1 - 简介
2 - 注解
3 - testng.xml
4 - 执行 TestNG
5 - 测试方法, 测试类 和 测试组
5.1 - 测试方法
5.2 - 测试组
5.3 - Groups of groups
5.4 - Exclusion groups
5.5 - Partial groups
5.6 - Parameters
5.6.1 - Parameters from testng.xml
5.6.2 - Parameters with DataProviders
5.6.3 - Parameters in reports
5.7 - Dependencies
5.7.1 - Dependencies with annotations
5.7.2 - Dependencies in XML
5.8 - Factories
5.9 - Class level annotations
5.10 - Parallelism and time-outs
5.10.1 - Parallel suites
5.10.2 - Parallel tests, classes and methods
5.11 - Rerunning failed tests
5.12 - JUnit tests
5.13 - Running TestNG programmatically
5.14 - BeanShell and advanced group selection
5.15 - Annotation Transformers
5.16 - Method Interceptors
5.17 - TestNG Listeners
5.17.1 - Specifying listeners with testng.xml or in Java
5.17.2 - Specifying listeners with ServiceLoader
5.18 - Dependency injection
5.18.1 - Native dependency injection
5.18.2 - Guice dependency injection
5.19 - Listening to method invocations
5.20 - Overriding test methods
6 - Test results
6.1 - Success, failure and assert
6.2 - Logging and results
6.2.1 - Logging Listeners
6.2.2 - Logging Reporters
6.2.3 - JUnitReports
6.2.4 - Reporter API
6.2.5 - XML Reports
7 - YAML