Mvc Codeplex Preview 5 第三篇 实现Action参数传递繁杂类型
本文的环境是 Mvc Codeplex Preview 5
前文提到我们可以使用 Controller中的UpdateModel来获取 繁杂类型
1 UpdateModel(x, Request.Form.AllKeys);
The model of type 'MyModel' does not have a property named 'Name2'.
1 UpdateModel(x, new[] {"IDX", "Name"});
其实 Mvc为我们提供了一种很简单的传递复杂数据的方式,它类似于Monorail中的DataBinder:
1 <%using (Html.Form("home", "about", FormMethod.Post)) {%>
2 <%=Html.TextBox("my.ID")%>
3 <%=Html.TextBox("my.Name")%>
4 <%=Html.SubmitButton()%>
5 <%} %>
2 <%=Html.TextBox("my.ID")%>
3 <%=Html.TextBox("my.Name")%>
4 <%=Html.SubmitButton()%>
5 <%} %>
public ActionResult About([ModelBinder(typeof(MyModelBinder))]MyModel my) {
ViewData["Title"] =my.Name + my.ID;
return View();
public ActionResult About([ModelBinder(typeof(MyModelBinder))]MyModel my) {
ViewData["Title"] =my.Name + my.ID;
return View();
而 MyModelBinder的实现方法如下
1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.ComponentModel;
4 using System.Globalization;
5 using System.Linq;
6 using System.Web.Mvc;
8 /// <summary>
9 /// 这个类是根据Controller.UpdateModel方法更改而成
10 /// </summary>
11 public class MyModelBinder : IModelBinder{
12 #region IModelBinder 成员
14 public object GetValue(ControllerContext controllerContext, string modelName, Type modelType,
15 ModelStateDictionary modelState){
16 object model = Activator.CreateInstance(modelType); //将做为参数的类实例化了
17 IEnumerable<string> keys = modelType.GetProperties().Select(c => c.Name); //得到该对象的属性的名的字符串数组,这里的结果应该为["ID","Name"]
18 string objectPrefix = modelName; //这个就是,我的对象名叫my则会检查 name="my.ID" name="my.Name"的表单字段
20 PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(model); //对象的属性的集合
21 var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDescriptor>();
22 foreach (string str in keys){
23 //遍历属性的字符串集合即["ID","Name"]
24 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)){
25 PropertyDescriptor descriptor = properties.Find(str, true);
26 if (descriptor == null){
27 throw new ArgumentException(
28 string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "无此属性{0},{1}", new object[]{model.GetType().FullName, str}),
29 "modelName");
30 }
31 string str3 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectPrefix) ? str : (objectPrefix + "." + str); //将对象名与属性名拼接,如my.ID
32 dictionary[str3] = descriptor;
33 }
34 }
35 foreach (var pair in dictionary){
36 string key = pair.Key;
37 PropertyDescriptor descriptor2 = pair.Value;
38 object obj2 = ModelBinders.GetBinder(descriptor2.PropertyType).GetValue(controllerContext, key,
39 descriptor2.PropertyType, modelState);
40 if (obj2 != null){
41 try{
42 descriptor2.SetValue(model, obj2); //设置属性的值
43 continue;
44 }
45 catch{
46 //如果有使用验证Helepr则会显示在Html.ValidationSummary中
47 string errorMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "验证失败{0}:{1}", new[]{obj2, descriptor2.Name});
48 string attemptedValue = Convert.ToString(obj2, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
49 modelState.AddModelError(key, attemptedValue, errorMessage);
50 continue;
51 }
52 }
53 }
54 return model; //最后 返回这个我们设置完属性的对象
55 }
57 #endregion
58 }
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.ComponentModel;
4 using System.Globalization;
5 using System.Linq;
6 using System.Web.Mvc;
8 /// <summary>
9 /// 这个类是根据Controller.UpdateModel方法更改而成
10 /// </summary>
11 public class MyModelBinder : IModelBinder{
12 #region IModelBinder 成员
14 public object GetValue(ControllerContext controllerContext, string modelName, Type modelType,
15 ModelStateDictionary modelState){
16 object model = Activator.CreateInstance(modelType); //将做为参数的类实例化了
17 IEnumerable<string> keys = modelType.GetProperties().Select(c => c.Name); //得到该对象的属性的名的字符串数组,这里的结果应该为["ID","Name"]
18 string objectPrefix = modelName; //这个就是,我的对象名叫my则会检查 name="my.ID" name="my.Name"的表单字段
20 PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(model); //对象的属性的集合
21 var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDescriptor>();
22 foreach (string str in keys){
23 //遍历属性的字符串集合即["ID","Name"]
24 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)){
25 PropertyDescriptor descriptor = properties.Find(str, true);
26 if (descriptor == null){
27 throw new ArgumentException(
28 string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "无此属性{0},{1}", new object[]{model.GetType().FullName, str}),
29 "modelName");
30 }
31 string str3 = string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectPrefix) ? str : (objectPrefix + "." + str); //将对象名与属性名拼接,如my.ID
32 dictionary[str3] = descriptor;
33 }
34 }
35 foreach (var pair in dictionary){
36 string key = pair.Key;
37 PropertyDescriptor descriptor2 = pair.Value;
38 object obj2 = ModelBinders.GetBinder(descriptor2.PropertyType).GetValue(controllerContext, key,
39 descriptor2.PropertyType, modelState);
40 if (obj2 != null){
41 try{
42 descriptor2.SetValue(model, obj2); //设置属性的值
43 continue;
44 }
45 catch{
46 //如果有使用验证Helepr则会显示在Html.ValidationSummary中
47 string errorMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "验证失败{0}:{1}", new[]{obj2, descriptor2.Name});
48 string attemptedValue = Convert.ToString(obj2, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
49 modelState.AddModelError(key, attemptedValue, errorMessage);
50 continue;
51 }
52 }
53 }
54 return model; //最后 返回这个我们设置完属性的对象
55 }
57 #endregion
58 }
这样我们就实现了 用Action的参数传递复杂类型。
1 [AcceptVerbs("post")]
2 public ActionResult About(MyModel my) {
3 ViewData["Title"] =my.Name + my.ID;
4 return View();
5 }
2 public ActionResult About(MyModel my) {
3 ViewData["Title"] =my.Name + my.ID;
4 return View();
5 }
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof (MyModel), new MyModelBinder());