UEFI Shell --常用命令解释

UEFI Shell解释

UEFI Shell 是一个提供用户和UEFI系统之间的接口,进入UEFI Shell可以对计算机系统进行配置




ver will show the shell version 展示shell的版本号
reconnect -r  all EFI drivers should be reconnected 重新连接EFI驱动
alias all Alias should be displayed 显示,创建,删除别名
dmem memory contents are displayed 显示内存目录
connect some devices are connected ,drivers startsand status is shown 连接驱动程序和设备
cp  copy some files to another location 复制文件
date  can show the local current date 显示当前或者系统的日期
devices   show system devices 显示EFI驱动程序管理的设备
devtree devices are shown in a tree format 显示设备树
dh display the handles 显示设备句柄
disconnect  a device has been disconnected 断开驱动程序与设备的连接
dmpstore display the nvram variables 管理UEFI NVRAM变量
drivers systemdisplay the list of the drivers that follow the EFI driver model 显示设备驱动
drvcfg invoke the driver configuration protocol 调用驱动程序配置协议
drvdiag display the available diagnostics 调用驱动程序诊断协议
echo system can turn off or turn on the echo 关闭或者打开回显
edit can open the file and can edit it 能够打开文件并且编辑它
eficompress system can compress the file .     ex:eficompress 11.txt 11.zip 压缩文件
efidecompress system can decompress the file .     ex:eficompress 11.zip 11.txt 解压文件
hexedit the file is open in a hex editor 用十六进制编辑文件,块设备或者内存区域
ls system can display the list of files on the drive 列出目录内容或者文件信息
map system can map all devices 映射设备到设备路径
mem system show part of the memory 显示memory信息
mode  show the available modes 显示控制台输出设备的模样
mount  system mounts a file on a block device 在块设备上挂载文件
mv move a file from a location to another location  移动一个文件从一个地方到另一个地方
touch update time and date of a file to the system time and date file  更新当前时间更新文件或者目录的文件
pci system show the pci devices 显示PCI设备
rm  remove a file  删除文件
stall system stall for the number of microseconds 停止处理器几微秒
posted @ 2019-05-21 21:16  正霜霜儿  阅读(15080)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报