转 解决eclipse debug报错


Offtopic: Mac can't resolve localhost and Eclipse Debug Mode does not work

I always had problems to run eclipse in debug mode. 
Error: Invalid memory access of location 0x14 rip=0x######## 

After reading millions of forum posts i found out that it could be related to a other problem i had since a long time.
If i try to ping localhost, it says can't resolve localhost.

The problem is that /etc/hosts is empty.

You can check this by open the command line tool and write "sudo nano /etc/hosts" or "sudo vi /etc/hosts". If the file is blank you propably got the same problem like me. Good for you that i found a solution:

1. Open Command line
2. Copy that:

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##       localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost 
fe80::1%lo0     localhost

3. Type: "sudo nano /etc/hosts" or "sudo vi /etc/hosts"
4. If a blank file is show. Rightclick and Paste.
5. Save the File.
6. Try "Ping localhost"

Also Eclipse shoud now be able to run the Debugmode.

You were trying to save the file but it failed because of "Error writing hosts: No such file or directory".
The Problem is that the file is a alias file and just references to nowhere.
Ok do Step 1 and 2. After that Type: "sudo nano /etc/hosts2" or "sudo vi /etc/hosts2".
Do step 4 and 5.
Than go to /etc/ and type "mv hosts hosts3" and "mv hosts2 hosts"
Go step 6. :)


type: "rm /etc/hosts" and start from step1.
posted @ 2013-03-27 17:58  Eric Young  阅读(938)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报