1.Boolean can be return null
Boolean isError; if (isError == true) { System.debug('Hello Error!'); } System.debug('This is a Error:'+isError);
Return :This is a Error:null
2.接口的开发,本人仍然倾向于REST ,简单,快捷,适合集成移动端开发; SOAP Webservice:还要去Generate WSDL,每次修改都要重新给予调用者,较麻烦。
3.Clone :Clone a Quote Line Item with an Apex Controller -------------- /{!QuoteLineItem.Id}/e?clone=1&retURL={!QuoteLineItem.Id}
QuoteLineItem ql = [select Id, QuoteId, PricebookEntryId, Quantity, UnitPrice, Discount, Description, ServiceDate, SortOrder, ListPrice, Subtotal, TotalPrice from QuoteLineItem limit 1]; QuoteLineItem q2 = ql.clone(); insert q2; System.debug('New Line Item: '+q2);
4.Map List
Map<ID, Contact> m = new Map<ID, Contact>([SELECT Id, LastName FROM Contact]); List<Opportunity> oppList = [Select Id, AccountId from Opportunity]; Map<Id,Opportunity> accOppMap = new Map<Id,Opportunity>(); for(Opportunity o : oppList){ accOppMap.put(o.AccountId,o); }
5.Invoking Apex Using JavaScript
Apex in AJAX:
<script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/connection.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/soap/ajax/15.0/apex.js" type="text/javascript"></script> JS: var account = sforce.sObject("Account"); var id = sforce.apex.execute("myClass","makeContact", {lastName:"Smith", a:account}); Apex: global class myClass { webService static Id makeContact(String lastName, Account a) { Contact c = new Contact(LastName = lastName, AccountId = a.Id); return c.id; } }
@RemoteAction :为JS调用的方法,
@RemoteAction global static String getItemId(String objectName) { ... } Apex @RemoteAction methods must be static and either global or public.
<apex:repeat value="{!directors}" var="dirKey"> <apex:outputText value="{!dirKey}" /> -- <apex:outputText value="{!directors[dirKey]}" /><br/> </apex:repeat> // key=> value public Map<String,String> directors { get { return new Map<String, String> { 'Kieslowski' => 'Poland', 'del Toro' => 'Mexico', 'Gondry' => 'France' }; } set; }
List<AggregateResult> callLogList = [SELECT Name, MAX(CreatedDate) SuccessDate FROM B WHERE Name in :a AND N = 'Success' GROUP BY Name]; Map<Id, Datetime> callLogMap = new Map<Id, Datetime>(); for (AggregateResult callLog : callLogList) { callLogMap.put((Id)callLog.get('Name'), (Datetime)callLog.get('SuccessDate')); }