
The notions of Instantaneous Phase and Instantaneous Frequency are important concepts in Signal Processing that occur in the context of the representation and analysis of time-varying signals [1]. In signal processing, the instantaneous phase (or "local phase" or simply "phase") of a complex-valued function  x(t)\,  is the real-valued function:

\phi(t) = \arg(x(t)).\,   (see arg function)

And for a real-valued signal  s(t)\,  it is determined from the signal's analytic representation,  s_\mathrm{a}(t)\,:

\phi(t) = \mathrm{arg}( s_\mathrm{a}(t) ) 

When \phi(t)\, is constrained to an interval such as  (-\pi, \pi]\,  or  [0, 2\pi),\,  it is called the wrapped phase.  Otherwise it is called unwrapped, which is a continuous function of argument t,\, assuming s_\mathrm{a}\, is a continuous function of  t.\,  Unless otherwise indicated, the continuous form should be inferred.


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posted on 2010-12-14 21:34  MorningChen  阅读(1070)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
