学习笔记 | Udacity CarND Term 2: Sensor Fusion, Localization and Control
Udacity CarND Term 2: Sensor Fusion, Localization and Control
Overview (10/12/2017 - 1/5/2018)
- Welcome (10/13/2017)
- Introduction and Sensors (10/13/2017)
- Kalman Filters (10/13/2017)
- C++ Checkpoint (10/13/2017)
- Linear and Radar Fusion with Kalman Filters in C++ (10/22/2-17 - 11/1/2017)
- Extended Kalman Filter Project (11/1/2017 - 11/10/2017)
- Unscented Kalman Filters (11/10/2017 - 11/20/2017)
- Unscented Kalman Filter Project (11/20/2017 - 12/7/2017)
- Introduction to Localization (10/17/2017)
- Localization Overview (10/17/2017)
- Markov Localization (12/19/2017)
- Motion Models (10/13/2017)
- Palticle Filters (10/17/2017 - 11/25/2017)
- Implementation of a Particle Filter (12/15 - 12/22)
- Kidnaped Vehicle Project (12/22 - 1/5)
- PID Control (12/20 - 1/5)
- PID Controller Project (12/20/2017 - 1/5)
- Vehicle Models (12/2/2017)
- Model Predictive Control
- The End
- Geometry and Trigonometry Refresher
14. Implementation of a Particle Filter