'w');

for i=1:60,
  rawimages = fread(f,28*28*n,'uchar');
  rawlabels = fread(g,n,'uchar');
  rawimages = reshape(rawimages,28*28,n);

  for j=1:n,
    fprintf(Df{rawlabels(j)+1},'%3d ',rawimages(:,j));

for d=0:9,
  D = load(['digit' num2str(d) '.ascii'],'-ascii');
  fprintf('%5d Digits of class %d\n',size(D,1),d);
  save(['digit' num2str(d) '.mat'],'D','-mat');

dos('rm *.ascii');



% Version 1.000
% 作用:把数据集及其标签进行分批,方便以后分批进行处理,因为数据太大了,分批处理可加快学习速率
% 训练数据集及标签的打包结果:batchdata、batchtargets
% 测试数据集及标签的打包结果:testbatchdata、testbatchtargets

% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

%% 训练数据集分批
digitdata=[]; % 训练数据
targets=[];   % 训练数据的标签
load digit0; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];  
load digit1; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load digit2; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)]; 
load digit3; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load digit4; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)]; 
load digit5; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load digit6; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load digit7; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load digit8; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load digit9; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1], size(D,1), 1)];
digitdata = digitdata/255;% 简单缩放归一化

fprintf(1, 'Size of the training dataset= %5d \n', totnum);

rand('state',0); %so we know the permutation of the training data
randomorder=randperm(totnum);% 产生totnum个小于等于totnum的正整数

numbatches=totnum/100;          % 批数:600
numdims  =  size(digitdata,2);  % 每个训练样本的维数:784
batchsize = 100;                % 每个batch中的训练样本数:100
batchdata = zeros(batchsize, numdims, numbatches);
batchtargets = zeros(batchsize, 10, numbatches);

for b=1:numbatches
  batchdata(:,:,b) = digitdata(randomorder(1+(b-1)*batchsize:b*batchsize), :);
  batchtargets(:,:,b) = targets(randomorder(1+(b-1)*batchsize:b*batchsize), :);
clear digitdata targets;

%% 测试数据集分批
load test0; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)]; 
load test1; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)]; 
load test2; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load test3; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load test4; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load test5; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load test6; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load test7; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load test8; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0], size(D,1), 1)];
load test9; digitdata = [digitdata; D]; targets = [targets; repmat([0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1], size(D,1), 1)];
digitdata = digitdata/255;

fprintf(1, 'Size of the test dataset= %5d \n', totnum);

rand('state',0); %so we know the permutation of the training data

numdims  =  size(digitdata,2);
batchsize = 100;
testbatchdata = zeros(batchsize, numdims, numbatches);
testbatchtargets = zeros(batchsize, 10, numbatches);

for b=1:numbatches
  testbatchdata(:,:,b) = digitdata(randomorder(1+(b-1)*batchsize:b*batchsize), :);
  testbatchtargets(:,:,b) = targets(randomorder(1+(b-1)*batchsize:b*batchsize), :);
clear digitdata targets;

%%% Reset random seeds 



% Version 1.000 
% 作用:训练RBM,利用1步CD算法
% Code provided by Geoff Hinton and Ruslan Salakhutdinov 
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

% This program trains Restricted Boltzmann Machine in which
% visible, binary, stochastic pixels are connected to
% hidden, binary, stochastic feature detectors using symmetrically
% weighted connections. Learning is done with 1-step Contrastive Divergence.   
% The program assumes that the following variables are set externally:
% maxepoch  -- 最大迭代次数maximum number of epochs
% numhid    -- 隐含层神经元数number of hidden units 
% batchdata -- 分批后的训练数据集the data that is divided into batches (numcases numdims numbatches)
% restart   -- 如果从第1层开始学习,就置restart为1.set to 1 if learning starts from beginning 

epsilonw      = 0.1;   % 权值的学习速率Learning rate for weights 
epsilonvb     = 0.1;   % 可视化层偏置项的学习速率Learning rate for biases of visible units 
epsilonhb     = 0.1;   % 隐含层偏置项的学习速率Learning rate for biases of hidden units 
weightcost  = 0.0002;  % 权衰减,用于防止出现过拟合,见论文“受限波尔兹曼机RBM”
initialmomentum  = 0.5;% 动量项学习率,用于克服收敛速度和算法的不稳定性之间的矛盾
finalmomentum    = 0.9;

[numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata);%[numcases numdims numbatches]=[每批中的样本数 每个样本的维数 训练样本批数]

if restart ==1,

% Initializing symmetric weights and biases. 
  vishid     = 0.1*randn(numdims, numhid);% 连接权值Wij
  hidbiases  = zeros(1,numhid);           % 隐含层偏置项ci
  visbiases  = zeros(1,numdims);          % 可视化层偏置项bj

  poshidprobs = zeros(numcases,numhid);%100*1000,单个batch第一次正向传播时隐含层的输出概率p(h|v0)
  neghidprobs = zeros(numcases,numhid);%第二次正向传播时隐含层的输出概率p(h|v1)
  posprods    = zeros(numdims,numhid);% posprods表示p(hi=1|v0)*v0,以后更新detaWij时会用到这一项
  negprods    = zeros(numdims,numhid);% negprods表示p(hi=1|v1)*v1,以后更新detaWij时会用到这一项
  vishidinc  = zeros(numdims,numhid);% 权值更新的增量deta Wji
  hidbiasinc = zeros(1,numhid);      % 隐含层偏置项更新的增量deta bj
  visbiasinc = zeros(1,numdims);     % 可视化层偏置项更新的增量deta ci
  batchposhidprobs=zeros(numcases,numhid,numbatches);% 整个数据第一次正向传播时隐含层的输出概率

for epoch = epoch:maxepoch,
 fprintf(1,'epoch %d\r',epoch); 
 for batch = 1:numbatches,
 fprintf(1,'epoch %d batch %d\r',epoch,batch); 

%%%%%%%%% 求正项部分 START POSITIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%以下的代码请对照“深度学习笔记_-_RBM”看%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  data = batchdata(:,:,batch);% data表示可视化层初始数据v0,每次迭代都需要取出一个batch的数据,每一行代表一个样本值(这里的数据是double的,不是01的,严格的说后面应将其01化)
  poshidprobs = 1./(1 + exp(-data*vishid - repmat(hidbiases,numcases,1)));% 样本第一次正向传播时隐含层节点的输出概率,即:p(hj=1|v0)       
  posprods    = data' * poshidprobs;% posprods表示p(hi=1|v0)*v0,以后更新detaWij时会用到这一项
  poshidact   = sum(poshidprobs);% 所有p(hi=1|v0)的累加,以后更新deta ci时会用到这一项
  posvisact = sum(data);% 所有v0的累加,以后更新deta bj时会用到这一项

%%%%%%%%% END OF POSITIVE PHASE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  poshidstates = poshidprobs > rand(numcases,numhid); %poshidstates表示隐含层的状态h0,将隐含层数据01化(此步骤在posprods之后进行),按照概率值大小来判定.
%%%%%%%%%求负项部分 START NEGATIVE PHASE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  negdata = 1./(1 + exp(-poshidstates*vishid' - repmat(visbiases,numcases,1)));% 从下面来推断,negdata表示第一次反向进行时的可视层数据v1,但从其表达式上推断negdata实际上是p(v1|h0),这里为什么没有将p(v1|h0)数据01,从而变为v1?而是直接v1=p(v1|h0)?感觉不对
  neghidprobs = 1./(1 + exp(-negdata*vishid - repmat(hidbiases,numcases,1))); % 第一次反向进行后又马上正向传播的隐含层概率值,即:p(hj=1|v1)   
  negprods  = negdata'*neghidprobs;% negprods表示p(hi=1|v1)*v1,以后更新detaWij时会用到这一项
  neghidact = sum(neghidprobs);    % 所有p(hi=1|v1)的累加,以后更新deta ci时会用到这一项
  negvisact = sum(negdata);        % 所有v1的累加,以后更新deta bj时会用到这一项

%%%%%%%%% END OF NEGATIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  err= sum(sum( (data-negdata).^2 ));
  errsum = err + errsum;

   if epoch>5,

%%%%%%%%% UPDATE WEIGHTS AND BIASES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
    vishidinc = momentum*vishidinc + ...  %vishidinc表示权值更新时的增量deta Wij;
                epsilonw*( (posprods-negprods)/numcases - weightcost*vishid);% posprods-negprods表示deta W,weightcost*vishid表示权衰减项,防止出现过拟合
    visbiasinc = momentum*visbiasinc + (epsilonvb/numcases)*(posvisact-negvisact);% (posvisact-negvisact)表示 deta bj
    hidbiasinc = momentum*hidbiasinc + (epsilonhb/numcases)*(poshidact-neghidact);% (poshidact-neghidact)表示 deta ci

    vishid = vishid + vishidinc;
    visbiases = visbiases + visbiasinc;
    hidbiases = hidbiases + hidbiasinc;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF UPDATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 

  fprintf(1, 'epoch %4i error %6.1f  \n', epoch, errsum); 



% Version 1.000
% 作用:训练最顶层的一个RBM
% 输出层神经元的激活函数为1,是线性的,不再是sigmoid函数,所以该函数名字叫:rbmhidlinear.m
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

% This program trains Restricted Boltzmann Machine in which
% visible, binary, stochastic pixels are connected to
% hidden, tochastic real-valued feature detectors drawn from a unit
% variance Gaussian whose mean is determined by the input from 
% the logistic visible units. Learning is done with 1-step Contrastive Divergence.
% The program assumes that the following variables are set externally:
% maxepoch  -- maximum number of epochs
% numhid    -- number of hidden units
% batchdata -- the data that is divided into batches (numcases numdims numbatches)
% restart   -- set to 1 if learning starts from beginning

epsilonw      = 0.001; % Learning rate for weights 
epsilonvb     = 0.001; % Learning rate for biases of visible units
epsilonhb     = 0.001; % Learning rate for biases of hidden units 
weightcost  = 0.0002;  
initialmomentum  = 0.5;
finalmomentum    = 0.9;

[numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata);

if restart ==1,

% Initializing symmetric weights and biases.
  vishid     = 0.1*randn(numdims, numhid);
  hidbiases  = zeros(1,numhid);
  visbiases  = zeros(1,numdims);

  poshidprobs = zeros(numcases,numhid);
  neghidprobs = zeros(numcases,numhid);
  posprods    = zeros(numdims,numhid);
  negprods    = zeros(numdims,numhid);
  vishidinc  = zeros(numdims,numhid);
  hidbiasinc = zeros(1,numhid);
  visbiasinc = zeros(1,numdims);
  sigmainc = zeros(1,numhid);

for epoch = epoch:maxepoch,
 fprintf(1,'epoch %d\r',epoch); 

 for batch = 1:numbatches,
 fprintf(1,'epoch %d batch %d\r',epoch,batch);

%%%%%%%%% START POSITIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  data = batchdata(:,:,batch);
  poshidprobs =  (data*vishid) + repmat(hidbiases,numcases,1);% 样本第一次正向传播时隐含层节点的输出值,即:p(hj=1|v0)
                                                              % 为什么是这个表达式:p(hj=1|v0)=Wji*v0+bj ?因为输出层激活函数为1
  posprods    = data' * poshidprobs;
  poshidact   = sum(poshidprobs);
  posvisact = sum(data);
%%%%%%%%% END OF POSITIVE PHASE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
poshidstates = poshidprobs+randn(numcases,numhid);% h0:非概率密度,而是01后的实值

%%%%%%%%% START NEGATIVE PHASE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  negdata = 1./(1 + exp(-poshidstates*vishid' - repmat(visbiases,numcases,1)));% v1=p(v1|h0)?
  neghidprobs = (negdata*vishid) + repmat(hidbiases,numcases,1);%为什么是这个表达式p(hj=1|v1)=Wji*v1+bj ? neghidprobs表示样本第二次正向传播时隐含层节点的输出值,即:p(hj=1|v1)
  negprods  = negdata'*neghidprobs;
  neghidact = sum(neghidprobs);
  negvisact = sum(negdata); 

%%%%%%%%% END OF NEGATIVE PHASE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  err= sum(sum( (data-negdata).^2 )); 
  errsum = err + errsum;
   if epoch>5,

%%%%%%%%% UPDATE WEIGHTS AND BIASES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    vishidinc = momentum*vishidinc + ...
                epsilonw*( (posprods-negprods)/numcases - weightcost*vishid);
    visbiasinc = momentum*visbiasinc + (epsilonvb/numcases)*(posvisact-negvisact);
    hidbiasinc = momentum*hidbiasinc + (epsilonhb/numcases)*(poshidact-neghidact);
    vishid = vishid + vishidinc;
    visbiases = visbiases + visbiasinc;
    hidbiases = hidbiases + hidbiasinc;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF UPDATES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

fprintf(1, 'epoch %4i error %f \n', epoch, errsum);




% Version 1.000
% 作用:把4个RBM展开连接起来,再用训练数据进行微调整个模型。相当于论文图1中的“Unrolling”部分,
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

% This program fine-tunes an autoencoder with backpropagation.
% Weights of the autoencoder are going to be saved in mnist_weights.mat
% and trainig and test reconstruction errors in mnist_error.mat
% You can also set maxepoch, default value is 200 as in our paper.  

fprintf(1,'\nFine-tuning deep autoencoder by minimizing cross entropy error. \n');
fprintf(1,'60 batches of 1000 cases each. \n');% 60个batch,每个batch1000个样本

load mnistvh
load mnisthp
load mnisthp2
load mnistpo 

[numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata);

%%%% PREINITIALIZE WEIGHTS OF THE AUTOENCODER %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
w1=[vishid; hidrecbiases];    % [W1;b1] 分别装载每层的权值和偏置值,将它们作为一个整体
w2=[hidpen; penrecbiases];    % [W2;b2]
w3=[hidpen2; penrecbiases2];  % [W3;b3]
w4=[hidtop; toprecbiases];    % [W4;b4]
w5=[hidtop'; topgenbiases];   % [W4';v4]
w6=[hidpen2'; hidgenbiases2]; % [W3';v3]
w7=[hidpen'; hidgenbiases];   % [W2';v2]
w8=[vishid'; visbiases];      % [W1';v1]

%%%%%%%%%% END OF PREINITIALIZATIO OF WEIGHTS  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

l1=size(w1,1)-1;% 每个网络层中节点的个数
l9=l1;           % 输出层节点和输入层的一样

for epoch = 1:maxepoch

%%  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 计算训练误差 COMPUTE TRAINING RECONSTRUCTION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata);
 for batch = 1:numbatches
  data = [batchdata(:,:,batch)];
  data = [data ones(N,1)];
  w1probs = 1./(1 + exp(-data*w1)); w1probs = [w1probs  ones(N,1)];%正向传播,计算每一层的输出概率密度p(h|v),且同时在输出上增加一维(值为常量1)
  w2probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w1probs*w2)); w2probs = [w2probs ones(N,1)];
  w3probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w2probs*w3)); w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)];
  w4probs = w3probs*w4; w4probs = [w4probs  ones(N,1)];
  w5probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w4probs*w5)); w5probs = [w5probs  ones(N,1)];
  w6probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w5probs*w6)); w6probs = [w6probs  ones(N,1)];
  w7probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w6probs*w7)); w7probs = [w7probs  ones(N,1)];
  dataout = 1./(1 + exp(-w7probs*w8));% 输出层的输出概率密度,即:重构数据的概率密度,也即:重构数据
  err= err +  1/N*sum(sum( (data(:,1:end-1)-dataout).^2 )); % 每个batch内的均方误差
 train_err(epoch)=err/numbatches;% 迭代第epoch次的所有样本内的均方误差

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF COMPUTING TRAINING RECONSTRUCTION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%  %% DISPLAY FIGURE TOP ROW REAL DATA BOTTOM ROW RECONSTRUCTIONS 显示真实数据和重构数据 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
fprintf(1,'Displaying in figure 1: Top row - real data, Bottom row -- reconstructions \n');
 for ii=1:15
  output = [output data(ii,1:end-1)' dataout(ii,:)'];%output为15(因为是显示15个数字)组,每组2列,分别为理论值和重构值
   if epoch==1 
   close all 

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 计算测试误差 COMPUTE TEST RECONSTRUCTION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
[testnumcases testnumdims testnumbatches]=size(testbatchdata);% [100 784 100] 测试数据为100个batch,每个batch含100个测试样本,每个样本维数为784
for batch = 1:testnumbatches
  data = [testbatchdata(:,:,batch)];
  data = [data ones(N,1)];
  w1probs = 1./(1 + exp(-data*w1)); w1probs = [w1probs  ones(N,1)];
  w2probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w1probs*w2)); w2probs = [w2probs ones(N,1)];
  w3probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w2probs*w3)); w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)];
  w4probs = w3probs*w4; w4probs = [w4probs  ones(N,1)];
  w5probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w4probs*w5)); w5probs = [w5probs  ones(N,1)];
  w6probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w5probs*w6)); w6probs = [w6probs  ones(N,1)];
  w7probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w6probs*w7)); w7probs = [w7probs  ones(N,1)];
  dataout = 1./(1 + exp(-w7probs*w8));
  err = err +  1/N*sum(sum( (data(:,1:end-1)-dataout).^2 ));
 fprintf(1,'Before epoch %d Train squared error: %6.3f Test squared error: %6.3f \t \t \n',epoch,train_err(epoch),test_err(epoch));

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF COMPUTING TEST RECONSTRUCTION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 for batch = 1:numbatches/10          % 训练样本:批数numbatches是600,每个batch内100个样本,组合后变为批数60,每个batch1000个样本
 fprintf(1,'epoch %d batch %d\r',epoch,batch);

%%%%%%%%%%% 在训练数据内组合10个mini-batch为一个larger-batch ,COMBINE 10 MINIBATCHES INTO 1 LARGER MINIBATCH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 for kk=1:10
        batchdata(:,:,(tt-1)*10+kk)]; %使训练数据变为60个batch,每个batch内含1000个样本

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM CONJUGATE GRADIENT WITH 3 LINESEARCHES 进行共轭梯度3次线性搜索%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  VV = [w1(:)' w2(:)' w3(:)' w4(:)' w5(:)' w6(:)' w7(:)' w8(:)']';% 把所有权值(已经包括了偏置值)变成一个大的列向量
  Dim = [l1; l2; l3; l4; l5; l6; l7; l8; l9];% 每层网络对应节点的个数(不包括偏置值)

  [X, fX] = minimize(VV,'CG_MNIST',max_iter,Dim,data);% X为3次线性搜索最优化后得到的权值参数,是一个列向量

  w1 = reshape(X(1:(l1+1)*l2),l1+1,l2);
  xxx = (l1+1)*l2;
  w2 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l2+1)*l3),l2+1,l3);
  xxx = xxx+(l2+1)*l3;
  w3 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l3+1)*l4),l3+1,l4);
  xxx = xxx+(l3+1)*l4;
  w4 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l4+1)*l5),l4+1,l5);
  xxx = xxx+(l4+1)*l5;
  w5 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l5+1)*l6),l5+1,l6);
  xxx = xxx+(l5+1)*l6;
  w6 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l6+1)*l7),l6+1,l7);
  xxx = xxx+(l6+1)*l7;
  w7 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l7+1)*l8),l7+1,l8);
  xxx = xxx+(l7+1)*l8;
  w8 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l8+1)*l9),l8+1,l9);%依次重新赋值为优化后的参数

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF CONJUGATE GRADIENT WITH 3 LINESEARCHES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


 save mnist_weights w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 
 save mnist_error test_err train_err;




% Version 1.000
% 得到代价函数及其对各权值的偏导数
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

function [f, df] = CG_MNIST(VV,Dim,XX)
% VV:权值(已经包括了偏置值),为一个大的列向量
% Dim:每层网络对应节点的个数
% XX:训练样本
% f :代价函数,即交叉熵误差
% df :代价函数对各权值的偏导数

l1 = Dim(1);%每层网络对应节点的个数(不包括偏置值)
l2 = Dim(2);
l3 = Dim(3);
l4= Dim(4);
l5= Dim(5);
l6= Dim(6);
l7= Dim(7);
l8= Dim(8);
l9= Dim(9);
N = size(XX,1);% 样本的个数

% Do decomversion.下面一系列步骤完成权值的矩阵化
 w1 = reshape(VV(1:(l1+1)*l2),l1+1,l2);% VV是一个长的列向量,它包括偏置值和权值,这里取出的向量已经包括了偏置值
 xxx = (l1+1)*l2; %xxx 表示已经使用了的长度
 w2 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l2+1)*l3),l2+1,l3);
 xxx = xxx+(l2+1)*l3;
 w3 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l3+1)*l4),l3+1,l4);
 xxx = xxx+(l3+1)*l4;
 w4 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l4+1)*l5),l4+1,l5);
 xxx = xxx+(l4+1)*l5;
 w5 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l5+1)*l6),l5+1,l6);
 xxx = xxx+(l5+1)*l6;
 w6 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l6+1)*l7),l6+1,l7);
 xxx = xxx+(l6+1)*l7;
 w7 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l7+1)*l8),l7+1,l8);
 xxx = xxx+(l7+1)*l8;
 w8 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l8+1)*l9),l8+1,l9);

  XX = [XX ones(N,1)];% 训练样本,加1维使其下可乘w1
  w1probs = 1./(1 + exp(-XX*w1)); w1probs = [w1probs  ones(N,1)];
  w2probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w1probs*w2)); w2probs = [w2probs ones(N,1)];
  w3probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w2probs*w3)); w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)];
  w4probs = w3probs*w4; w4probs = [w4probs  ones(N,1)];% 第5层神经元激活函数为1,而不是logistic函数
  w5probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w4probs*w5)); w5probs = [w5probs  ones(N,1)];
  w6probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w5probs*w6)); w6probs = [w6probs  ones(N,1)];
  w7probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w6probs*w7)); w7probs = [w7probs  ones(N,1)];
  XXout = 1./(1 + exp(-w7probs*w8));% 输出层的概率密度,也就是重构数据

f = -1/N*sum(sum( XX(:,1:end-1).*log(XXout) + (1-XX(:,1:end-1)).*log(1-XXout)));%代价函数,即交叉熵误差,怎么推导的?可见论文最后一页
IO = 1/N*(XXout-XX(:,1:end-1));% 重构误差
%% % 用后向传导算法求各层偏导数df,见“用反向传导思想求导”
Ix8=IO; % 相当于输出层“残差”
dw8 =  w7probs'*Ix8;% 用后向传导算法求输出层偏导数

Ix7 = (Ix8*w8').*w7probs.*(1-w7probs); % 第7层“残差”
Ix7 = Ix7(:,1:end-1);
dw7 =  w6probs'*Ix7;  % 第7层偏导数

Ix6 = (Ix7*w7').*w6probs.*(1-w6probs); 
Ix6 = Ix6(:,1:end-1);
dw6 =  w5probs'*Ix6;

Ix5 = (Ix6*w6').*w5probs.*(1-w5probs); 
Ix5 = Ix5(:,1:end-1);
dw5 =  w4probs'*Ix5;

Ix4 = (Ix5*w5');
Ix4 = Ix4(:,1:end-1);
dw4 =  w3probs'*Ix4;

Ix3 = (Ix4*w4').*w3probs.*(1-w3probs); 
Ix3 = Ix3(:,1:end-1);
dw3 =  w2probs'*Ix3;

Ix2 = (Ix3*w3').*w2probs.*(1-w2probs); 
Ix2 = Ix2(:,1:end-1);
dw2 =  w1probs'*Ix2;

Ix1 = (Ix2*w2').*w1probs.*(1-w1probs); 
Ix1 = Ix1(:,1:end-1);
dw1 =  XX'*Ix1;

df = [dw1(:)' dw2(:)' dw3(:)' dw4(:)' dw5(:)' dw6(:)'  dw7(:)'  dw8(:)'  ]'; %网络代价函数的偏导数



function [X, fX, i] = minimize(X, f, length, varargin)
% Minimize a differentiable multivariate function. 

% [X, fX, i]中的X : 3次线性搜索最优化后得到的权值参数,是一个列向量

% minimize(X, f, length, varargin)中的X : 优化目标,即权值
% minimize(X, f, length, varargin)中的f : 代价函数的名称
% minimize(X, f, length, varargin)中的length : 线性搜索次数
% minimize(X, f, length, varargin)中的varargin : 每层网络对应的节点数Dim和训练数据data

% Usage: [X, fX, i] = minimize(X, f, length, P1, P2, P3, ... )
% where the starting point is given by "X" (D by 1), and the function named in
% the string "f", must return a function value and a vector of partial
% derivatives of f wrt X, the "length" gives the length of the run: if it is
% positive, it gives the maximum number of line searches, if negative its
% absolute gives the maximum allowed number of function evaluations. You can
% (optionally) give "length" a second component, which will indicate the
% reduction in function value to be expected in the first line-search (defaults
% to 1.0). The parameters P1, P2, P3, ... are passed on to the function f.
% The function returns when either its length is up, or if no further progress
% can be made (ie, we are at a (local) minimum, or so close that due to
% numerical problems, we cannot get any closer). NOTE: If the function
% terminates within a few iterations, it could be an indication that the
% function values and derivatives are not consistent (ie, there may be a bug in
% the implementation of your "f" function). The function returns the found
% solution "X", a vector of function values "fX" indicating the progress made
% and "i" the number of iterations (line searches or function evaluations,
% depending on the sign of "length") used.
% The Polack-Ribiere flavour of conjugate gradients is used to compute search
% directions, and a line search using quadratic and cubic polynomial
% approximations and the Wolfe-Powell stopping criteria is used together with
% the slope ratio method for guessing initial step sizes. Additionally a bunch
% of checks are made to make sure that exploration is taking place and that
% extrapolation will not be unboundedly large.
% See also: checkgrad 
% Copyright (C) 2001 - 2006 by Carl Edward Rasmussen (2006-09-08).

INT = 0.1;    % don't reevaluate within 0.1 of the limit of the current bracket
EXT = 3.0;                  % extrapolate maximum 3 times the current step-size
MAX = 20;                         % max 20 function evaluations per line search
RATIO = 10;                                       % maximum allowed slope ratio
SIG = 0.1; RHO = SIG/2; % SIG and RHO are the constants controlling the Wolfe-
% Powell conditions. SIG is the maximum allowed absolute ratio between
% previous and new slopes (derivatives in the search direction), thus setting
% SIG to low (positive) values forces higher precision in the line-searches.
% RHO is the minimum allowed fraction of the expected (from the slope at the
% initial point in the linesearch). Constants must satisfy 0 < RHO < SIG < 1.
% Tuning of SIG (depending on the nature of the function to be optimized) may
% speed up the minimization; it is probably not worth playing much with RHO.

% The code falls naturally into 3 parts, after the initial line search is
% started in the direction of steepest descent. 1) we first enter a while loop
% which uses point 1 (p1) and (p2) to compute an extrapolation (p3), until we
% have extrapolated far enough (Wolfe-Powell conditions). 2) if necessary, we
% enter the second loop which takes p2, p3 and p4 chooses the subinterval
% containing a (local) minimum, and interpolates it, unil an acceptable point
% is found (Wolfe-Powell conditions). Note, that points are always maintained
% in order p0 <= p1 <= p2 < p3 < p4. 3) compute a new search direction using
% conjugate gradients (Polack-Ribiere flavour), or revert to steepest if there
% was a problem in the previous line-search. Return the best value so far, if
% two consecutive line-searches fail, or whenever we run out of function
% evaluations or line-searches. During extrapolation, the "f" function may fail
% either with an error or returning Nan or Inf, and minimize should handle this
% gracefully.

if max(size(length)) == 2, red=length(2); length=length(1); else red=1; end
if length>0, S='Linesearch'; else S='Function evaluation'; end 

i = 0;                                            % zero the run length counter
ls_failed = 0;                             % no previous line search has failed
[f0 df0] = feval(f, X, varargin{:});          % get function value and gradient
fX = f0;
i = i + (length<0);                                            % count epochs?!
s = -df0; d0 = -s'*s;           % initial search direction (steepest) and slope
x3 = red/(1-d0);                                  % initial step is red/(|s|+1)

while i < abs(length)                                      % while not finished
  i = i + (length>0);                                      % count iterations?!

  X0 = X; F0 = f0; dF0 = df0;                   % make a copy of current values
  if length>0, M = MAX; else M = min(MAX, -length-i); end

  while 1                             % keep extrapolating as long as necessary
    x2 = 0; f2 = f0; d2 = d0; f3 = f0; df3 = df0;
    success = 0;
    while ~success && M > 0
        M = M - 1; i = i + (length<0);                         % count epochs?!
        [f3 df3] = feval(f, X+x3*s, varargin{:});
        if isnan(f3) || isinf(f3) || any(isnan(df3)+isinf(df3)), error(''), end
        success = 1;
      catch                                % catch any error which occured in f
        x3 = (x2+x3)/2;                                  % bisect and try again
    if f3 < F0, X0 = X+x3*s; F0 = f3; dF0 = df3; end         % keep best values
    d3 = df3'*s;                                                    % new slope
    if d3 > SIG*d0 || f3 > f0+x3*RHO*d0 || M == 0  % are we done extrapolating?
    x1 = x2; f1 = f2; d1 = d2;                        % move point 2 to point 1
    x2 = x3; f2 = f3; d2 = d3;                        % move point 3 to point 2
    A = 6*(f1-f2)+3*(d2+d1)*(x2-x1);                 % make cubic extrapolation
    B = 3*(f2-f1)-(2*d1+d2)*(x2-x1);
    x3 = x1-d1*(x2-x1)^2/(B+sqrt(B*B-A*d1*(x2-x1))); % num. error possible, ok!
    if ~isreal(x3) || isnan(x3) || isinf(x3) || x3 < 0 % num prob | wrong sign?
      x3 = x2*EXT;                                 % extrapolate maximum amount
    elseif x3 > x2*EXT                  % new point beyond extrapolation limit?
      x3 = x2*EXT;                                 % extrapolate maximum amount
    elseif x3 < x2+INT*(x2-x1)         % new point too close to previous point?
      x3 = x2+INT*(x2-x1);
  end                                                       % end extrapolation

  while (abs(d3) > -SIG*d0 || f3 > f0+x3*RHO*d0) && M > 0  % keep interpolating
    if d3 > 0 || f3 > f0+x3*RHO*d0                         % choose subinterval
      x4 = x3; f4 = f3; d4 = d3;                      % move point 3 to point 4
      x2 = x3; f2 = f3; d2 = d3;                      % move point 3 to point 2
    if f4 > f0           
      x3 = x2-(0.5*d2*(x4-x2)^2)/(f4-f2-d2*(x4-x2));  % quadratic interpolation
      A = 6*(f2-f4)/(x4-x2)+3*(d4+d2);                    % cubic interpolation
      B = 3*(f4-f2)-(2*d2+d4)*(x4-x2);
      x3 = x2+(sqrt(B*B-A*d2*(x4-x2)^2)-B)/A;        % num. error possible, ok!
    if isnan(x3) || isinf(x3)
      x3 = (x2+x4)/2;               % if we had a numerical problem then bisect
    x3 = max(min(x3, x4-INT*(x4-x2)),x2+INT*(x4-x2));  % don't accept too close
    [f3 df3] = feval(f, X+x3*s, varargin{:});
    if f3 < F0, X0 = X+x3*s; F0 = f3; dF0 = df3; end         % keep best values
    M = M - 1; i = i + (length<0);                             % count epochs?!
    d3 = df3'*s;                                                    % new slope
  end                                                       % end interpolation

  if abs(d3) < -SIG*d0 && f3 < f0+x3*RHO*d0          % if line search succeeded
    X = X+x3*s; f0 = f3; fX = [fX' f0]';                     % update variables
    fprintf('%s %6i;  Value %4.6e\r', S, i, f0);
    s = (df3'*df3-df0'*df3)/(df0'*df0)*s - df3;   % Polack-Ribiere CG direction
    df0 = df3;                                               % swap derivatives
    d3 = d0; d0 = df0'*s;
    if d0 > 0                                      % new slope must be negative
      s = -df0; d0 = -s'*s;                  % otherwise use steepest direction
    x3 = x3 * min(RATIO, d3/(d0-realmin));          % slope ratio but max RATIO
    ls_failed = 0;                              % this line search did not fail
    X = X0; f0 = F0; df0 = dF0;                     % restore best point so far
    if ls_failed || i > abs(length)         % line search failed twice in a row
      break;                             % or we ran out of time, so we give up
    s = -df0; d0 = -s'*s;                                        % try steepest
    x3 = 1/(1-d0);                     
    ls_failed = 1;                                    % this line search failed






posted @ 2015-12-28 19:37  夜空中最帅的星  阅读(18971)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报