PAI 在frameworkLauncher中对节点的分配做了进一步优化,可以为任务选择node的host。hadoop在2.6之后增加了对NodeLabel的支持,在配置NodeManager时可以给它打上标签,然后请求container的时候也可以加上label,这样就会分配到有该lable的node上运行。参考解释:

但是这个node label特性不支持locality,因此frameworkLauncher用hostName作为一种node label。



     * Instantiates a {@link ContainerRequest} with the given constraints.
     * @param capability
     *          The {@link Resource} to be requested for each container.
     *          Resource描述基本资源,pai中包括了cpu、mem、gpu。
     * @param nodes
     *          Any hosts to request that the containers are placed on.
     *          指定container所在的主机
     * @param racks
     *          Any racks to request that the containers are placed on. The
     *          racks corresponding to any hosts requested will be automatically
     *          added to this list.
     *          指定container所在的机架,如果指定了host,这个参数会被自动填充。
     * @param priority
     *          The priority at which to request the containers. Higher
     *          priorities have lower numerical values.
     *          container的优先级
     * @param relaxLocality
     *          If true, containers for this request may be assigned on hosts
     *          and racks other than the ones explicitly requested.
     *          是否松弛,即能否分配到非指定的主机上
     * @param nodeLabelsExpression
     *          Set node labels to allocate resource, now we only support
     *          asking for only a single node label
     *          node label描述
    public ContainerRequest(Resource capability, String[] nodes,
        String[] racks, Priority priority, boolean relaxLocality,
        String nodeLabelsExpression) {
      // Validate request
      Preconditions.checkArgument(capability != null,
          "The Resource to be requested for each container " +
              "should not be null ");
      Preconditions.checkArgument(priority != null,
          "The priority at which to request containers should not be null ");
              !(!relaxLocality && (racks == null || racks.length == 0) 
                  && (nodes == null || nodes.length == 0)),
              "Can't turn off locality relaxation on a " + 
              "request with no location constraints");
      this.capability = capability;
      this.nodes = (nodes != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(nodes) : null);
      this.racks = (racks != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(racks) : null);
      this.priority = priority;
      this.relaxLocality = relaxLocality;
      this.nodeLabelsExpression = nodeLabelsExpression;
View Code



 1 /*
 2 * 如果hostName不为空,那么会用hostName来覆盖nodLabel。
 3 */
 4 public static ContainerRequest toContainerRequest(
 5       ResourceDescriptor resource, Priority priority, String nodeLabel, String hostName) throws Exception {
 6     if (hostName != null && !ResourceRequest.isAnyLocation(hostName)) {
 7       return new ContainerRequest(
 8           resource.toResource(), new String[]{hostName}, new String[]{}, priority, false, null);
 9     } else {
10       return new ContainerRequest(
11           resource.toResource(), new String[]{}, new String[]{}, priority, true, nodeLabel);
12     }
13   }
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1) 如果正好match Task的要求,那么task等待分配,containerRequestTimeoutSec = -1

2) 如果too relax,那么重新request

3) 如果too strict,将这次的请求过时然后重新request。

  private ContainerRequest setupContainerRequest(TaskStatus taskStatus) throws Exception {
    String taskRoleName = taskStatus.getTaskRoleName();
    Priority requestPriority = statusManager.getNextContainerRequestPriority();
    String requestNodeLabel = requestManager.getTaskRolePlatParams(taskRoleName).getTaskNodeLabel();

    ResourceDescriptor requestResource = requestManager.getTaskResource(taskRoleName);
    ResourceDescriptor maxResource = conf.getMaxResource();
    if (!ResourceDescriptor.fitsIn(requestResource, maxResource)) {
          "Request Resource does not fit in the Max Resource configured in current cluster, " +
              "request may fail or never get satisfied: " +
              "Request Resource: [%s], Max Resource: [%s]",
          requestResource, maxResource);
* 判断是否有GPU或端口的要求
    if (requestResource.getGpuNumber() > 0 || requestResource.getPortNumber() > 0) {
      SelectionResult selectionResult = selectionManager.selectSingleNode(taskRoleName);

      ResourceDescriptor optimizedRequestResource = selectionResult.getOptimizedResource();
      if (selectionResult.getNodeHosts().size() > 0) {
        return HadoopUtils.toContainerRequest(optimizedRequestResource, requestPriority, null, selectionResult.getNodeHosts().get(0));
      return HadoopUtils.toContainerRequest(optimizedRequestResource, requestPriority, requestNodeLabel, null);
    return HadoopUtils.toContainerRequest(requestResource, requestPriority, requestNodeLabel, null);
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在SelectionManager中,有以下REGION StateVariable负责记录集群中可用资源和taskRole请求过的资源,以便于给后续请求资源的task提供参考。
  • Map<String, Node> allNodes : String放的是hostName
  • Map<String, ResourceDescriptor> localTriedResource:
  • Map<String, List<ValueRange>> previousRequestedPorts:String放的是taskRoleName,记录该taskRole的上一个task使用了哪些端口
  • List<String> filteredNodes:String放的是hostName,用于后面的select操作。
  • int reuesedPortsTimes 


 1 public synchronized SelectionResult selectSingleNode(String taskRoleName) throws NotAvailableException {
 2     SelectionResult results = select(taskRoleName);
 3     if (results.getNodeHosts().size() > 0) {
 4       // Random pick a host from the result set to avoid conflicted requests for concurrent container requests from different jobs
 5       ResourceDescriptor optimizedRequestResource = results.getOptimizedResource();
 6       String candidateNode = results.getNodeHosts().get(CommonUtils.getRandomNumber(0, results.getNodeHosts().size() - 1));
 7       optimizedRequestResource.setGpuAttribute(results.getGpuAttribute(candidateNode));
 9       // re-create single node result object.
10       SelectionResult result = new SelectionResult();
11       result.addSelection(candidateNode, results.getGpuAttribute(candidateNode), results.getOverlapPorts());
12       result.setOptimizedResource(optimizedRequestResource);
13       LOGGER.logDebug("selectSingleNode: Selected: " + candidateNode + " optimizedRequestResource:" + optimizedRequestResource);
14       return result;
15     }
16     return results;
17   }
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 1 public synchronized SelectionResult select(String taskRoleName)
 2       throws NotAvailableException {
 3     ResourceDescriptor requestResource = requestManager.getTaskResource(taskRoleName);
 4     LOGGER.logInfo(
 5         "select: TaskRole: [%s] Resource: [%s]", taskRoleName, requestResource);
 6     String requestNodeLabel = requestManager.getTaskRolePlatParams(taskRoleName).getTaskNodeLabel();
 7     String requestNodeGpuType = requestManager.getTaskRolePlatParams(taskRoleName).getTaskNodeGpuType();
 8     Map<String, NodeConfiguration> configuredNodes = requestManager.getClusterConfiguration().getNodes();
 9     Boolean samePortAllocation = requestManager.getTaskRolePlatParams(taskRoleName).getSamePortAllocation();
10     int startStatesTaskCount = statusManager.getTaskStatus(TaskStateDefinition.START_STATES, taskRoleName).size();
12     /* Prefer to use previous successfully associated ports. if no associated ports, try to reuse the "Requesting" ports.
13     /如果之前有成功使用过的端口,那么优先使用该端口,如果没有,那么重用请求中的端口;
14     /疑问:什么叫重用请求中的端口?
15     */
16     List<ValueRange> reusedPorts = new ArrayList<>();
17     if (samePortAllocation) {
18       reusedPorts = statusManager.getAnyLiveAssociatedContainerPorts(taskRoleName);
19       /*条件1:ValueRangeUtils.getValueNumber(reusedPorts) <= 0 说明指定的端口已经使用完毕了
20       / 条件2:previousRequestedPorts.containsKey(taskRoleName) 说明taskRole曾经用过某些端口,这些端口的记录由SelectionManager管理,而且SelectionManager只负责记录上一次的请求端口。
21       */
22       if (ValueRangeUtils.getValueNumber(reusedPorts) <= 0 && previousRequestedPorts.containsKey(taskRoleName)) {
23         reusedPorts = previousRequestedPorts.get(taskRoleName);
24         // the cache only guide the next task to use previous requesting port.
25         previousRequestedPorts.remove(taskRoleName);
26       }
27     }
28     /*真正的select:六个参数
29     / 1、ResourceDescriptor:requestResource  请求资源的描述:cpu、mem、gpu
30     / 2、String:requestNodeLabel 请求节点的标签
31     / 3、String:requestNodeGpuType 请求的gpu类型
32     / 4、int:startStatesTaskCount taskRole中处于start状态的task数量
33     / 5、List<ValueRange>: reuesedPorts 可重用的端口
34     / 6、Map<String, NodeConfiguration>:configuredNodes 集群中的节点描述(hostname, gputype)
35     */
36     SelectionResult result = select(requestResource, requestNodeLabel, requestNodeGpuType, startStatesTaskCount, reusedPorts, configuredNodes);
38     //判断当前任务是否是最后一个task,如果不是,将当前task的端口记录到previousRequestedPorts中
39     if (samePortAllocation) {
40       // This startStatesTaskCount also count current task. StartStatesTaskCount == 1 means current task is the last task.
41       // reusedPortsTimes is used to avoid startStatesTaskCount not decrease in the situation of timeout tasks back to startStates.
42       if (startStatesTaskCount > 1) {
43         if (reusedPortsTimes == 0) {
44           reusedPortsTimes = startStatesTaskCount;
45         }
46         // If there has other tasks waiting, push current ports to previousRequestedPorts.
47         if (reusedPortsTimes > 1) {
48           previousRequestedPorts.put(taskRoleName, result.getOptimizedResource().getPortRanges());
49         }
50         reusedPortsTimes--;
51       }
52     }
53     return result;
54   }
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 1  public synchronized SelectionResult select(ResourceDescriptor requestResource, String requestNodeLabel, String requestNodeGpuType,
 2       int startStatesTaskCount, List<ValueRange> reusedPorts, Map<String, NodeConfiguration> configuredNodes) throws NotAvailableException {
 4     LOGGER.logInfo(
 5         "select: Request: Resource: [%s], NodeLabel: [%s], NodeGpuType: [%s], StartStatesTaskCount: [%d], ReusedPorts: [%s]",
 6         requestResource, requestNodeLabel, requestNodeGpuType, startStatesTaskCount, CommonExts.toString(reusedPorts));
 8     //将所有可用节点加入到filteredNodes中。
 9     initFilteredNodes();
10     //过滤掉nodeLabel不符合的节点
11     filterNodesByNodeLabel(requestNodeLabel);
12     //过滤掉不合适的gpu节点:不在设置的ClusterConfiguration里面的、不符合requestNodeGpuType的。
13     filterNodesByGpuType(configuredNodes, requestNodeGpuType);
14     //不需要gpu的job能否运行到有gpu节点上。
15      if (!conf.getAmAllowNoneGpuJobOnGpuNode()) {
16       int jobTotalRequestGpu = requestManager.getTotalGpuCount();  
17       filterNodesForNoneGpuJob(jobTotalRequestGpu);
18     }
20     //利用snakeyaml得到一个新的ResourceDescriptor对象,与传入的requestResource对象相同。
21     ResourceDescriptor optimizedRequestResource = YamlUtils.deepCopy(requestResource, ResourceDescriptor.class);
22     /*请求的端口数量大于零,但是根据valueRange计算出来的端口数量小于0,
23     / 意思就是有请求端口,但端口还没有分配,也没有指定range。
24     / 疑问:为什么这里如果是有reusedPorts的话可以直接设置,不用在filteredNodes里面check一下吗?是有什么机制保证了?
25     */
26     if (optimizedRequestResource.getPortNumber() > 0 && ValueRangeUtils.getValueNumber(optimizedRequestResource.getPortRanges()) <= 0) {
27       if (ValueRangeUtils.getValueNumber(reusedPorts) > 0) {
28         LOGGER.logInfo(
29             "select: reuse pre-selected ports: %s", CommonExts.toString(reusedPorts));
30         optimizedRequestResource.setPortRanges(reusedPorts);
31       } else {
32         List<ValueRange> portRanges = selectPortsFromFilteredNodes(optimizedRequestResource);
33         LOGGER.logInfo(
34             "select: select ports from all filteredNodes: %s", CommonExts.toString(portRanges));
35         //上一步的selectPortsFromFilteredNodes有可能返回一个空的ArrayList<RangeValue>,这时没有else处理,那么optimizedRequestResource的这个值就没有设置了。
36         if (ValueRangeUtils.getValueNumber(portRanges) == optimizedRequestResource.getPortNumber()) {
37             optimizedRequestResource.setPortRanges(portRanges);
38         }
39       }
40     }
41     /*过滤掉resource(cpu、mem、gpu)不符合的节点
42     / 疑问:skipLocalTriedResource 这个标志有什么用?
43     */
44     filterNodesByResource(optimizedRequestResource, requestManager.getPlatParams().getSkipLocalTriedResource());
46     filterNodesByRackSelectionPolicy(optimizedRequestResource, startStatesTaskCount);
48      //最后再检查filteredNodes中有没有剩下的资源
49      if (filteredNodes.size() < 1) {
50       // Don't have candidate nodes for this request.
51       if (requestNodeGpuType != null) {
52         // GpuType relax is not supported in yarn, the gpuType is specified, abort this request and try later.
53         throw new NotAvailableException(String.format(
54             "Don't have enough nodes to meet GpuType request: optimizedRequestResource: [%s], NodeGpuType: [%s], NodeLabel: [%s]",
55             optimizedRequestResource, requestNodeGpuType, requestNodeLabel));
56       }
57       if (optimizedRequestResource.getPortNumber() > 0 && ValueRangeUtils.getValueNumber(optimizedRequestResource.getPortRanges()) <= 0) {
58         // Port relax is not supported in yarn, The portNumber is specified, but the port range is not selected, abort this request and try later.
59         throw new NotAvailableException(String.format(
60             "Don't have enough nodes to meet Port request: optimizedRequestResource: [%s], NodeGpuType: [%s], NodeLabel: [%s]",
61             optimizedRequestResource, requestNodeGpuType, requestNodeLabel));
62       }
63     }
65     /*这一步是真正的在filteredNodes中挑选节点。
66     / 还留出了接口,可以实现更多的挑选节点的规则
67     / 当前实现是将所有符合规则的节点都加入到SelectionResult中
68     */
69     SelectionResult selectionResult = selectNodes(optimizedRequestResource, startStatesTaskCount);
70     //If port is not previous selected, select ports from the selectionResult.
71     List<ValueRange> portRanges = selectPorts(selectionResult, optimizedRequestResource);
72     optimizedRequestResource.setPortRanges(portRanges);
73     selectionResult.setOptimizedResource(optimizedRequestResource);
74     return selectionResult;
75   }
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