
Joined: 2009-11-22

Does anybody know how to initialize PSE in 2.7? If I start a rdv peer without peerId or infrastructureID then an edge peer can connect to it. As soon as I set any of IDs I'm getting the following message on the edge peer
SEVERE: EndpointRouterMsg declared src address does not match the sender's address.
tempMsgERM.getSrcAddress()=jxta://uuid-59616261646162614A78746150325033246734A29C11461D9CC3BB9B20842C1E03, tempEASuposedToBe=jxta://cbid-59616261646162614A78746150325033426F9328E59F083D855D65F748B6F87E03

It looks to me that it wants the peerId to be generated based on a certificate that jxse automatically generated for the WorldGroup. But if I want the peerId to be always the same it seems that I need to generate all artifacts for PSE myself.
How to properly initialize PSE in 2.7? I mean how it supposed to be initialized? Examples provided with jxse 2.7 were not working for me till I commented peerId out. I think there is some way designers of jxse 2.7 intended PSE to be used.

Thank you.


Joined: 2005-06-18

Sounds like you are deleting the keystore each time you do a restart - if 2.7 discovers that the keystore has gone then it creates a new one and generates a new certificate. Don't forget to save and restore the configuration and it helps to delete the cache.


Joined: 2009-11-22

Can you explain me how to save it?
I tried;

but it causes exception in
PeerGroup NetPeerGroup = MyNetworkManager.startNetwork();

May 24, 2011 8:40:57 AM net.jxta.impl.peergroup.StdPeerGroup initFirst
SEVERE: Failed to make PSE membership credential 'ready for join'
May 24, 2011 8:40:57 AM net.jxta.peergroup.WorldPeerGroupFactory newWorldPeerGroup
SEVERE: World Peer Group could not be instantiated.

net.jxta.exception.PeerGroupException: Failed to login to this group: null. Error=0
at net.jxta.impl.peergroup.StdPeerGroup.initFirst(
at net.jxta.impl.peergroup.Platform.initFirst(
at net.jxta.impl.peergroup.GenericPeerGroup.init(
at net.jxta.peergroup.WorldPeerGroupFactory.newWorldPeerGroup(
at net.jxta.peergroup.WorldPeerGroupFactory.<init>(
at net.jxta.peergroup.NetPeerGroupFactory.<init>(
at net.jxta.platform.NetworkManager.startNetwork(
at Examples.K_Service.Edge_Jill_The_Customer.main(
Edge Jill, The Customer net.jxta.exception.PeerGroupException: World Peer Group could not be instantiated.

Thank you

Joined: 2005-06-18

1. Delete your jxta run dir/folder
2. Create a new jxta configuration, including peer name, peerid if you need to, username, password and all of your network setup
3. Save the configuration file - this usually defaults to PlatformConfig in the jxta run dir
4. Set up the path to the keystore - there is a default
5. Start jxta.
6. Stop jxta, turn off the machine and have a cup of coffee
7. You might want to delete the cache files/dirs in the jxta run dir. Don't delete the keystore!
8. Load the configuration - you shouldn't need to set anything except for the username and password - these are for the keystore - everything else should be in the config file.
9. Set the keystore path if you need to ... must be the one defined above
9 Start jxta.
Read through the source of NetworkManager and NetworkConfigurtor. Believe me, it works!

Joined: 2012-08-06

I've got the same problem i.e. as soon as I set the peerID my code breaks with:

Aug 6, 2012 4:48:53 PM net.jxta.impl.endpoint.WireFormatMessageBinary$Instantiator enforceCbjxOnIncoming
SEVERE: EndpointRouterMsg declared src address does not match the sender's address. tempMsgERM.getSrcAddress()=jxta://cbid-59616261646162614E504720503250331884408F6046A2521650BBCBACD41AB303, tempEASuposedToBe=jxta://cbid-59616261646162614A787461503250335BBE5BCADE2ABB3297475FFEBE0F860903

I've followed your instructions above and modified the practicaljxta2 ( examples Examples.B_Exploring_Connectivity_Issues.RendezVous_Jack and Examples.B_Exploring_Connectivity_Issues.Endge_Anna to reflect this but I cannot get 2.7 to work without commenting out the setPeerId (MyNetworkConfigurator.setPeerID(PID)) and removing the call. Unfortunately in my application I must set the peerID so this is not a solution for me.

Any advice / pointers appreciated as I'm not sure what to try next.


Joined: 2012-08-06

ok I think I have solved it.. I used to call NetworkConfigurator.setPeerId but changing this to NetworkManager.setPeerId fixes the problem. I'm new to jxta so not quite sure what the difference is...

Oh, my!还是忘掉MembershipService和AccessService吧!!!
      参照《Practical JXTA II》的例子Example 620 - Custom PSE Peer Group & Joining。
    // ************************ PSEMembershipService *******************************
    // TODO: myPrivateKeyPassword与myKeyStorePassword必须相同
    public static final String myPrincipalName = "Principal - " + refPeerGroupName;
    public static final String myPrivateKeyPassword = "PrivateKey Password - " + refPeerGroupName;
//        public static final String myPrivateKeyPassword = "a123456";
    public static final String myKeyStoreFileName = "MyKeyStoreFile";
    public static final String myKeyStoreLocation = ".jxta";
    public static final String myKeyStorePassword = "KeyStore Password - " + refPeerGroupName;
//    public static final String myKeyStorePassword = "a123456";
    public static final String myKeyStoreProvider = "KeyStore Provider - " + refPeerGroupName;
    public static final File myKeyStoreDirectory = new File(myKeyStoreLocation);
    public static final File myKeyStoreFile = new File(myKeyStoreLocation + File.separator + myKeyStoreFileName);
    public static final X509Certificate theX509Certificate;
    public static final PrivateKey thePrivateKey;
    static {
        // Static initialization of certificates
        PSEUtils.IssuerInfo forPSE = PSEUtils.genCert(refPeerGroupName, null);
        theX509Certificate = forPSE.cert;
        thePrivateKey = forPSE.issuerPkey;


            // Preparing data
            // Creating the key store
            FileKeyStoreManager myFileKeyStoreManager = new FileKeyStoreManager((String)null, myKeyStoreProvider, myKeyStoreFile);
            if(!myFileKeyStoreManager.isInitialized()) {
                System.out.println("Keystore is NOT initialized");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Keystore is initialized");
            // Loading the (empty) keystore
            KeyStore myKeyStore = myFileKeyStoreManager.loadKeyStore(myKeyStorePassword.toCharArray());
            // Setting data
            X509Certificate[] temp = {theX509Certificate};
            myKeyStore.setKeyEntry(config.getPeerId(), thePrivateKey, myPrivateKeyPassword.toCharArray(), temp);
            // Saving the data
            myFileKeyStoreManager.saveKeyStore(myKeyStore, myKeyStorePassword.toCharArray());
            // Reloading the KeyStore
            myKeyStore = myFileKeyStoreManager.loadKeyStore(myKeyStorePassword.toCharArray());
            // Retrieving Certificate
            X509Certificate myCertificate = (X509Certificate)myKeyStore.getCertificate(config.getPeerId());
            if(myCertificate == null) {
                System.out.println("X509 Certificate CANNOT be retrieved");
            } else {
                System.out.println("X509 Certificate can be retrieved: " + myCertificate.toString());
            // Retrieving private key
            PrivateKey myPrivateKey = (PrivateKey)myKeyStore.getKey(config.getPeerId(), myPrivateKeyPassword.toCharArray());
            if(myPrivateKey == null) {
                System.out.println("Private key CANNOT be retrieved");
            } else {
                System.out.println("Private key can be retrieved: " + myPrivateKey.toString());



v2.5版中,使用的是PSEMembershipService;v2.6版中使用的是NoneMembershipService;而v2.7版中又回到了PSEMembershipService。在《Practical JXTA II》中(P127),有这样的说明,PSE Membership Service是默认的Membership Service,虽然该书基于JXTA v2.6版本(显然与源代码冲突)。
SEVERE: EndpointRouterMsg declared src address does not match the sender's address. tempMsgERM.getSrcAddress()=jxta://cbid-8A634329B1C84ABF9E489F006BDE4B9EC627F04A469202F565EB71A52CAFFDA303, tempEASuposedToBe=jxta://cbid-59616261646162614A78746150325033DD0327CEA6B0E911250B6820AF286AD703


1 使用v2.6版(还需要解决无法连接外网rdv的问题)

2 参考v2.6版(主要是,修改v2.7版,使用NoneMembershipService。

posted on 2013-08-11 17:41  网络大豆  阅读(624)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报