[ English ] 俚语 “Ping me=打我电话”

有次做项目的时候跟一个美国人通过MSN讨论一个问题。突然他说了一句,“Can you ping me in 15 minutes?” Ping Me,什么意思啊?

Originally from the naval warfare practice of "active sonar" where one ship (usually a surface ship) will send out a given sound or "ping" in order to measure the direction and delay in the "echo" of that sound off of another body usually a submarine. (海军使用的一种声纳来测量距离时使用的“声音”)

而现在的用法则是“send an email or other electronic message to someone”,也就是“电我,或者是短信我”。
This new usage has lasting power and is commonly heard everyday in high-tech companies.

Can we go to the movie tomorrow?
I don't know... Ping me around eight and we'll see how things are going.



posted @ 2017-07-04 16:42  coder211  阅读(817)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报