


Age of Empires:



2010年的主要是讲2011年的第四种网络模型:Authority Scheme


2011:GDC Networked Physics 2011  



  • Pure client/server
    • Client does not run any game logic
    • Client send input to the server
    • Server sends render stat back to client
      • Client需要记录server送过来的位置等信息,并且根据客户端时间做interpolation,来达到平滑的目的
    • 优势:
      • Simple
      • Secure
      • Late join is easy
    • 缺点
      • Round trip delay between player input and physics response
  • Client side prediction
    • Special treatment of local player object
    • Client simulates local player object ahead without waiting for server round trip
    • Server sends correctioni to client if it disagrees with client state
    • Exapmles:
      • Halo
      • Quake
      • Unreal
      • CounterStrike
      • TF2
      • Left4Dead
      • Portal 2?
    • 优势:
      • No round trip delay
      • Almost as secure as pure client/server
      • Late join is still relatively easy to implement
    • 缺点
      • Expensive to rewind and replay physics
      • Collision between player objects are poorly defined
  • Deterministic lockstep
    • Each machine runs same game code
    • Wait for input from all players before advancing to next frame
    • Rely on determinism to stay in sync
    • Examples:
      • Every RTS ever made
      • Halo COOP story mode
      • Little Big Planet(soft body physics + fluids)
      • PixelJunk Shooter2(fluuid sim)
      • Most fighting games(SF4, GGPO)
    • Physics engine must be deterministic
    • 优势
      • Only need to send player inputs
      • Handles interactions between players well
      • Everything "just works"
    • 缺点
      • Low player counts only (2-4)
      • Floating point determinism
      • Lat join can be difficult or impossible
      • Forking simulation is very expensive
  • Authority scheme
    • Split up the simulation and run parts of the world on different machines
    • Design the split to suport networking goals, eg. latency hiding, conveniene
    • Authority Rules:
      • Player Authority: Player always have authority over the object they are controlling
      • Tie-Break Authority: in areas of overlap, for grey cubes with default authority -- lowest player id wins.
      • Interaction Authority: Players take authority over objects they interact with -- effectively becoming the server for that bject, until it returns to rest and becomes grey again. This last technique hide latency for the higher player ids in areas of overlap.
    • Examples:
      • Mercenaries 2
      • Insomniac games "sync host"
      • Many Many other console games
    • Apply to physics
      • Take authority over objects you interact with. Become the server for thest objects
      • Resolve conflicts when multiple players want authority over the same object
    • 优点
      • Does not require 100% determinism
      • Does not wait for most lagged player
      • No need to rewind & replay or fork simulation to hide latency
    • 缺点
      • Trusting the client (cheating) -- Use the tech in coop game only.
      • Difficult to handle interactions between multiple players
      • Late join is difficult

How to choose?

  • 如果延迟不是问题:pure client/server, 简单
  • 如果有很多状态要发送,那么就用Deterministic lockstep,因为这种方法只要发送input即可,可以用Fork simulation来had lag
  • 如果游戏引擎本身不是deterministic的,或者有很多玩家,那么用client side prediction或者authority scheme
    • client side prediction is basically an anti-cheat measure for FPS
    • if you cannot afford it, do a COOP game with authority scheme instead, but in this case we need to validate authority physics on dedicated server.
posted @ 2012-12-10 17:27  大兵八世  阅读(389)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报