private string txt1; private string pwd1; private int tool1; private bool isMuted; private string msgBody; // Use this for initialization void Start () { txt1 = ""; pwd1 = ""; tool1 = 0; isMuted = true; msgBody = ""; } //GUI内容显示 void OnGUI(){ //文本框 txt1=GUILayout.TextField (txt1,GUILayout.Width(100)); //密码框,用*来代替原字符 pwd1 = GUILayout.PasswordField (pwd1, '*', GUILayout.Width (100)); //按钮,如果按下会返回true if (GUILayout.Button ("showLog")) { Debug.Log (1); } //Tab页,tool1用于接收按下的是哪一个tab,默认从0开始 tool1 = GUILayout.Toolbar (tool1, new string[]{ "a", "b", "c" }); Debug.Log (tool1); //复选框,可以选中或不选中 if(GUILayout.Toggle(isMuted,"静音")){ isMuted = false; }else{ isMuted = true; } //多行文本 msgBody=GUILayout.TextArea(msgBody,GUILayout.Width(100),GUILayout.Height(50)); }
** Then I looked up at the sky and saw the sun **
posted on 2017-06-05 20:32 chenyangsocool 阅读(462) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报