


wget http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pdsh/pdsh/pdsh-2.26/pdsh-2.26.tar.bz2
tar jxvf pdsh-2.26.tar.bz2
cd pdsh-2.26
make install


hadoop@master:~/pdsh-2.26$ pdsh --help
pdsh: invalid option -- '-'
Usage: pdsh [-options] command ...
-S                return largest of remote command return values
-h                output usage menu and quit
-V                output version information and quit
-q                list the option settings and quit
-b                disable ^C status feature (batch mode)
-d                enable extra debug information from ^C status
-l user           execute remote commands as user
-t seconds        set connect timeout (default is 10 sec)
-u seconds        set command timeout (no default)
-f n              use fanout of n nodes
-w host,host,...  set target node list on command line
-x host,host,...  set node exclusion list on command line
-R name           set rcmd module to name
-M name,...       select one or more misc modules to initialize first
-N                disable hostname: labels on output lines
-L                list info on all loaded modules and exit
available rcmd modules: rsh,exec (default: rsh)


hadoop@master:~/pdsh-2.26$ pdsh -d -R exec -w hadoop@slave[1-4] ssh -x %h "hostname"
slave3: slave3
slave2: slave2
slave1: slave1
slave4: slave4
Connect time:  Avg: 0 sec, Min: 0 sec,  Max: 0 sec
Command time:  Avg: 1 sec, Min: 1 sec,  Max: 1 sec
Failures:      0


posted @ 2013-05-06 13:59  啵啵那个臭  阅读(512)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报