在分析LRUCache前先对LinkedHashMap做些介绍。LinkedHashMap继承于HashMap,它使用了一个双向链表来存储Map中的Entry顺序关系,这种顺序有两种,一种是LRU顺序,一种是插入顺序,这可以由其构造函数public LinkedHashMap(int initialCapacity,float loadFactor, boolean accessOrder)指定。所以,对于get、put、remove等操作,LinkedHashMap除了要做HashMap做的事情,还做些调整Entry顺序链表的工作。
public V get(Object key) { Entry<K,V> e = (Entry<K,V>)getEntry(key); if (e == null) return null; e.recordAccess(this); return e.value; }
void addEntry(int hash, K key, V value, int bucketIndex) { createEntry(hash, key, value, bucketIndex); // Remove eldest entry if instructed, else grow capacity if appropriate Entry<K,V> eldest = header.after; if (removeEldestEntry(eldest)) { removeEntryForKey(eldest.key); } else { if (size >= threshold) resize(2 * table.length); } }
addEntry中调用了boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<k,v> eldest)方法,默认实现一直返回false,也就是默认的Map是没有容量限制的。LinkedHashMap的子类可以复写该方法,当当前的size大于阈值时返回true,这样LinkedHashMap就可以从Entry顺序链表中删除最旧的Entry。这使得LinkedHashMap具有了Cache的功能,可以存储限量的元素,并具有两种可选的元素淘汰策略(LRU和FIFO),其中的LRU是最常用的。
public Object init(final Map args, Object persistence, final CacheRegenerator regenerator) { //一堆解析参数参数初始化的代码 //map map map = new LinkedHashMap(initialSize, 0.75f, true) { @Override protected boolean removeEldestEntry(final Map.Entry eldest) { if (size() > limit) { // increment evictions regardless of state. // this doesn't need to be synchronized because it will // only be called in the context of a higher level synchronized block. evictions++; stats.evictions.incrementAndGet(); return true; } return false; } }; if (persistence==null) { // must be the first time a cache of this type is being created persistence = new CumulativeStats(); } stats = (CumulativeStats)persistence; return persistence; } public Object put(final Object key, final Object value) { synchronized (map) { if (state == State.LIVE) { stats.inserts.incrementAndGet(); } // increment local inserts regardless of state??? // it does make it more consistent with the current size... inserts++; return map.put(key,value); } } public Object get(final Object key) { synchronized (map) { final Object val = map.get(key); if (state == State.LIVE) { // only increment lookups and hits if we are live. lookups++; stats.lookups.incrementAndGet(); if (val!=null) { hits++; stats.hits.incrementAndGet(); } } return val; } }
Solr1.4引入FastLRUCache作为另一种可选的实现。FastLRUCache放弃了LinkedHashMap,而是使用现在很多Java Cache实现中使用的ConcurrentHashMap。但ConcurrentHashMap只提供了高性能的并发存取支持,并没有提供对淘汰数据的支持,所以FastLRUCache主要需要做的就是这件事情。FastLRUCache的存取操作都在ConcurrentLRUCache中实现,所以我们直接过渡到ConcurrentLRUCache的实现。
public V get(final K key) { final CacheEntry<K,V> e = map.get(key); if (e == null) { if (islive) { stats.missCounter.incrementAndGet(); } return null; } if (islive) { e.lastAccessed = stats.accessCounter.incrementAndGet(); } return e.value; } public V remove(final K key) { final CacheEntry<K,V> cacheEntry = map.remove(key); if (cacheEntry != null) { stats.size.decrementAndGet(); return cacheEntry.value; } return null; } public Object put(final K key, final V val) { if (val == null) { return null; } final CacheEntry e = new CacheEntry(key, val, stats.accessCounter.incrementAndGet()); final CacheEntry oldCacheEntry = map.put(key, e); int currentSize; if (oldCacheEntry == null) { currentSize = stats.size.incrementAndGet(); } else { currentSize = stats.size.get(); } if (islive) { stats.putCounter.incrementAndGet(); } else { stats.nonLivePutCounter.incrementAndGet(); } // Check if we need to clear out old entries from the cache. // isCleaning variable is checked instead of markAndSweepLock.isLocked() // for performance because every put invokation will check until // the size is back to an acceptable level. // There is a race between the check and the call to markAndSweep, but // it's unimportant because markAndSweep actually aquires the lock or returns if it can't. // Thread safety note: isCleaning read is piggybacked (comes after) other volatile reads // in this method. if (currentSize > upperWaterMark && !isCleaning) { if (newThreadForCleanup) { new Thread() { @Override public void run() { markAndSweep(); } }.start(); } else if (cleanupThread != null){ cleanupThread.wakeThread(); } else { markAndSweep(); } } return oldCacheEntry == null ? null : oldCacheEntry.value; }
所有的操作都是直接调用map(ConcurrentHashMap)的。看下put中的代码,当map容量达到上限并且没有其他线程在清理数据(currentSize > upperWaterMark && !isCleaning),就调用markAndSweep方法清理数据,可以有3种方式做清理工作:1)在该线程同步执行,2)即时启动新线程异步执行,3)提供单独的清理线程,即时唤醒它异步执行。
对于ConcurrentLRUCache中的每一个元素CacheEntry,它有个属性lastAccessed,表示最后访问的数值大小。ConcurrentLRUCache中的stats.accessCounter是全局的自增整数,当put或get Entry时,Entry的lastAccessed会被更新成新自增得到的accessCounter。 ConcurrentLRUCache淘汰数据就是淘汰那些lastAccessed较小的Entry。因为ConcurrentLRUCache没有维护以lastAccessed排序的Entry链表(否则就是LRUCache了),所以淘汰数据时就需要遍历整个Map中的元素来淘汰合适的Entry。这是不是要扯上排序呢?其实不用那么大动干戈。