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Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Second Edition
Author: Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (2005)
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中文版 数据挖掘:实用机器学习技术(原书第2版 )
董琳 等
机械工业出版社 (2006)
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction
Author: T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. H. Friedman
Publisher: Springer (2003)
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中文版 统计学习基础:数据挖掘、推理与预测
范明 等
电子工业出版社 (2004)
Principles of Data Mining
Author: David J. Hand, Heikki Mannila, Padhraic Smyth
Publisher: The MIT Press (2001)
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中文版 数据挖掘原理
张银奎 等
机械工业出版社 (2003)
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Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship Management
Author: Michael J. A. Berry, Gordon S. Linoff
Publisher: Wiley (1999)
中文版 数据挖掘:客户关系管理的科学与技术
袁卫 等
中国财政经济出版社 (2004)
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Data Mining Cookbook: Modeling Data for Marketing, Risk and Customer Relationship Management
Author: Olivia Parr Rud
Publisher: Wiley (2000)
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中文版 数据挖掘实践
朱扬勇 等
机械工业出版社 (2003)
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Mining the Web: Transforming Customer Data into Customer Value
Author: Gordon S. Linoff, Michael J. A. Berry
Publisher: Wiley (2002)
中文版 Web数据挖掘:将客户数据转化为客户价值
沈钧毅 等
电子工业出版社 (2004)
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Visual Data Mining: Techniques and Tools for Data Visualization and Mining
Author: Tom Soukup, Ian Davidson
Publisher: Wiley (2002)
中文版 可视化数据挖掘:数据可视化和数据挖掘的技术与工具
电子工业出版社 (2004)
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Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management, Second Edition
Author: Michael J. A. Berry, Gordon S. Linoff
Publisher: Wiley (2004)
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中文版 数据挖掘技术:市场营销、销售与客户关系管理领域应用(原书第2版 )
别荣芳 等
机械工业出版社 (2006)
Data Mining with SQL Server 2005
Author: ZhaoHui Tang, Jamie MacLennan
Publisher: Wiley (2005)
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中文版 数据挖掘原理与应用:SQL Server 2005数据库
邝祝芳 等
清华大学出版社 (2007)
Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms
Author: Mehmed Kantardzic
Publisher: Wiley (2002)
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中文版 数据挖掘:概念、模型、方法和算法
闪四清 等
清华大学出版社 (2003)
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Data Mining: A Tutorial Based Primer
Author: Richard Roiger, Michael Geatz
Publisher: Addison Wesley (2002)
中文版 数据挖掘教程
清华大学出版社 (2003)
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Applied Data Mining: Statistical Methods for Business and Industry
Author: Paolo Giudici
Publisher: Wiley (2003)
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中文版 实用数据挖掘
袁方 等
电子工业出版社 (2004)
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Building Data Mining Applications for CRM
Author: Robert Groth
Publisher: Prentice-Hall (1999)
中文版 构建面向CRM的数据挖掘应用
奇 等
人民邮电出版社 (2001)
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Data Mining: Building Competitive Advantage
Author: Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Kurt Thearling
Publisher: McGraw-Hill (1999)
中文版 数据挖掘:构筑企业竞争优势
侯迪 等
西安交通大学出版社 (2001)
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Machine Learning and Data Mining: Methods and Applications
Editor: Ryszad S. Michalski, Ivan Bratko, Miroslav Kubat
Publisher: Wiley (1998)
中文版 机器学习与数据挖掘:方法和应用
朱明 等
电子工业出版社 (2004)
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Machine Learning
Author: Tom M. Mitchell
Publisher: McGraw-Hill (1997)
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中文版 机器学习
机械工业出版社 (2003)
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Bioinformatics: The Machine Learning Approach, Second Edition
Author: Pierre Baldi, Søren Brunak
Publisher: McGraw-Hill (1997)
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中文版 生物信息学:机器学习方法
张东晖 等
中信出版社 (2003)
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Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms
Author: David J. C. MacKay
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (2002)
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中文版 信息论、推理与学习算法
肖明波 等
高等教育出版社 (2006)
Statistical Learning Theory
Author: Vladimir N. Vapnik
Publisher: Wiley (1998)
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中文版 统计学习理论
建华 等
电子工业出版社 (2004)
The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory, Second Edition
Author: Vladimir N. Vapnik
Publisher: Springer (1999)
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中文版 统计学习理论的本质
清华大学出版社 (2004)
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An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods
Author: Nello Cristianini, John Shawe-Taylor
Publisher: Cambridge University Press (2000)
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中文版 支持向量机导论
李国正 等
电子工业出版社 (2004)
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Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++
Author: Abhijit S. Pandya, Robert B. Macy
Publisher: CRC (1995)
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中文版 神经网络模式识别及其实现
徐勇 等
电子工业出版社 (1999)
Pattern Classification, Second Edition
Author: Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork
Publisher: Wiley (2000)
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Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner: A Case Study Approach, Second Edition
Author: SAS Institute
Publisher: SAS Publishing (2003)
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Data Mining: Opportunities and Challenges
Editor: John Wang
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing (2003)
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Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining
Editor: John Wang
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing (2005)
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Managing Data Mining: Advice from Experts
Editor: Stephan Kudyba
Publisher: Cybertech Publishing (2004)
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Discovering Knowledge in Data: An Introduction to Data Mining
Author: Daniel T. Larose
Publisher: Wiley (2004)
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Data Mining Methods and Models
Author: Daniel T. Larose
Publisher: Wiley (2006)
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Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data
Author: Soumen Chakrabarti
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (2002)
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Introduction to Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Third Edition
Author: Herbert A. Edelstein
Publisher: Two Crows Corporation (1999)
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Data Mining and Computational Intelligence
Editor: Abraham Kandel, Mark Last, Horst Bunke
Publisher: Springer (2004)
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Practical Business Intelligence with SQL Server 2005
Author: John C. Hancock, Roger Toren
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (2006)
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The Handbook of Data Mining
Editor: Nong Ye
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates (2004)
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Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection
Author: Jesus Mena
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann (2003)
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Mining Your Own Business in Health Care Using DB2 Intelligent Miner for Data
Author: IBM Redbooks
Publisher: IBM (2001)
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Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Second Edition
Author: Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (2005)
Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification
Author: D. Michie, D. J. Spiegelhalter, C. C. Taylor
Publisher: Prentice Hall (1994)
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High Performance Data Mining: Scaling Algorithms, Applications and Systems
Editor: Yike Guo, Robert Grossman
Publisher: Springer (2001)
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Business Modeling and Data Mining
Author: Dorian Pyle
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (2003)
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Data Mining With Neural Networks: Solving Business Problems from Application Development to Decision Support
Author: Joseph P. Bigus
Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill (1996)
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Organizational Data Mining: Leveraging Enterprise Data Resources for Optimal Performance
Editor: Hamid R. Nemati, Christopher D. Barko
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing (2003)
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Web Data Mining and Applications in Business Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism
Author: Bhavani Thuraisingham
Publisher: CRC (2003)
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Exploratory Data Mining and Data Cleaning
Author: Tamraparni Dasu, Theodore Johnson
Publisher: Wiley (2003)
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Intelligent Agents for Data Mining and Information Retrieval
Editor: Masoud Mohammadian
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing (2004)
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Data Mining: Multimedia, Soft Computing, and Bioinformatics
Author: Sushmita Mitra, Tinku Acharya
Publisher: Wiley (2003)
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Kernel Based Algorithms for Mining Huge Data Sets: Supervised, Semi-supervised, and Unsupervised Learning
Author: Te-Ming Huang, Vojislav Kecman, Ivica Kopriva
Publisher: Springer (2006)
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Data Mining in Time Series Databases
Editor: Mark Last, Abraham Kandel, Horst Bunke
Publisher: World Scientific (2003)
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Data Warehousing and Data Mining for Telecommunications
Author: Rob Mattison
Publisher: Artech House (1997)
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Survey of Text Mining: Clustering, Classification, and Retrieval
Editor: Michael W. Berry
Publisher: Springer (2003)
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Data Mining Using Grammar Based Genetic Programming and Applications
Author: Man Leung Wong, Kwong Sak Leung
Publisher: Springer (2000)
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Advances in Data Mining: Applications in Image Mining, Medicine and Biotechnology, Management and Environmental Control, and Telecommunications
Editor: Petra Perner
Publisher: Springer (2005)
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Java Data Mining: Strategy, Standard, and Practice: A Practical Guide for architecture, Design, and Implementation
Author: Mark F. Hornick, Erik Marcadé, Sunil Venkayala
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann (2006)
Web Data Management Practices: Emerging Techniques and Technologies
Editor: Athena Vakali, George Pallis
Publisher: Idea Group Publishing (2006)
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Visual Data Mining
Author: Mihael Ankerst
Publisher: Dissertation.de (2001)
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Quality Measures in Data Mining
Editor: Fabrice Guillet, Howard J. Hamilton
Publisher: Springer (2007)
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Practical Genetic Algorithms, Second Edition
Author: Randy L. Haupt, Sue Ellen Haupt
Publisher: Wiley (2004)
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Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition, Second Edition
Author: Keinosuke Fukunaga
Publisher: Academic Press (1990)
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Introduction to Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches
Author: Menahem Friedman, Abraham Kandel
Publisher: World Scientific (1999)
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Learning with Kernels: Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization, and Beyond
Author: Bernhard Schölkopf,  Alexander J. Smola
Publisher: The MIT Press (2001)
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Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
Author: Christopher M. Bishop
Publisher: Oxford University Press (1996)
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Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Second Edition
Author: Simon Haykin
Publisher: Prentice Hall (1998)
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Learning Kernel Classifiers: Theory and Algorithms
Author: Ralf Herbrich
Publisher: The MIT Press (2001)
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Self-Organizing Maps, Third Edition
Author: Teuvo Kohonen
Publisher: Springer (2006)
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Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Author: Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto
Publisher: The MIT Press (1998)
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Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Approaches Based on Rule Induction Techniques
Editor: Evangelos Triantaphyllou, Giovanni Felici
Publisher: Springer (2006)
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Learning and Soft Computing: Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks, and Fuzzy Logic Models
Author: Vojislav Kecman
Publisher: The MIT Press (2001)
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冶金工业出版社 (2003)
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朱明 编著
中国科学技术大学出版社 (2002)
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科学出版社 (2004)
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    1、《数据挖掘原理与应用——SQL SERVER 2005数据库》——本书的电子版只有英文的,之前在园子里有人提供下载。虽然是e文,但是看起来并不是太吃力。只是觉得电子版看起来难受,于是买了本中文版的。以后争取写下这本书的读书笔记,一方面是为毕业论文提供素材,另一方面想写下自己的收获和体会。

    2、《SQL SERVER 2005集成服务高级编程》——本书是SQL SERVER 2005深入开发系列之一。定价69元,有点小贵。

    3、《SQL SERVER 2005报表服务高级编程》——本书是SQL SERVER 2005深入开发系列之一。定价79元,比较贵。

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