20155314 2016-2017-2 《Java程序设计》第7周学习总结
20155314 2016-2017-2 《Java程序设计》第7周学习总结
- 了解Lambda语法
- 了解方法引用
- 了解Fucntional与Stream API
- 掌握Date与Calendar的应用
- 会使用JDK8新的时间API
所谓“实践是检验认识真理性的唯一标准”,我在IntelliJ IDEA上把教材第三章课后练习题又敲了一
9.4.1 选择题
CD 分析:
import java.util.*; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Exercise9411 { public static void main(String[] args) { foreach(new HashSet()); foreach(new ArrayList()); } private static void foreach(Collection elements) { for(Object o : elements) { } } }
AB 分析:
import java.util.*; //import java.util.ArrayList; public class Exercise9412 { public static void main(String[] args) { foreach(new HashSet() { }); } private static void foreach(Iterable iterable) { for(Object o : iterable) { } } }
C 分析:
import java.util.*; public class Exercise9413 { public static void main(String[] args) { foreach(new HashSet()); } private static void foreach(Collection collection) { Iterator elements = collection.iterator(); while(elements.hasNext()) { System.out.println(elements.next()); } } }
D 分析:
import java.util.*; class Student9414 { String number; String name; int score; Student9414(String number, String name, int score) { this.number = number; this.name = name; this.score = score; } } public class Exercise9414 { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Student9414> students = new TreeSet<>(); students.add(new Student9414("B1234", "Justin", 90)); students.add(new Student9414("B5678", "Monica", 100)); foreach(students); } private static void foreach(Collection<Student9414> students) { for(Student9414 student : students) { System.out.println(student.score); } } }
D 分析:
import java.util.*; class Student9415 { String number; String name; int score; Student9415(String number, String name, int score) { this.number = number; this.name = name; this.score = score; } } public class Exercise9415 { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Student9415> students = new HashSet<>(); students.add(new Student9415("B1234", "Justin", 90)); students.add(new Student9415("B5678", "Monica", 100)); students.add(new Student9415("B1234", "Justin", 100)); students.add(new Student9415("B5678", "Monica", 98)); students.add(new Student9415("B5678", "Monica", 100)); System.out.println(students.size()); } }
A 分析:
import java.util.*; public class Exercise9416 { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Integer> numbers = new TreeSet<>(); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(2); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(3); foreach(numbers); } private static void foreach(Collection<Integer> numbers) { for(Integer number : numbers) { System.out.println(number); } } }
import java.util.*; public class Exercise9418 { public static void main(String[] args) { Set numbers = new TreeSet(); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(2); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(3); for(Integer number : numbers) { System.out.println(number); } } }
C 分析:
import java.util.*; public class Exercise9419 { public static void main(String[] args) { Set<Integer> numbers = new TreeSet<>(); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(2); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(3); for(Integer number : numbers) { System.out.println(number); } } }
import java.util.*; public class Exercise94110 { public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String, String> messages = new HashMap<>(); messages.put("Justin", "Hello"); messages.put("Monica", "HiHi"); foreach(messages.values()); } private static void foreach(Iterable<String> values) { for(String value : values) { System.out.println(value); } } }
帮助20155324王鸣宇同学解决了Linux命令行下git commit和git push的问题~为此鸣宇还专门写了一篇博客记录下我们探索的详细过程~总之挺有成就感的嘻嘻( ̀⌄ ́)
下面哪条命令可以把 f1.txt 复制为 f2.txt ?
- A .cp f1.txt f2.txt
- B .copy f1.txt f2.txt
- C .cat f1.txt > f2.tx
- D .cp f1.txt | f2.tx
- E .copy f1.txt | f2.tx
正确答案: A C
我的答案: C
分析:copy是Windows下的命令。cat f1.txt > f2.tx 通过输出重定向实现了复制。 -
public class ThreadTest { public static void main(String args[]){ MyThread myThread =new MyThread(); Thread t1=new Thread(myThread); Thread t2=new Thread(myThread); t1.start(); t2.start(); } } class MyThread extends Thread { ... }
- A .1
- B .2
- C .3
- D .4
正确答案: C
我的答案: B
分析:除了t1,t2, 不要忘了main所在的主线程。 -
调用线程的interrupt()方法 ,会抛出()异常对象?
- A .IOException
- B .IllegalStateException
- C .RuntimeException
- D .InterruptedException
- E .SecurityException
正确答案: D E
我的答案: D
分析:查看帮助文档 -
Given an instance of a Stream, s, and a Collection, c, which are valid ways of creating a parallel stream? (Choose all that apply.)
给定一个Stream的实例s, 一个Collection的实例c, 下面哪些选项可以创建一个并行流?- A .new ParallelStream(s)
- B .c.parallel()
- C .s.parallelStream()
- D .c.parallelStream()
- E .new ParallelStream(c)
- F .s.parallel()
正确答案: D F
我的答案: B
分析:D, F. There is no such class as ParallelStream, so A and E are incorrect. The method defined in the Stream class to create a parallel stream from an existing stream is parallel(); therefore F is correct and C is incorrect. The method defined in the Collection class to create a parallel stream from a collection is parallelStream(); therefore D is correct and B is incorrect. -
Which of the following statements about the Callable call() and Runnable run() methods are correct? (Choose all that apply.)
- A .Both can throw unchecked exceptions.
- B .Callable takes a generic method argument.
- C .Callable can throw a checked exception.
- D .Both can be implemented with lambda expressions.
- E .Runnable returns a generic type.
- F .Callable returns a generic type.
- G .Both methods return void
正确答案: A C D F
我的答案: C E -
What are some reasons to use a character stream, such as Reader/Writer, over a byte stream, such as InputStream/OutputStream? (Choose all that apply.)
- A .More convenient code syntax when working with String data
- B .Improved performance
- C .Automatic character encoding
- D .Built-in serialization and deserialization
- E .Character streams are high-level streams
- F .Multi-threading support
正确答案: A C
我的答案: F
分析:Character stream classes often include built-in convenience methods for working withString data, so A is correct. They also handle character encoding automatically, so C is also correct. The rest of the statements are irrelevant or incorrect and are not properties of all character streams. -
Assuming zoo-data.txt is a multiline text file, what is true of the following method?
private void echo() throws IOException {
try (FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("zoo-data.txt");
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader)) {
}- A .It prints the first line of the file to the console.
- B .It prints the entire contents of the file.
- C .The code does not compile because the reader is not closed.
- D .The code does compile, but the reader is not closed.
- E .The code does not compile for another reason.
正确答案: A
我的答案: C
分析:This code compiles and runs without issue, so C and E are incorrect. It uses a try-with- resource block to open the FileReader and BufferedReader objects. Therefore, both get closed automatically, and D is incorrect. The body of the try block reads in the first line of the file and outputs it to the user. Therefore, A is correct. Since the rest of the file is not read, B is incorrect. -
Assuming / is the root directory, which of the following are true statements? (Choose all that apply.)
- A ./home/parrot is an absolute path.
- B ./home/parrot is a directory.
- C ./home/parrot is a relative path.
- D .The path pointed to from a File object must exist.
- E .The parent of the path pointed to by a File object must exist.
正确答案: A
我的答案: E
分析:Paths that begin with the root directory are absolute paths, so A is correct and C is incorrect. B is incorrect because the path could be a file or directory within the file system. A File object may refer to a path that does not exist within the file system, so D and E are incorrect. -
What is the result of executing the following code? (Choose all that apply.)
String line;
Console c = System.console();
Writer w = c.writer();
if ((line = c.readLine()) != null)
w.flush();- A .The code runs without error but prints nothing.
- B .The code prints what was entered by the user.
- C .An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException might be thrown.
- D .A NullPointerException might be thrown.
- E .An IOException might be thrown.
- F .The code does not compile.
正确答案: B D E
我的答案: C
分析:This is correct code for reading a line from the console and writing it back out to the console, making option B correct. Options D and E are also correct. If no con- sole is available, a NullPointerException is thrown. The append() method throws anIOException. -
Which of the following are true? (Choose all that apply.)
- A .A new Console object is created every time System.console() is called.
- B .Console can only be used for reading input and not writing output.
- C .Console is obtained using the singleton pattern.
- D .When getting a Console object, it might be null.
- E .When getting a Console object, it will never be null.
正确答案: C D
我的答案: B D
分析:A Console object is created by the JVM. Since only one exists, it is a singleton, mak- ing option C correct. If the program is run in an environment without a console, System. console() returns null, making D also correct. The other statements about Console are incorrect. -
Which classes will allow the following to compile? (Choose all that apply.)
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("zoo.txt"));
InputStream wrapper = new _____(is);- A .BufferedInputStream
- B .FileInputStream
- C .BufferedWriter
- D .ObjectInputStream
- E .ObjectOutputStream
- F .BufferedReader
正确答案: A D
我的答案: A B
分析:The reference is for an InputStream object, so only a high-level input Stream class is permitted. B is incorrect because FileInputStream is a low-level stream that interacts directly with a file resource, not a stream resource. C and F are incorrect because you can- not use BufferedReader/BufferedWriter directly on a stream. E is incorrect because
the reference is to an InputStream, not an OutputStream. A and D are the only correct options. Note that a BufferedInputStream can be wrapped twice, since high-level streams can take other high-level streams. -
Suppose that the file c:\book\java exists. Which of the following lines of code creates an object that represents the file? (Choose all that apply.)
- A .new File("c:\book\java");
- B .new File("c:\book\java");
- C .new File("c:/book/java");
- D .new File("c://book//java");
- E .None of the above
正确答案: B C
我的答案: A
分析:Option B is correct because Java requires a backslash to be escaped with another backslash. Option C is also correct because Java will convert the slashes to the right one when working with paths.
- 不使用Markdown不加分
- 有语法错误的不加分(链接打不开,表格不对,列表不正确...)
- 排版混乱的不加分
- 缺少“教材学习中的问题和解决过程”的不加分
- 缺少“代码调试中的问题和解决过程”的不加分
- 代码托管不能打开的不加分
- 缺少“结对及互评”的不能打开的不加分
- 缺少“上周考试错题总结”的不能加分
- 缺少“进度条”的不能加分
- 缺少“参考资料”的不能加分
教材学习中的问题和解决过程, 一个问题加1分
代码调试中的问题和解决过程, 一个问题加1分
- 一周提交次数少于20次的不加分
- 周五前发博客的加1分
- 感想,体会不假大空的加1分
- 排版精美的加一分
- 进度条中记录学习时间与改进情况的加1分
- 有动手写新代码的加1分
- 课后选择题有验证的加1分
- 代码Commit Message规范的加1分
- 错题学习深入的加1分
- 点评认真,能指出博客和代码中的问题的加1分
- 结对学习情况真实可信的加1分
- 有抄袭的扣至0分
- 代码作弊的扣至0分
- 迟交作业的扣至0分
- xxx
- xxx
- ...
- xxx
- xxx
- ...
- 20155323
- 结对照片
- 结对学习内容
- 第六章 继承与多态
- 第三章 基础语法
也许是进入了瓶劲期了吧,感觉Java真的学不动了,难受(>_<)目前已经离老师布置的教学进程差了整整两章:(那又有什么办法呢只能老老实实按照自己的进度龟速向前爬呗~希望自己能在清明假期调整一下状态,争取迎头赶上吧……(。ì _ í。)
代码行数(新增/累积) | 博客量(新增/累积) | 学习时间(新增/累积) | 重要成长 | |
目标 | 5000行 | 20篇 | 300小时 | |
第一周 | 34/34 | 1/4 | 12/12 | |
第二周 | 360/394 | 1/5 | 16/28 | |
第三周 | 701/1018 | 1/6 | 19/ 47 | 代码量激增( ̀⌄ ́) |
第四周 | 608/1375 | 1/7 | 18/55 | ①蹭了一节张健毅老师的Java课;②自己将数据结构课上所学的排序算法除了基数排序之外全部用C语言实现了一遍(`_´)ゞ;③本次博客史无前例的长:) |
第五周 | 1205/2580 | 1/8 | 9/64 | 蹭了一节张健毅老师的Java课 |
第六周 | 826/3339 | 1/9 | 8/72 | |
第七周 | / | 2/11 | 13/85 | ①蹭了一节张健毅老师的Java课;②在写了无数篇实验报告之后还写了两篇博客!! |
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