由于MS Data Access Application Block是一款相对比较成熟的数据访问组件,同时又公开源代码,便打算在这次的项目中不再另外写数据访问层,直接用Data Access Application Block。大致看了一下其帮助文档和具体代码,觉得还不错,用起来还蛮方便的,谁知道用了没多久问题就出来了~~
因为TableName是string类型,所以当index递增的时候,Table1之后便是Table12而不是作者期望得到的Table2,本来打算直接修改其代码,但是又生怕其代码有关联性,要是由于我的改动再造成其他地方的错误,那就太麻烦了,于是到patterns & practices: Data Access Application Block & Guide: Workspace Home看了一下,发现在Bug Tracker 中早已有该Bug的存在,作者亦提供了修复该bug的解决方案。其实也就是把那句代码改了。修改后的代码如下:
提醒自己以后在使用第三方组件的时候一定要先看Bug Tracker!
string[] tableNames = new string[]{"BLE_LISTINGS","BLE_LISTINGS1","BLE_LISTINGS2"};
if (tableNames != null && tableNames.Length > 0)
string tableName = "Table";
for (int index=0; index < tableNames.Length; index++)
if( tableNames[index] == null || tableNames[index].Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "The tableNames parameter must contain a list of tables, a value was provided as null or empty string.", "tableNames" );
dataAdapter.TableMappings.Add(tableName, tableNames[index]);
tableName += (index + 1).ToString();//这句代码造成了该错误
string tableName = "Table";
for (int index=0; index < tableNames.Length; index++)
if( tableNames[index] == null || tableNames[index].Length == 0 ) throw new ArgumentException( "The tableNames parameter must contain a list of tables, a value was provided as null or empty string.", "tableNames" );
dataAdapter.TableMappings.Add(tableName, tableNames[index]);
tableName += (index + 1).ToString();//这句代码造成了该错误
因为TableName是string类型,所以当index递增的时候,Table1之后便是Table12而不是作者期望得到的Table2,本来打算直接修改其代码,但是又生怕其代码有关联性,要是由于我的改动再造成其他地方的错误,那就太麻烦了,于是到patterns & practices: Data Access Application Block & Guide: Workspace Home看了一下,发现在Bug Tracker 中早已有该Bug的存在,作者亦提供了修复该bug的解决方案。其实也就是把那句代码改了。修改后的代码如下:
string tableName = "Table";
for (int index=0; index < tableNames.Length; index++)
if( tableNames[index] == null || tableNames[index].Length == 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( "The tableNames parameter must contain a list of tables, a value was provided as null or empty string.", "tableNames" );
tableName + (index == 0 ? "" : index.ToString()),
tableNames[index] );
for (int index=0; index < tableNames.Length; index++)
if( tableNames[index] == null || tableNames[index].Length == 0 )
throw new ArgumentException( "The tableNames parameter must contain a list of tables, a value was provided as null or empty string.", "tableNames" );
tableName + (index == 0 ? "" : index.ToString()),
tableNames[index] );
提醒自己以后在使用第三方组件的时候一定要先看Bug Tracker!