fedora 的截图快捷键



GNOME3有一些默认的和PrintScrean 相搭配的快捷键

  • PrintScreen -- .给你整个屏幕截图,并且将文件放进图片文件夹里
  • Alt + PrintScreen --   截图鼠标所在的窗口,放进图片文件夹里
  • Shift + PrintScreen --  按下后,鼠标会变成十字状,这是就可以选择想要的范围进行截图,放进图片文件夹里
  • Ctrl + PrintScreen -- .给你整个屏幕截图,放进剪切板里,这意味着你在图片文件夹中找不到图片,但可以直接将图片复制到文档里(我是用wps的文档)
  • Ctrl + Alt + PrintScreen --  截图鼠标所在的窗口,这意味着你在图片文件夹中找不到图片,但可以直接将图片复制到文档里(我是用wps的文档)
  • Ctrl + Shift + PrintScreen --  按下后,鼠标会变成十字状,这是就可以选择想要的范围进行截图,但可以直接将图片复制到文档里(我是用wps的文档)
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R -- 摄像,试了一下,没找到录像


Other than just the "Print Screen' key, which saves your whole Desktop to the Pictures folder, GNOME3 also has the following shortcuts enabled by default for screenshot actions:

  • PrintScreen -- Takes a screenshot of your entire desktop and saves it to the Pictures folder.
  • Alt + PrintScreen -- Saves a screenshot of the focused window to the Pictures Folder
  • Shift + PrintScreen -- Lets you select an area of the screen, and saves to the Pictures Folder
  • Ctrl + PrintScreen -- Takes a screenshot of your entire desktop and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + Alt + PrintScreen -- copies a screenshot of the focused window to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + Shift + PrintScreen -- Lets you select an area of the screen, and copies it to the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R -- Records a Screencast) of your entire desktop and saves it to your Videos folder.

posted on 2014-12-09 19:27  独独  阅读(543)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
