一个项目看java TCP/IP Socket编程
Transmission Control Protocol 传输控制协议
Internet Protocol 互联网协议
User Datagram Protocol 用户数据协议
面向连接协议: Connection Oriented Protocol
非连接协议: Connectionless Protocol
Socket 是程序与网络间的一种接口,大部分网络应用程序都是点对点的,所谓点就是服务器端和客户端所执行的程序。Socket是用来接收和传送分组的一个端点。
java的Socket编程要用到java.net包,最常用的是net包下的6个类:InetAddress(互联网协议 (IP) 地址)类,Socket(套接字)类,ServerSocket(套接字服务器)类,DatagramSocket(发送和接收数据报包的套接字)类,DatagramPacket(数据报包)类,MulticastSocket(多播数据报套接字类用于发送和接收 IP 多播包)类,其中InetAddress、Socket、ServerSocket类是属于TCP面向连接协议,DatagramSocket、DatagramPacket和MulticastSocket类则属于UDP非连接协议的传送类。
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" + e.getMessage(), ReadConfig.commandStateShowLineCount); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } } /** * 获得反馈 * * @return 如果成功获得反馈,则返回true;否则返回false */ private boolean getResponse() { InputStream is = null ; DataInputStream di = null ; boolean returnFlag = false ; try { is = socket.getInputStream(); di = new DataInputStream(is); byte [] temp = new byte [ 1 ]; int flag = 0 ; ArrayList tempByteList = new ArrayList(); int i = 0 ; while (flag != - 1 ) { i++; flag = di.read(temp = new byte [ 1 ]); if (flag != - 1 ) tempByteList.add(temp); if (i == 38 ) break ; } if (i == 1 ) { SwingUtils.Error( "未收到response!!!" ); return false ; } MessageHead messageHead = MessageFactory.readHead(tempByteList); SwingUtils.appendLog(MainForm.jTextArea, "收到 response" , ReadConfig.commandStateShowLineCount); tempByteList = new ArrayList(); i = 0 ; while (flag != - 1 ) { i++; flag = di.read(temp = new byte [ 1 ]); if (flag != - 1 ) tempByteList.add(temp); if (i == 26 ) break ; } byte [] length = new byte [ 4 ]; di.read(length); int len = Integer.parseInt( new String(length, MessageFactory.DEFAULT_CHAR_SET).trim()); flag = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < (len + 37 ); j++) { flag = di.read(temp = new byte [ 1 ]); if (flag == - 1 ) break ; tempByteList.add(temp); } ResponseMessage rm = MessageFactory.readResponseMessage(tempByteList, len); if (messageHead.getErrorCode().equals(MessageFactory.SUCCESS)) returnFlag = true ; else SwingUtils.Error( "errorCode: " + messageHead.getErrorCode() + "; content: " + rm.getCommandContent()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return returnFlag; } /** * 分发消息的方法,将消息按进程名发送到对应的消息缓存 * * 消息缓存ListenerInvoke.messageMap,key = machineName + * '|' + programName + '|' + processId, value = messageList * 存放messageMap里面的键名的List -- ListenerInvoke.messageMapKeyList * 进程状态缓存ListenerInvoke.processStateMap, key = machineName + '|' + * programName + '|' + processId, value = String * * @param message Message */ private void distributeMess(Message message) { String machineName = message.getMachineName(); String programName = message.getProgramName(); String processId = message.getProcessId(); String content = message.getContent(); String key = machineName + '|' + programName + '|' + processId; key = key.trim(); ArrayList messageList = null ; if (ListenerInvoke.messageMap.get(key) == null ) { synchronized (ListenerInvoke.messageMap) { if (ListenerInvoke.messageMap.get(key) == null ) { messageList = new ArrayList(); messageList.add(content); ListenerInvoke.messageMap.put(key, messageList); } } } else { messageList = (ArrayList) ListenerInvoke.messageMap.get(key); synchronized (messageList) { if (ListenerInvoke.messageMap.get(key) != null ) { messageList.add(content); if (!ReadConfig.threadDeleteMessCacheOrFIFO && messageList.size() >= ReadConfig.messageCacheSizeLimit) messageList.remove( 0 ); } } } if (!ListenerInvoke.messageMapKeyList.contains(key)) { synchronized (ListenerInvoke.messageMapKeyList) { if (!ListenerInvoke.messageMapKeyList.contains(key)) ListenerInvoke.messageMapKeyList.add(key); } } } /** * 接收message * @return Message */ private boolean getMessage() { InputStream is = null ; DataInputStream di = null ; Message message = null ; try { if ( this .socket == null ) return false ; is = this .socket.getInputStream(); if (is == null ) return false ; di = new DataInputStream(is); byte [] temp = new byte [ 1 ]; int flag = 0 ; ArrayList tempByteList = new ArrayList(); int i = 0 ; while (flag != - 1 ) { i++; flag = di.read(temp = new byte [ 1 ]); if (flag != - 1 ) tempByteList.add(temp); if (i == 38 ) break ; } if (i == 1 ) return false ; tempByteList = new ArrayList(); i = 0 ; while (flag != - 1 ) { i++; flag = di.read(temp = new byte [ 1 ]); if (flag != - 1 ) tempByteList.add(temp); if (i == 74 ) break ; } byte [] length = new byte [ 4 ]; di.read(length); int len = Integer.parseInt( new String(length, MessageFactory.DEFAULT_CHAR_SET).trim()); flag = 0 ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < len; j++) { flag = di.read(temp = new byte [ 1 ]); if (flag == - 1 ) break ; tempByteList.add(temp); } message = MessageFactory.readMessage(tempByteList, len); SwingUtils.appendLog(MainForm.jTextArea, "收到新 Message" , ReadConfig.commandStateShowLineCount); distributeMess(message); // 分发message } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } return true ; } /** * 负责发送请求接收反馈的内部线程类,每new一个RequestSocketThread线程, * 就new一个socket,建立一条专属连接,成功接收反馈后将销毁socket,终止线程。 * 将发送请求,接收反馈放进内部线程处理,是为了防止套接字阻塞造成主线程挂死。 * @author cuishen * @version 1.2 */ class RequestSocketThread implements Runnable { private SocketFactory socketFactory; private String commandType = null ; private String commandContent = null ; private String targetIP = null ; Thread t; public RequestSocketThread(String commandType, String commandContent, String targetIP, int targetPort) { this .socketFactory = new SocketFactory(); try { this .socketFactory.connect(ReadConfig.targetIpAddress, ReadConfig.targetPort); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { SwingUtils.Error( "主机 IP 地址无法确定,无法建立连接! targetIP=" + ReadConfig.targetIpAddress + ", targetPort=" + ReadConfig.targetPort); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { SwingUtils.Error( "访问被拒绝,无法建立连接,请检查网络! targetIP=" + ReadConfig.targetIpAddress + ", targetPort=" + ReadConfig.targetPort); e.printStackTrace(); } this .commandType = commandType; this .commandContent = commandContent; this .targetIP = targetIP; t = new Thread( this ); t.start(); } public void run() { this .socketFactory.sendRequest(commandType, commandContent, targetIP); this .socketFactory.getResponse(); stopThread(); } public void stopThread() { try { this .commandType = null ; this .commandContent = null ; this .targetIP = null ; socketFactory.closeSocket(); socketFactory = null ; this .t.join( 100 ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { t = null ; } } } /** * 负责接收message的内部线程类,每new一个GetMessageSocketThread线程, * 就new一个socket,建立一条专属TCP/IP连接,getMessage是长连接,所以建议 * 将该线程放入缓存方便管理 * @author cuishen * @version 1.2 */ class GetMessageSocketThread implements Runnable { private SocketFactory socketFactory; private String commandType = null ; private String commandContent = null ; private String targetIP = null ; Thread t; private boolean flag = false ; private boolean ifGetResponse = true ; private boolean ifGetMessage = true ; private boolean ifSendRequest = true ; private boolean ifCycle = true ; public GetMessageSocketThread(String commandType, String commandContent, String targetIP, int targetPort) { this .socketFactory = new SocketFactory(); try { this .socketFactory.connect(ReadConfig.targetIpAddress, ReadConfig.targetPort); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { SwingUtils.Error( "主机 IP 地址无法确定,无法建立连接! targetIP=" + ReadConfig.targetIpAddress + ", targetPort=" + ReadConfig.targetPort); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { SwingUtils.Error( "访问被拒绝,无法建立连接,请检查网络! targetIP=" + ReadConfig.targetIpAddress + ", targetPort=" + ReadConfig.targetPort); e.printStackTrace(); } this .commandType = commandType; this .commandContent = commandContent; this .targetIP = targetIP; t = new Thread( this ); t.start(); } public void run() { while (ifCycle) { if (ifSendRequest) { this .socketFactory.sendRequest(commandType, commandContent, targetIP); ifSendRequest = false ; } if (ifGetResponse) { flag = socketFactory.getResponse(); ifGetResponse = false ; } if (flag && ifGetMessage && socketFactory.socket != null ) { if (!socketFactory.getMessage()) { try { Thread.sleep(ReadConfig.getMessageThreadSleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } public void stopThread() { try { this .commandType = null ; this .commandContent = null ; this .targetIP = null ; ifGetMessage = false ; ifCycle = false ; socketFactory.closeSocket(); socketFactory = null ; this .t.join( 100 ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { t = null ; } } } /** * 关闭套接字 */ private void closeSocket() { try { if (!socket.isClosed()) socket.close(); socket = null ; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @return the targetIpAddress */ public String getTargetIpAddress() { return targetIpAddress; } /** * @param targetIpAddress * the targetIpAddress to set */ public void setTargetIpAddress(String targetIpAddress) { this .targetIpAddress = targetIpAddress; } /** * @return the targetPort */ public int getTargetPort() { return targetPort; } /** * @param targetPort * the targetPort to set */ public void setTargetPort( int targetPort) { this .targetPort = targetPort; } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 | package com.sse.monitor.serv; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; /** * 服务器套接字工厂 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 * @author cuishen * @version 1.0 */ public class ServerSocketFactory { private static ServerSocket server; private static Socket client; private boolean ifRunServer = true ; public void runServer( int port) throws IOException { //本地建立一个套接字服务器,等待其他机器访问 server = new ServerSocket(port); System.out.println( "Socket Server Start..." ); new ServerThread(); } class ServerThread implements Runnable { Thread t; public ServerThread() { t = new Thread( this ); t.start(); } public void run() { try { while (ifRunServer) { if (client == null ) client = server.accept(); if (client != null ) //getMessage(); Thread.sleep(ReadConfig.serverThreadSleep); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void stopThread() { try { ifRunServer = false ; this .t.join( 100 ); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { System.out.println( "socket服务器线程终止异常!!!" ); } finally { t = null ; } } } } |
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