Not Coder

coding 是一种思维方式

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Admin 于 2008-09-23 05:23:03 发表.Net


  1. 授权与程序大小
    框架 版本 授权 最少dll引用 大小(KB)
    Castle RC3 Apache  2 2 192
    Unity 1.1 MS-PL 2 120
    Ninject 1.0 Apache 2 1
    (2 : autowiring)
    147 (154)
    Autofac 1.2.7 MIT 1 110
    StructureMap Apache  2 1 164
    Spring.Net 1.1.2 Apache  2 2-3 728
  2. 配置
    框架 Fluent registration  自动注册 使用Attribute 使用XML
    Castle in trunk only 有限, 将被废除 支持, 非必须 支持, 非必须
    Unity yes 不支持 支持, 非必须 支持, 非必须
    Ninject yes 支持 支持, 非必须 不支持, 可实现
    Autofac yes 在网站上以范例提供 不支持, 不需要 支持, 非必须
    StructureMap yes 支持 支持, 非必须 支持, 非必须
    Spring.Net method chaining only 不支持 不包含, 可实现, 下个版本支持 支持, 非必须, 推荐
  3. 基本注入与自动连线
    框架 属性注入 构造器注入 多个构造器 循环依赖
    Castle 支持 yes most resolvable parameters  meaningful error
    Unity 需要代码,特性或XML, mandatory dependency yes hardcoded, attributed or most parameters stack overflow
    Ninject 需要Attribute, automatic with official extension yes attributed or default, most resolvable parameters with official extension stack overflow
    Autofac yes (opt-in) yes most resolvable parameters  meaningful error
    StructureMap 需要Attribute或XML, mandatory dependency yes attributed or most parameters stack overflow
    Spring.Net yes (opt-in) yes hardcoded signature, default, if no default then most resolvable parameters stack overflow
  4. 生命周期

    框架 单例 短暂的 其它/自定义 自定义实例
    Castle yes yes yes, pluggable 支持
    Unity yes yes yes, pluggable 支持
    Ninject yes yes yes, pluggable 支持
    Autofac yes yes yes, pluggable 支持
    StructureMap yes yes yes, pluggable 支持, 支持prototypes (cloning)
    Spring.Net yes yes yes, pluggable supported

  5. 高级resolution
    框架 Open generics injection List injection Unregistered resolution
    Castle supported not included, implementable (but hard to implement correctly) not supported, no good workarounds
    Unity supported not included, probably implementable yes
    Ninject supported not included, probably implementable yes
    Autofac supported, requires explicit registration not included, probably implementable requires special opt-in
    StructureMap supported works at least for arrays, haven't found documentation anywhere yes
    Spring.Net not supported, no easy workaround documented, not working in current version (bug) either not supported or not easy
  6. 总况
    框架 Auto-mocking 特殊功能 特殊问题
    Castle not included, implementable   rare releases, some major features trunk-only for some time
    Unity not included, implementable   no
    Ninject not included, probably implementable contextual bindings problems referencing under .NET 3.5 (ExtensionAttribute defined twice)
    Autofac in Contrib, linked from home page (NMock2) container hierarchies/tagging, expression constructors no
    StructureMap included (NMock)   documentation/samples a bit obscuring the existence of non-static API
    Spring.Net not included, probably implementable   complex registration API, XML (verbose) encouraged


posted on 2009-07-21 12:50  Not Coder  阅读(1540)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报