

select * from(
select c.msName,a.msId,c.msPrice, c.msPrice*COUNT(a.msId) as totalMoney,sum(a.msAmount) as totalCount    from BillConsume a right join 
 (select top 1 msTime as startTime,GETDATE() as endTime from BillConsume where DateDiff(dd,msTime,getdate())=0  order by msTime asc) b on a.msTime between b.startTime and b.endTime and a.msId!=0
left join Menus c on c.msId=a.msId   group by a.msId ,c.msName,c.msPrice)s


 full join 


(select sum(t.totalMoney) as allTotalMoney   from (
 select c.msName,a.msId,c.msPrice, c.msPrice*COUNT(a.msId) as totalMoney,sum(a.msAmount) as totalCount  from BillConsume a right join 
 (select top 1 msTime as startTime,GETDATE() as endTime from BillConsume where DateDiff(dd,msTime,getdate())=0  order by msTime asc) b on a.msTime between b.startTime and b.endTime and a.msId!=0
left join Menus c on c.msId=a.msId   group by a.msId ,c.msName,c.msPrice)t)t


on 1=1


posted @ 2017-07-29 13:01  沉迷编程的程序员  阅读(1753)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报