[03] 处理注解:反射


如果没有用来读取注解的方法和工作,那么注解也就不会比注释更有用处了。使用注解的过程中,很重要的一部分就是创建于使用注解处理器。Java SE5扩展了反射机制的API,以帮助程序员快速的构造自定义注解处理器。

  • boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass)
  • 这里的传参实际上就是传入 ”某个注解.class“ 

另外,Java在java.lang.reflect 包下新增了 AnnotatedElement 接口:
 * Represents an annotated element of the program currently running in this
 * VM.  This interface allows annotations to be read reflectively.  All
 * annotations returned by methods in this interface are immutable and
 * serializable.  It is permissible for the caller to modify the
 * arrays returned by accessors for array-valued enum members; it will
 * have no affect on the arrays returned to other callers.
 * <p>If an annotation returned by a method in this interface contains
 * (directly or indirectly) a {@link Class}-valued member referring to
 * a class that is not accessible in this VM, attempting to read the class
 * by calling the relevant Class-returning method on the returned annotation
 * will result in a {@link TypeNotPresentException}.
 * <p>Similarly, attempting to read an enum-valued member will result in
 * a {@link EnumConstantNotPresentException} if the enum constant in the
 * annotation is no longer present in the enum type.
 * <p>Finally, Attempting to read a member whose definition has evolved
 * incompatibly will result in a {@link
 * java.lang.annotation.AnnotationTypeMismatchException} or an
 * {@link java.lang.annotation.IncompleteAnnotationException}.
 * @since 1.5
 * @author Josh Bloch


(2)AccessibleObject 参考链接
java.lang.reflect包中有类AccessibleObject,从类的注释可以看出,The AccessibleObject class is the base class for Field, Method and Constructor objects. It provides the ability to flag a reflected object as suppressing default Java language access control checks when it is used. 显然,它可以让一个反射对象去禁止Java语言的访问控制检测,从而能够调用对象的私有属性和方法。

这个类实现了一个接口,就是我们提到的AnnotatedElement了,实现该接口的类(Represents an annotated element of the program currently running in this VM.  This interface allows annotations to be read reflectively.)即代表那些可注解的元素,同时可以利用反射机制读取注解。所以,它的几个主要实现类有
  • Class  类
  • Constructor  构造器
  • Field  类的成员变量
  • Method  类的方法
  • Package  类的包



  • //判断该程序元素上是否包含指定类型的注解,存在返回true,否则返回false
  • boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass);

  • //返回该程序元素上存在的、指定类型的注解,如果该类型注解不存在,则返回null
  • <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass);

  • //返回该程序元素上存在的所有注解
  • Annotation[] getAnnotations();

  • //返回直接存在于该元素上的所有注解(与该接口中其他方法不同,该方法将忽略继承的注解)
  • //如果没有注解直接存在于此元素上,则返回长度为零的一个数组
  • //该方法调用者可以随意修改返回的数组,不会对其他调用者返回的数组产生影响
  • Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations();


2.1 自定义注解

 * 水果名称注解
public @interface FruitName {
    String value() default "";

 * 水果颜色注解
public @interface FruitColor {
     * 颜色枚举
    public enum Color {BULE, RED, GREEN}

     * 颜色属性
    public Color fruitColor() default Color.GREEN;

 * 水果供应商注解
public @interface FruitProvider {

     * 供应商编号
    public int id() default -1;

     * 供应商名称
    public String name() default "";

     * 供应商地址
    public String address() default "";


2.2 使用自定义注解的类

 * 苹果类
public class Apple {

     * 苹果名称
    private String appleName;

     * 苹果颜色
    @FruitColor(fruitColor = FruitColor.Color.RED)
    private String appleColor;

     * 苹果供应商
    @FruitProvider(id = 1, name = "陕西红富士集团", address = "陕西省西安市延安路89号红富士大厦")
    private String appleProvider;

    public String getAppleName() {
        return appleName;

    public void setAppleName(String appleName) {
        this.appleName = appleName;

    public String getAppleColor() {
        return appleColor;

    public void setAppleColor(String appleColor) {
        this.appleColor = appleColor;

    public String getAppleProvider() {
        return appleProvider;

    public void setAppleProvider(String appleProvider) {
        this.appleProvider = appleProvider;

2.3 注解处理

public class FruitInfoUtil {

     * 获取水果信息
     * @param clazz 类对象
    public static void getFruitInfo(Class<?> clazz) {

        String strFruitName;
        String strFruitColor;
        String strFruitProvider;

        Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();

        for (Field field : fields) {
            if (field.isAnnotationPresent(FruitName.class)) {
                FruitName fruitName = field.getAnnotation(FruitName.class);
                strFruitName = "水果名称:" + fruitName.value();
            else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(FruitColor.class)) {
                FruitColor fruitColor = field.getAnnotation(FruitColor.class);
                strFruitColor = "水果颜色:" + fruitColor.fruitColor().toString();
            else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(FruitProvider.class)) {
                FruitProvider fruitProvider = field.getAnnotation(FruitProvider.class);
                strFruitProvider = "供应商编号:" + fruitProvider.id()
                        + ";供应商名称:" + fruitProvider.name()
                        + ";供应商地址:" + fruitProvider.address();

2.4 测试和结果输出

public class TestAnnotation {
    public static void main(String[] args) {



posted @ 2017-09-01 11:54  Dulk  阅读(510)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报