机器学习笔记(Washington University)- Regression Specialization-week six
1. Fit locally
If the true model changes much, we want to fit our function locally to
different regions of the input space.
2. Scaled distance
we put weight on each input to define relative importance.
3. KNN
KNN is really sensitive to regions with little data and also noise in the data.
if we can get infinite amount of noiseless data, the 1-KNN will leads to no bias and variance.
boudary effect: near the boudary, the prediction tends to avergae over the same data sample.
Discontinuities: jumps in the prediction values.
the more dimensions d you have, the more points N you need to cover the space.
1.find k closet x(i) in dataset
2,predict the value(the average value of k samples)
weighted KNN:
weight more similar data more than those similar in list.
4. kernal
How the weights gonna decay as a function of the distance between a given point and query point
kernal has bounded support, only subset of data needed to compute local fit.
we can also use the validation set or cross validation to choose the lambda.
Gaussian kernal:
and the weights never goes to zero for gaussian kernal.