ArcGIS 9.3 早已发布,这是我第一次安装,9.3好像有比较大的更新啊!现在网上也出现了各种安装破解方法,我就是按其中一种来破解的,按照9.3白皮书上所说,看来我下载的Desktop并不是包含所有内容的安装包,最起码安装没包括arcinfo workstation。以下就是安装步骤:
1) install "license_server_setup\LMSetup.exe"
and use "license_server_setup\37102011.efl9" as license file
2) copy *all* files from "license_server_crack\" to the
license server install-dir replacing existing ones
(yes, especially the lic file - the moronic LMSetup.exe sent
the ARC/INFO feature to oblivion *argh*)
补: 先修改lic中的server名,即计算机名。
3) start the license-server / 重启计算机
(you may have to logout/login to make it work)
4) install the application
5) copy "data_interop\fme_license.dat" to
"install-dir\Data Interoperability Extension"
6) start "Desktop Administrator" and
* "Software Product": choose "ArcInfo (Floating)"
* "License Manager": change to "localhost"
* "Availability": select "ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)",
in the pane below that selection you should see a lot of licenses :-D
7) when starting the different apps for the first time make sure
to select all extensions in the options menu
have fun!
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"LICENSE_SERVER"="27000@computer name"
2、安装9.2的License Manager、并使用9.2破解文件破解,启动服务器。