
SVD++ refers to amatrix factorization model which makes use of implicit feedback information.In general, implicit feedback can refer to any kinds ofusers' history information that can help indicate users' preference.



Model Formalization

The SVD++ model is formally described as following equation:

r_{ui} = \mu + b_u + b_i + \left(p_u + \frac{1}{\sqrt{|N(u)|}}\sum_{j\in N(u)} y_j \right)^T q_i,

where N(u) is the set of implicit information( the set of items user u rated ).

General Formalization for User Feedback Information

A more general form of utilizing implicit/explicit information as user factor can be described in following equation

r_{ui} = \mu + b_u + b_i + \left(p_u + \sum_{i\in Ufeed(u)} \alpha_i y_i \right)^T q_i.

Here Ufeed(u) is the set of user feedback information( e.g: the web pages the user clicked, the music on users' favorite list, the movies user watched, any kinds of information that can be used to describe the user). \alpha_i is afeature weight associateswith the user feedback information. With the most two common choices: (1)\frac{1}{\sqrt{|N(u)|}} for implicit feedback, (2)\frac{r_{uj} - b_u}{\sqrt{|R(u)|}} for explicit feedback.


SVD++ can be trained usingALS.

It is slow to train a SVD++-style model usingstochastic gradient descent due to the size of user feedback information, however, an efficient SGD training algorithm can be used.[1] describes efficient training with user feedback information in section 4



posted on 2013-11-13 09:47  代码王子  阅读(368)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
