
Starting download script...
Args to shell: [/home/turtlebot/.arduino15/packages/Intel/tools/arduino101load/1.6.9+1.28/x86/bin /tmp/builda38fe872d96abf260f00d56268513370.tmp/Blink.pde.bin /dev/ttyACM0 verbose ATP1BLE000-1541C5635 141312]
Serial Port: /dev/ttyACM0
BIN FILE /tmp/builda38fe872d96abf260f00d56268513370.tmp/Blink.pde.bin
Waiting for device...
Waiting for device...
Waiting for device...
ERROR: Timed out waiting for Arduino 101 on /dev/ttyACM0


Linux only:

        some distributions need to be configured to perform the upload. After installing the core,

        execute sudo ~/.arduino15/packages/Intel/tools/arduino101load/1.6.4+1.18/scripts/create_dfu_udev_rule

       inside a shell to gain upload permissions.

posted @ 2016-11-03 17:54  不变沉默  阅读(4598)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报