Bringing up interface eth0: Error: No suitable device found: no device found for connection 'System eth0'.
Shutting down loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ] Bringing up interface eth0: Error: No suitable device found: no device found for connection 'System eth0'. [FAILED]
# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules # program, run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file. # # You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single # line, and change only the value of the NAME= key. # PCI device 0x8086:0x100f (e1000) SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:0c:29:67:c5:e2", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0" # PCI device 0x8086:0x100f (e1000) SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:0c:29:75:d1:d7", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth1"
#cat ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 HWADDR=00:0C:29:67:C5:E2 TYPE=Ethernet UUID=5cb1d564-a7e8-4b57-bdb4-7e76e92f460a ONBOOT=yes NM_CONTROLLED=yes BOOTPROTO=dhcp
也就是说,克隆的时候把网卡的MAC地址也克隆了,导致了有两个系统有相同的MAC地址。于是,要么把DEVICE=eth0改成DEVICE=eth1,然后HWADDR改成00:0c:29:75:d1:d7;要么在70-persistent-net.rules文件中把eth0的地址改成00:0c:29:75:d1:d7,同时把eth1的配置注释掉,然后在ifcfg-eth0中修改HWADDR。之后再service network restart即可。