Unity 依赖注入之二
1. 构造子注入
1.1 构造子注入初级代码
container.RegisterType<IMyWork, MyWork>(new InjectionConstructor(new Book("Mybook"))
1.2 在子构造子注入时增加unity依赖注入
public class MyWork : IMyWork { public Book mybook; public MyWork(Book mybook) { this.mybook = mybook; } public string Work() { return "Work!"; } public Book GetBook() { return this.mybook; } } public interface IMyWork { string Work(); Book GetBook(); }
2. 注册泛型
2.1 注册泛型的方式一
//方式一 container.RegisterType( typeof(IMessageQueue<>), typeof(MessageQueue<>), new InjectionConstructor(storageAccountType,retryPolicyFactoryType, typeof(string)) );
2.2 注册泛型的方式二
//方式二 cntainer.RegisterType<IBlobContainer<SurveyAnswer>,EntitiesBlobContainer<SurveyAnswer>>( new InjectionConstructor(storageAccountType, retryPolicyFactoryType, typeof(string)) );
3. 延迟加载
// Register the type container.RegisterType<MySampleObject>(new InjectionConstructor("default")); // Resolve using Lazy<T> var defaultLazy = container.Resolve<Lazy<MySampleObject>>(); // Use the resolved object var mySampleObject = defaultLazy.Value
4. 单例
//方式一 通过ContainerControlledLifetimeManager创建单例 container.RegisterType<IMyWork, MyWork>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
//方式二 通过RegisterInstance创建单例 container.RegisterInstance<IMyWork>(new MyWork());
5. 延迟加载加单例
// Register the type with a lifetime manager container.RegisterType<MySampleObject>("other", new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor("other")); // Resolve the lazy type var defaultLazy1 = container.Resolve<Lazy<MySampleObject>>("other"); // Resolve the lazy type a second time var defaultLazy2 = container.Resolve<Lazy<MySampleObject>>("other"); // defaultLazy1 == defaultLazy2 is false // defaultLazy1.Value == defaultLazy2.Value is true
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