Quartz Scheduler 更新任务触发器



Replacing a trigger 替换触发器,通过triggerkey移除旧的触发器,同时添加一个新的进去。

// Define a new Trigger 
Trigger trigger = newTrigger()
    .withIdentity("newTrigger", "group1")

// tell the scheduler to remove the old trigger with the given key, and put the new one in its place
sched.rescheduleJob(triggerKey("oldTrigger", "group1"), trigger);

但是有一个地方需要注意:sched.rescheduleJob(triggerKey("oldTrigger", "group1"), trigger); 这个方法返回一个Date.

如果返回 null 说明替换失败,原因就是旧触发器没有找到,所以新的触发器也不会设置进去,下面是官方原文。

null if a Trigger with the given name & group was not found and removed from the store (and the new trigger is therefore not stored), otherwise the first fire time of the newly scheduled trigger is returned.



Updating an existing trigger 更新触发器,通过triggerkey获得触发器,重新配置。

// retrieve the trigger
Trigger oldTrigger = sched.getTrigger(triggerKey("oldTrigger", "group1");

// obtain a builder that would produce the trigger
TriggerBuilder tb = oldTrigger.getTriggerBuilder();

// update the schedule associated with the builder, and build the new trigger
// (other builder methods could be called, to change the trigger in any desired way)
Trigger newTrigger = tb.withSchedule(simpleSchedule()

sched.rescheduleJob(oldTrigger.getKey(), newTrigger);



posted @ 2013-05-30 21:47  大新博客  阅读(8927)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报