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1. 创建Pandas

import pandas as pd
country1 = pd.Series({'Name': '中国',
                    'Language': 'Chinese',
                    'Area': '9.597M km2',
                     'Happiness Rank': 79})
country2 = pd.Series({'Name': '美国',
                    'Language': 'English (US)',
                    'Area': '9.834M km2',
                     'Happiness Rank': 14})
country3 = pd.Series({'Name': '澳大利亚',
                    'Language': 'English (AU)',
                    'Area': '7.692M km2',
                     'Happiness Rank': 9})
df = pd.DataFrame([country1, country2, country3], index=['CH', 'US', 'AU'])
# 注意在jupyter中使用print和不使用print的区别
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language  Name
CH  9.597M km2              79       Chinese    中国
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)    美国
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚
 AreaHappiness RankLanguageName
CH 9.597M km2 79 Chinese 中国
US 9.834M km2 14 English (US) 美国
AU 7.692M km2 9 English (AU) 澳大利亚
# 添加数据
# 如果个数为1,会自动进行“广播”操作
# 如果大于要求的个数,会报错
df['Location'] = '地球'
df['Region'] = ['亚洲', '北美洲', '大洋洲']
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language  Name Location
CH  9.597M km2              79       Chinese    中国       地球
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)    美国       地球
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚       地球
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language  Name Location Region
CH  9.597M km2              79       Chinese    中国       地球     亚洲
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)    美国       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚       地球    大洋洲
 AreaHappiness RankLanguageNameLocationRegion
CH 9.597M km2 79 Chinese 中国 地球 亚洲
US 9.834M km2 14 English (US) 美国 地球 北美洲
AU 7.692M km2 9 English (AU) 澳大利亚 地球 大洋洲

2. Pandas索引

# 行索引
Area              9.597M km2
Happiness Rank            79
Language             Chinese
Name                      中国
Location                  地球
Region                    亚洲
Name: CH, dtype: object
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
Area                9.834M km2
Happiness Rank              14
Language          English (US)
Name                        美国
Location                    地球
Region                     北美洲
Name: US, dtype: object
# 列索引
CH    9.597M km2
US    9.834M km2
AU    7.692M km2
Name: Area, dtype: object
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
# 获取不连续的列数据
print(df[['Name', 'Area']])
    Name        Area
CH    中国  9.597M km2
US    美国  9.834M km2
AU  澳大利亚  7.692M km2
# 混合索引
# 注意写法上的区别
9.597M km2
9.597M km2
9.597M km2
9.597M km2
9.597M km2
# 转换行和列
                        CH            US            AU
Area            9.597M km2    9.834M km2    7.692M km2
Happiness Rank          79            14             9
Language           Chinese  English (US)  English (AU)
Name                    中国            美国          澳大利亚
Location                地球            地球            地球
Region                  亚洲           北美洲           大洋洲

3. 删除数据

# 注意drop操作只是将修改后的数据copy一份,而不会对原始数据进行修改
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language  Name Location Region
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)    美国       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚       地球    大洋洲
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language  Name Location Region
CH  9.597M km2              79       Chinese    中国       地球     亚洲
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)    美国       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚       地球    大洋洲
print(df.drop(['CH'], inplace=True))
# 如果使用了inplace=True,会在原始数据上进行修改,同时不会返回一个copy
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language  Name Location Region
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)    美国       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚       地球    大洋洲
#  如果需要删除列,需要指定axis=1
print(df.drop(['Area'], axis=1))
    Happiness Rank      Language  Name Location Region
CH              79       Chinese    中国       地球     亚洲
US              14  English (US)    美国       地球    北美洲
AU               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚       地球    大洋洲
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language  Name Location Region
CH  9.597M km2              79       Chinese    中国       地球     亚洲
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)    美国       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)  澳大利亚       地球    大洋洲
# 也可直接使用del关键字
del df['Name']
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language Location Region
US  9.834M km2              14  English (US)       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2               9  English (AU)       地球    大洋洲

4. DataFrame的操作与加载

# 注意从DataFrame中取出的数据进行操作后,会对原始数据产生影响
ranks = df['Happiness Rank']
ranks += 2
US    18
AU    13
Name: Happiness Rank, dtype: int64
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language Location Region
US  9.834M km2              18  English (US)       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2              13  English (AU)       地球    大洋洲
# 注意从DataFrame中取出的数据进行操作后,会对原始数据产生影响
# 安全的操作是使用copy()
ranks = df['Happiness Rank'].copy()
ranks += 2
US    20
AU    15
Name: Happiness Rank, dtype: int64
          Area  Happiness Rank      Language Location Region
US  9.834M km2              18  English (US)       地球    北美洲
AU  7.692M km2              13  English (AU)       地球    大洋洲
# 加载csv文件数据
reprot_2015_df = pd.read_csv('./2015.csv')
 CountryRegionHappiness RankHappiness ScoreStandard ErrorEconomy (GDP per Capita)FamilyHealth (Life Expectancy)FreedomTrust (Government Corruption)GenerosityDystopia Residual
0 Switzerland Western Europe 1 7.587 0.03411 1.39651 1.34951 0.94143 0.66557 0.41978 0.29678 2.51738
1 Iceland Western Europe 2 7.561 0.04884 1.30232 1.40223 0.94784 0.62877 0.14145 0.43630 2.70201
2 Denmark Western Europe 3 7.527 0.03328 1.32548 1.36058 0.87464 0.64938 0.48357 0.34139 2.49204
3 Norway Western Europe 4 7.522 0.03880 1.45900 1.33095 0.88521 0.66973 0.36503 0.34699 2.46531
4 Canada North America 5 7.427 0.03553 1.32629 1.32261 0.90563 0.63297 0.32957 0.45811 2.45176
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 158 entries, 0 to 157
Data columns (total 12 columns):
Country                          158 non-null object
Region                           158 non-null object
Happiness Rank                   158 non-null int64
Happiness Score                  158 non-null float64
Standard Error                   158 non-null float64
Economy (GDP per Capita)         158 non-null float64
Family                           158 non-null float64
Health (Life Expectancy)         158 non-null float64
Freedom                          158 non-null float64
Trust (Government Corruption)    158 non-null float64
Generosity                       158 non-null float64
Dystopia Residual                158 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(9), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 14.9+ KB
# 使用index_col指定索引列
# 使用usecols指定需要读取的列
reprot_2016_df = pd.read_csv('./2016.csv', 
                             usecols=['Country', 'Happiness Rank', 'Happiness Score', 'Region'])
# 数据预览
 RegionHappiness RankHappiness Score
Denmark Western Europe 1 7.526
Switzerland Western Europe 2 7.509
Iceland Western Europe 3 7.501
Norway Western Europe 4 7.498
Finland Western Europe 5 7.413
print('列名(column):', reprot_2016_df.columns)
print('行名(index):', reprot_2016_df.index)
列名(column): Index(['Region', 'Happiness Rank', 'Happiness Score'], dtype='object')
行名(index): Index(['Denmark', 'Switzerland', 'Iceland', 'Norway', 'Finland', 'Canada',
       'Netherlands', 'New Zealand', 'Australia', 'Sweden',
       'Madagascar', 'Tanzania', 'Liberia', 'Guinea', 'Rwanda', 'Benin',
       'Afghanistan', 'Togo', 'Syria', 'Burundi'],
      dtype='object', name='Country', length=157)
# 注意index是不可变的
reprot_2016_df.index[0] = '丹麦'
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-104-9214cb35e379> in <module>()
----> 1 reprot_2016_df.index[0] = '丹麦'

C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexes\base.py in __setitem__(self, key, value)
   1619     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-> 1620         raise TypeError("Index does not support mutable operations")
   1622     def __getitem__(self, key):

TypeError: Index does not support mutable operations

# 重置index
# 注意inplace加与不加的区别
0 Denmark Western Europe 1 7.526
1 Switzerland Western Europe 2 7.509
2 Iceland Western Europe 3 7.501
3 Norway Western Europe 4 7.498
4 Finland Western Europe 5 7.413
# 重命名列名
reprot_2016_df.rename(columns={'Region': '地区', 'Hapiness Rank': '排名', 'Hapiness Score': '幸福指数'})
Denmark Western Europe 1 7.526
Switzerland Western Europe 2 7.509
Iceland Western Europe 3 7.501
Norway Western Europe 4 7.498
Finland Western Europe 5 7.413
# 重命名列名,注意inplace的使用
reprot_2016_df.rename(columns={'Region': '地区', 'Happiness Rank': '排名', 'Happiness Score': '幸福指数'},
Denmark Western Europe 1 7.526
Switzerland Western Europe 2 7.509
Iceland Western Europe 3 7.501
Norway Western Europe 4 7.498
Finland Western Europe 5 7.413

5. Boolean Mask

# 过滤 Western Europe 地区的国家
only_western_europe = reprot_2016_df['地区'] == 'Western Europe'
Denmark                  True
Switzerland              True
Iceland                  True
Norway                   True
Finland                  True
Canada                  False
Netherlands              True
New Zealand             False
Australia               False
Sweden                   True
Israel                  False
Austria                  True
United States           False
Costa Rica              False
Puerto Rico             False
Germany                  True
Brazil                  False
Belgium                  True
Ireland                  True
Luxembourg               True
Mexico                  False
Singapore               False
United Kingdom           True
Chile                   False
Panama                  False
Argentina               False
Czech Republic          False
United Arab Emirates    False
Uruguay                 False
Malta                    True
Senegal                 False
Bulgaria                False
Mauritania              False
Zimbabwe                False
Malawi                  False
Sudan                   False
Gabon                   False
Mali                    False
Haiti                   False
Botswana                False
Comoros                 False
Ivory Coast             False
Cambodia                False
Angola                  False
Niger                   False
South Sudan             False
Chad                    False
Burkina Faso            False
Uganda                  False
Yemen                   False
Madagascar              False
Tanzania                False
Liberia                 False
Guinea                  False
Rwanda                  False
Benin                   False
Afghanistan             False
Togo                    False
Syria                   False
Burundi                 False
Name: 地区, Length: 157, dtype: bool
# 过滤 Western Europe 地区的国家
# 并且排名在10之外
only_western_europe_10 = (reprot_2016_df['地区'] == 'Western Europe') & (reprot_2016_df['排名'] > 10)
Denmark                 False
Switzerland             False
Iceland                 False
Norway                  False
Finland                 False
Canada                  False
Netherlands             False
New Zealand             False
Australia               False
Sweden                  False
Israel                  False
Austria                  True
United States           False
Costa Rica              False
Puerto Rico             False
Germany                  True
Brazil                  False
Belgium                  True
Ireland                  True
Luxembourg               True
Mexico                  False
Singapore               False
United Kingdom           True
Chile                   False
Panama                  False
Argentina               False
Czech Republic          False
United Arab Emirates    False
Uruguay                 False
Malta                    True
Senegal                 False
Bulgaria                False
Mauritania              False
Zimbabwe                False
Malawi                  False
Sudan                   False
Gabon                   False
Mali                    False
Haiti                   False
Botswana                False
Comoros                 False
Ivory Coast             False
Cambodia                False
Angola                  False
Niger                   False
South Sudan             False
Chad                    False
Burkina Faso            False
Uganda                  False
Yemen                   False
Madagascar              False
Tanzania                False
Liberia                 False
Guinea                  False
Rwanda                  False
Benin                   False
Afghanistan             False
Togo                    False
Syria                   False
Burundi                 False
Length: 157, dtype: bool
# 叠加 boolean mask 得到最终结果
Austria Western Europe 12 7.119
Germany Western Europe 16 6.994
Belgium Western Europe 18 6.929
Ireland Western Europe 19 6.907
Luxembourg Western Europe 20 6.871
United Kingdom Western Europe 23 6.725
Malta Western Europe 30 6.488
France Western Europe 32 6.478
Spain Western Europe 37 6.361
Italy Western Europe 50 5.977
North Cyprus Western Europe 62 5.771
Cyprus Western Europe 69 5.546
Portugal Western Europe 94 5.123
Greece Western Europe 99 5.033
# 熟练以后可以写在一行中
reprot_2016_df[(reprot_2016_df['地区'] == 'Western Europe') & (reprot_2016_df['排名'] > 10)]
Austria Western Europe 12 7.119
Germany Western Europe 16 6.994
Belgium Western Europe 18 6.929
Ireland Western Europe 19 6.907
Luxembourg Western Europe 20 6.871
United Kingdom Western Europe 23 6.725
Malta Western Europe 30 6.488
France Western Europe 32 6.478
Spain Western Europe 37 6.361
Italy Western Europe 50 5.977
North Cyprus Western Europe 62 5.771
Cyprus Western Europe 69 5.546
Portugal Western Europe 94 5.123
Greece Western Europe 99 5.033

6. 层级索引

 CountryRegionHappiness RankHappiness ScoreStandard ErrorEconomy (GDP per Capita)FamilyHealth (Life Expectancy)FreedomTrust (Government Corruption)GenerosityDystopia Residual
0 Switzerland Western Europe 1 7.587 0.03411 1.39651 1.34951 0.94143 0.66557 0.41978 0.29678 2.51738
1 Iceland Western Europe 2 7.561 0.04884 1.30232 1.40223 0.94784 0.62877 0.14145 0.43630 2.70201
2 Denmark Western Europe 3 7.527 0.03328 1.32548 1.36058 0.87464 0.64938 0.48357 0.34139 2.49204
3 Norway Western Europe 4 7.522 0.03880 1.45900 1.33095 0.88521 0.66973 0.36503 0.34699 2.46531
4 Canada North America 5 7.427 0.03553 1.32629 1.32261 0.90563 0.63297 0.32957 0.45811 2.45176
# 设置层级索引
report_2015_df2 = reprot_2015_df.set_index(['Region', 'Country'])
  Happiness RankHappiness ScoreStandard ErrorEconomy (GDP per Capita)FamilyHealth (Life Expectancy)FreedomTrust (Government Corruption)GenerosityDystopia Residual
Western EuropeSwitzerland 1 7.587 0.03411 1.39651 1.34951 0.94143 0.66557 0.41978 0.29678 2.51738
Iceland 2 7.561 0.04884 1.30232 1.40223 0.94784 0.62877 0.14145 0.43630 2.70201
Denmark 3 7.527 0.03328 1.32548 1.36058 0.87464 0.64938 0.48357 0.34139 2.49204
Norway 4 7.522 0.03880 1.45900 1.33095 0.88521 0.66973 0.36503 0.34699 2.46531
North AmericaCanada 5 7.427 0.03553 1.32629 1.32261 0.90563 0.63297 0.32957 0.45811 2.45176
Western EuropeFinland 6 7.406 0.03140 1.29025 1.31826 0.88911 0.64169 0.41372 0.23351 2.61955
Netherlands 7 7.378 0.02799 1.32944 1.28017 0.89284 0.61576 0.31814 0.47610 2.46570
Sweden 8 7.364 0.03157 1.33171 1.28907 0.91087 0.65980 0.43844 0.36262 2.37119
Australia and New ZealandNew Zealand 9 7.286 0.03371 1.25018 1.31967 0.90837 0.63938 0.42922 0.47501 2.26425
Australia 10 7.284 0.04083 1.33358 1.30923 0.93156 0.65124 0.35637 0.43562 2.26646
Middle East and Northern AfricaIsrael 11 7.278 0.03470 1.22857 1.22393 0.91387 0.41319 0.07785 0.33172 3.08854
Latin America and CaribbeanCosta Rica 12 7.226 0.04454 0.95578 1.23788 0.86027 0.63376 0.10583 0.25497 3.17728
Western EuropeAustria 13 7.200 0.03751 1.33723 1.29704 0.89042 0.62433 0.18676 0.33088 2.53320
Latin America and CaribbeanMexico 14 7.187 0.04176 1.02054 0.91451 0.81444 0.48181 0.21312 0.14074 3.60214
North AmericaUnited States 15 7.119 0.03839 1.39451 1.24711 0.86179 0.54604 0.15890 0.40105 2.51011
Latin America and CaribbeanBrazil 16 6.983 0.04076 0.98124 1.23287 0.69702 0.49049 0.17521 0.14574 3.26001
Western EuropeLuxembourg 17 6.946 0.03499 1.56391 1.21963 0.91894 0.61583 0.37798 0.28034 1.96961
Ireland 18 6.940 0.03676 1.33596 1.36948 0.89533 0.61777 0.28703 0.45901 1.97570
Belgium 19 6.937 0.03595 1.30782 1.28566 0.89667 0.58450 0.22540 0.22250 2.41484
Middle East and Northern AfricaUnited Arab Emirates 20 6.901 0.03729 1.42727 1.12575 0.80925 0.64157 0.38583 0.26428 2.24743
# level0 索引
report_2015_df2.loc['Western Europe']
 Happiness RankHappiness ScoreStandard ErrorEconomy (GDP per Capita)FamilyHealth (Life Expectancy)FreedomTrust (Government Corruption)GenerosityDystopia Residual
Switzerland 1 7.587 0.03411 1.39651 1.34951 0.94143 0.66557 0.41978 0.29678 2.51738
Iceland 2 7.561 0.04884 1.30232 1.40223 0.94784 0.62877 0.14145 0.43630 2.70201
Denmark 3 7.527 0.03328 1.32548 1.36058 0.87464 0.64938 0.48357 0.34139 2.49204
Norway 4 7.522 0.03880 1.45900 1.33095 0.88521 0.66973 0.36503 0.34699 2.46531
Finland 6 7.406 0.03140 1.29025 1.31826 0.88911 0.64169 0.41372 0.23351 2.61955
Netherlands 7 7.378 0.02799 1.32944 1.28017 0.89284 0.61576 0.31814 0.47610 2.46570
Sweden 8 7.364 0.03157 1.33171 1.28907 0.91087 0.65980 0.43844 0.36262 2.37119
Austria 13 7.200 0.03751 1.33723 1.29704 0.89042 0.62433 0.18676 0.33088 2.53320
Luxembourg 17 6.946 0.03499 1.56391 1.21963 0.91894 0.61583 0.37798 0.28034 1.96961
Ireland 18 6.940 0.03676 1.33596 1.36948 0.89533 0.61777 0.28703 0.45901 1.97570
Belgium 19 6.937 0.03595 1.30782 1.28566 0.89667 0.58450 0.22540 0.22250 2.41484
United Kingdom 21 6.867 0.01866 1.26637 1.28548 0.90943 0.59625 0.32067 0.51912 1.96994
Germany 26 6.750 0.01848 1.32792 1.29937 0.89186 0.61477 0.21843 0.28214 2.11569
France 29 6.575 0.03512 1.27778 1.26038 0.94579 0.55011 0.20646 0.12332 2.21126
Spain 36 6.329 0.03468 1.23011 1.31379 0.95562 0.45951 0.06398 0.18227 2.12367
Malta 37 6.302 0.04206 1.20740 1.30203 0.88721 0.60365 0.13586 0.51752 1.64880
Italy 50 5.948 0.03914 1.25114 1.19777 0.95446 0.26236 0.02901 0.22823 2.02518
North Cyprus 66 5.695 0.05635 1.20806 1.07008 0.92356 0.49027 0.14280 0.26169 1.59888
Cyprus 67 5.689 0.05580 1.20813 0.89318 0.92356 0.40672 0.06146 0.30638 1.88931
Portugal 88 5.102 0.04802 1.15991 1.13935 0.87519 0.51469 0.01078 0.13719 1.26462
Greece 102 4.857 0.05062 1.15406 0.92933 0.88213 0.07699 0.01397 0.00000 1.80101
# 两层索引
report_2015_df2.loc['Western Europe', 'Switzerland']
Happiness Rank                   1.00000
Happiness Score                  7.58700
Standard Error                   0.03411
Economy (GDP per Capita)         1.39651
Family                           1.34951
Health (Life Expectancy)         0.94143
Freedom                          0.66557
Trust (Government Corruption)    0.41978
Generosity                       0.29678
Dystopia Residual                2.51738
Name: (Western Europe, Switzerland), dtype: float64
# 交换分层顺序
  Happiness RankHappiness ScoreStandard ErrorEconomy (GDP per Capita)FamilyHealth (Life Expectancy)FreedomTrust (Government Corruption)GenerosityDystopia Residual
SwitzerlandWestern Europe 1 7.587 0.03411 1.39651 1.34951 0.94143 0.66557 0.41978 0.29678 2.51738
IcelandWestern Europe 2 7.561 0.04884 1.30232 1.40223 0.94784 0.62877 0.14145 0.43630 2.70201
DenmarkWestern Europe 3 7.527 0.03328 1.32548 1.36058 0.87464 0.64938 0.48357 0.34139 2.49204
NorwayWestern Europe 4 7.522 0.03880 1.45900 1.33095 0.88521 0.66973 0.36503 0.34699 2.46531
CanadaNorth America 5 7.427 0.03553 1.32629 1.32261 0.90563 0.63297 0.32957 0.45811 2.45176
FinlandWestern Europe 6 7.406 0.03140 1.29025 1.31826 0.88911 0.64169 0.41372 0.23351 2.61955
NetherlandsWestern Europe 7 7.378 0.02799 1.32944 1.28017 0.89284 0.61576 0.31814 0.47610 2.46570
SwedenWestern Europe 8 7.364 0.03157 1.33171 1.28907 0.91087 0.65980 0.43844 0.36262 2.37119
New ZealandAustralia and New Zealand 9 7.286 0.03371 1.25018 1.31967 0.90837 0.63938 0.42922 0.47501 2.26425
AustraliaAustralia and New Zealand 10 7.284 0.04083 1.33358 1.30923 0.93156 0.65124 0.35637 0.43562 2.26646
IsraelMiddle East and Northern Africa 11 7.278 0.03470 1.22857 1.22393 0.91387 0.41319 0.07785 0.33172 3.08854
Costa RicaLatin America and Caribbean 12 7.226 0.04454 0.95578 1.23788 0.86027 0.63376 0.10583 0.25497 3.17728
AustriaWestern Europe 13 7.200 0.03751 1.33723 1.29704 0.89042 0.62433 0.18676 0.33088 2.53320
MexicoLatin America and Caribbean 14 7.187 0.04176 1.02054 0.91451 0.81444 0.48181 0.21312 0.14074 3.60214
United StatesNorth America 15 7.119 0.03839 1.39451 1.24711 0.86179 0.54604 0.15890 0.40105 2.51011
BrazilLatin America and Caribbean 16 6.983 0.04076 0.98124 1.23287 0.69702 0.49049 0.17521 0.14574 3.26001
LuxembourgWestern Europe 17 6.946 0.03499 1.56391 1.21963 0.91894 0.61583 0.37798 0.28034 1.96961
IrelandWestern Europe 18 6.940 0.03676 1.33596 1.36948 0.89533 0.61777 0.28703 0.45901 1.97570
BelgiumWestern Europe 19 6.937 0.03595 1.30782 1.28566 0.89667 0.58450 0.22540 0.22250 2.41484
United Arab EmiratesMiddle East and Northern Africa 20 6.901 0.03729 1.42727 1.12575 0.80925 0.64157 0.38583 0.26428 2.24743
United KingdomWestern Europe 21 6.867 0.01866 1.26637 1.28548 0.90943 0.59625 0.32067 0.51912 1.96994
OmanMiddle East and Northern Africa 22 6.853 0.05335 1.36011 1.08182 0.76276 0.63274 0.32524 0.21542 2.47489
VenezuelaLatin America and Caribbean 23 6.810 0.06476 1.04424 1.25596 0.72052 0.42908 0.11069 0.05841 3.19131
SingaporeSoutheastern Asia 24 6.798 0.03780 1.52186 1.02000 1.02525 0.54252 0.49210 0.31105 1.88501
PanamaLatin America and Caribbean 25 6.786 0.04910 1.06353 1.19850 0.79661 0.54210 0.09270 0.24434 2.84848
GermanyWestern Europe 26 6.750 0.01848 1.32792 1.29937 0.89186 0.61477 0.21843 0.28214 2.11569
ChileLatin America and Caribbean 27 6.670 0.05800 1.10715 1.12447 0.85857 0.44132 0.12869 0.33363 2.67585
QatarMiddle East and Northern Africa 28 6.611 0.06257 1.69042 1.07860 0.79733 0.64040 0.52208 0.32573 1.55674
FranceWestern Europe 29 6.575 0.03512 1.27778 1.26038 0.94579 0.55011 0.20646 0.12332 2.21126
ArgentinaLatin America and Caribbean 30 6.574 0.04612 1.05351 1.24823 0.78723 0.44974 0.08484 0.11451 2.83600
...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
MyanmarSoutheastern Asia 129 4.307 0.04351 0.27108 0.70905 0.48246 0.44017 0.19034 0.79588 1.41805
GeorgiaCentral and Eastern Europe 130 4.297 0.04221 0.74190 0.38562 0.72926 0.40577 0.38331 0.05547 1.59541
MalawiSub-Saharan Africa 131 4.292 0.06130 0.01604 0.41134 0.22562 0.43054 0.06977 0.33128 2.80791
Sri LankaSouthern Asia 132 4.271 0.03751 0.83524 1.01905 0.70806 0.53726 0.09179 0.40828 0.67108
CameroonSub-Saharan Africa 133 4.252 0.04678 0.42250 0.88767 0.23402 0.49309 0.05786 0.20618 1.95071
BulgariaCentral and Eastern Europe 134 4.218 0.04828 1.01216 1.10614 0.76649 0.30587 0.00872 0.11921 0.89991
EgyptMiddle East and Northern Africa 135 4.194 0.03260 0.88180 0.74700 0.61712 0.17288 0.06324 0.11291 1.59927
YemenMiddle East and Northern Africa 136 4.077 0.04367 0.54649 0.68093 0.40064 0.35571 0.07854 0.09131 1.92313
AngolaSub-Saharan Africa 137 4.033 0.04758 0.75778 0.86040 0.16683 0.10384 0.07122 0.12344 1.94939
MaliSub-Saharan Africa 138 3.995 0.05602 0.26074 1.03526 0.20583 0.38857 0.12352 0.18798 1.79293
Congo (Brazzaville)Sub-Saharan Africa 139 3.989 0.06682 0.67866 0.66290 0.31051 0.41466 0.11686 0.12388 1.68135
ComorosSub-Saharan Africa 140 3.956 0.04797 0.23906 0.79273 0.36315 0.22917 0.19900 0.17441 1.95812
UgandaSub-Saharan Africa 141 3.931 0.04317 0.21102 1.13299 0.33861 0.45727 0.07267 0.29066 1.42766
SenegalSub-Saharan Africa 142 3.904 0.03608 0.36498 0.97619 0.43540 0.36772 0.10713 0.20843 1.44395
GabonSub-Saharan Africa 143 3.896 0.04547 1.06024 0.90528 0.43372 0.31914 0.11091 0.06822 0.99895
NigerSub-Saharan Africa 144 3.845 0.03602 0.06940 0.77265 0.29707 0.47692 0.15639 0.19387 1.87877
CambodiaSoutheastern Asia 145 3.819 0.05069 0.46038 0.62736 0.61114 0.66246 0.07247 0.40359 0.98195
TanzaniaSub-Saharan Africa 146 3.781 0.05061 0.28520 1.00268 0.38215 0.32878 0.05747 0.34377 1.38079
MadagascarSub-Saharan Africa 147 3.681 0.03633 0.20824 0.66801 0.46721 0.19184 0.08124 0.21333 1.85100
Central African RepublicSub-Saharan Africa 148 3.678 0.06112 0.07850 0.00000 0.06699 0.48879 0.08289 0.23835 2.72230
ChadSub-Saharan Africa 149 3.667 0.03830 0.34193 0.76062 0.15010 0.23501 0.05269 0.18386 1.94296
GuineaSub-Saharan Africa 150 3.656 0.03590 0.17417 0.46475 0.24009 0.37725 0.12139 0.28657 1.99172
Ivory CoastSub-Saharan Africa 151 3.655 0.05141 0.46534 0.77115 0.15185 0.46866 0.17922 0.20165 1.41723
Burkina FasoSub-Saharan Africa 152 3.587 0.04324 0.25812 0.85188 0.27125 0.39493 0.12832 0.21747 1.46494
AfghanistanSouthern Asia 153 3.575 0.03084 0.31982 0.30285 0.30335 0.23414 0.09719 0.36510 1.95210
RwandaSub-Saharan Africa 154 3.465 0.03464 0.22208 0.77370 0.42864 0.59201 0.55191 0.22628 0.67042
BeninSub-Saharan Africa 155 3.340 0.03656 0.28665 0.35386 0.31910 0.48450 0.08010 0.18260 1.63328
SyriaMiddle East and Northern Africa 156 3.006 0.05015 0.66320 0.47489 0.72193 0.15684 0.18906 0.47179 0.32858
BurundiSub-Saharan Africa 157 2.905 0.08658 0.01530 0.41587 0.22396 0.11850 0.10062 0.19727 1.83302
TogoSub-Saharan Africa 158 2.839 0.06727 0.20868 0.13995 0.28443 0.36453 0.10731 0.16681 1.56726

158 rows × 10 columns

# 排序分层
  Happiness RankHappiness ScoreStandard ErrorEconomy (GDP per Capita)FamilyHealth (Life Expectancy)FreedomTrust (Government Corruption)GenerosityDystopia Residual
Australia and New ZealandAustralia 10 7.284 0.04083 1.33358 1.30923 0.93156 0.65124 0.35637 0.43562 2.26646
New Zealand 9 7.286 0.03371 1.25018 1.31967 0.90837 0.63938 0.42922 0.47501 2.26425
Central and Eastern EuropeAlbania 95 4.959 0.05013 0.87867 0.80434 0.81325 0.35733 0.06413 0.14272 1.89894
Armenia 127 4.350 0.04763 0.76821 0.77711 0.72990 0.19847 0.03900 0.07855 1.75873
Azerbaijan 80 5.212 0.03363 1.02389 0.93793 0.64045 0.37030 0.16065 0.07799 2.00073
Belarus 59 5.813 0.03938 1.03192 1.23289 0.73608 0.37938 0.19090 0.11046 2.13090
Bosnia and Herzegovina 96 4.949 0.06913 0.83223 0.91916 0.79081 0.09245 0.00227 0.24808 2.06367
Bulgaria 134 4.218 0.04828 1.01216 1.10614 0.76649 0.30587 0.00872 0.11921 0.89991
Croatia 62 5.759 0.04394 1.08254 0.79624 0.78805 0.25883 0.02430 0.05444 2.75414
Czech Republic 31 6.505 0.04168 1.17898 1.20643 0.84483 0.46364 0.02652 0.10686 2.67782
Estonia 73 5.429 0.04013 1.15174 1.22791 0.77361 0.44888 0.15184 0.08680 1.58782
Georgia 130 4.297 0.04221 0.74190 0.38562 0.72926 0.40577 0.38331 0.05547 1.59541
Hungary 104 4.800 0.06107 1.12094 1.20215 0.75905 0.32112 0.02758 0.12800 1.24074
Kazakhstan 54 5.855 0.04114 1.12254 1.12241 0.64368 0.51649 0.08454 0.11827 2.24729
Kosovo 69 5.589 0.05018 0.80148 0.81198 0.63132 0.24749 0.04741 0.28310 2.76579
Kyrgyzstan 77 5.286 0.03823 0.47428 1.15115 0.65088 0.43477 0.04232 0.30030 2.23270
Latvia 89 5.098 0.04640 1.11312 1.09562 0.72437 0.29671 0.06332 0.18226 1.62215
Lithuania 56 5.833 0.03843 1.14723 1.25745 0.73128 0.21342 0.01031 0.02641 2.44649
Macedonia 93 5.007 0.05376 0.91851 1.00232 0.73545 0.33457 0.05327 0.22359 1.73933
Moldova 52 5.889 0.03799 0.59448 1.01528 0.61826 0.32818 0.01615 0.20951 3.10712
Montenegro 82 5.192 0.05235 0.97438 0.90557 0.72521 0.18260 0.14296 0.16140 2.10017
Poland 60 5.791 0.04263 1.12555 1.27948 0.77903 0.53122 0.04212 0.16759 1.86565
Romania 86 5.124 0.06607 1.04345 0.88588 0.76890 0.35068 0.00649 0.13748 1.93129
Russia 64 5.716 0.03135 1.13764 1.23617 0.66926 0.36679 0.03005 0.00199 2.27394
Serbia 87 5.123 0.04864 0.92053 1.00964 0.74836 0.20107 0.02617 0.19231 2.02500
Slovakia 45 5.995 0.04267 1.16891 1.26999 0.78902 0.31751 0.03431 0.16893 2.24639
Slovenia 55 5.848 0.04251 1.18498 1.27385 0.87337 0.60855 0.03787 0.25328 1.61583
Tajikistan 106 4.786 0.03198 0.39047 0.85563 0.57379 0.47216 0.15072 0.22974 2.11399
Turkmenistan 70 5.548 0.04175 0.95847 1.22668 0.53886 0.47610 0.30844 0.16979 1.86984
Ukraine 111 4.681 0.04412 0.79907 1.20278 0.67390 0.25123 0.02961 0.15275 1.57140
...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Sub-Saharan AfricaSomaliland region 91 5.057 0.06161 0.18847 0.95152 0.43873 0.46582 0.39928 0.50318 2.11032
South Africa 113 4.642 0.04585 0.92049 1.18468 0.27688 0.33207 0.08884 0.11973 1.71956
Sudan 118 4.550 0.06740 0.52107 1.01404 0.36878 0.10081 0.14660 0.19062 2.20857
Swaziland 101 4.867 0.08742 0.71206 1.07284 0.07566 0.30658 0.03060 0.18259 2.48676
Tanzania 146 3.781 0.05061 0.28520 1.00268 0.38215 0.32878 0.05747 0.34377 1.38079
Togo 158 2.839 0.06727 0.20868 0.13995 0.28443 0.36453 0.10731 0.16681 1.56726
Uganda 141 3.931 0.04317 0.21102 1.13299 0.33861 0.45727 0.07267 0.29066 1.42766
Zambia 85 5.129 0.06988 0.47038 0.91612 0.29924 0.48827 0.12468 0.19591 2.63430
Zimbabwe 115 4.610 0.04290 0.27100 1.03276 0.33475 0.25861 0.08079 0.18987 2.44191
Western EuropeAustria 13 7.200 0.03751 1.33723 1.29704 0.89042 0.62433 0.18676 0.33088 2.53320
Belgium 19 6.937 0.03595 1.30782 1.28566 0.89667 0.58450 0.22540 0.22250 2.41484
Cyprus 67 5.689 0.05580 1.20813 0.89318 0.92356 0.40672 0.06146 0.30638 1.88931
Denmark 3 7.527 0.03328 1.32548 1.36058 0.87464 0.64938 0.48357 0.34139 2.49204
Finland 6 7.406 0.03140 1.29025 1.31826 0.88911 0.64169 0.41372 0.23351 2.61955
France 29 6.575 0.03512 1.27778 1.26038 0.94579 0.55011 0.20646 0.12332 2.21126
Germany 26 6.750 0.01848 1.32792 1.29937 0.89186 0.61477 0.21843 0.28214 2.11569
Greece 102 4.857 0.05062 1.15406 0.92933 0.88213 0.07699 0.01397 0.00000 1.80101
Iceland 2 7.561 0.04884 1.30232 1.40223 0.94784 0.62877 0.14145 0.43630 2.70201
Ireland 18 6.940 0.03676 1.33596 1.36948 0.89533 0.61777 0.28703 0.45901 1.97570
Italy 50 5.948 0.03914 1.25114 1.19777 0.95446 0.26236 0.02901 0.22823 2.02518
Luxembourg 17 6.946 0.03499 1.56391 1.21963 0.91894 0.61583 0.37798 0.28034 1.96961
Malta 37 6.302 0.04206 1.20740 1.30203 0.88721 0.60365 0.13586 0.51752 1.64880
Netherlands 7 7.378 0.02799 1.32944 1.28017 0.89284 0.61576 0.31814 0.47610 2.46570
North Cyprus 66 5.695 0.05635 1.20806 1.07008 0.92356 0.49027 0.14280 0.26169 1.59888
Norway 4 7.522 0.03880 1.45900 1.33095 0.88521 0.66973 0.36503 0.34699 2.46531
Portugal 88 5.102 0.04802 1.15991 1.13935 0.87519 0.51469 0.01078 0.13719 1.26462
Spain 36 6.329 0.03468 1.23011 1.31379 0.95562 0.45951 0.06398 0.18227 2.12367
Sweden 8 7.364 0.03157 1.33171 1.28907 0.91087 0.65980 0.43844 0.36262 2.37119
Switzerland 1 7.587 0.03411 1.39651 1.34951 0.94143 0.66557 0.41978 0.29678 2.51738
United Kingdom 21 6.867 0.01866 1.26637 1.28548 0.90943 0.59625 0.32067 0.51912 1.96994

158 rows × 10 columns


7. 数据清洗

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