[git/hg] 什么叫做bare repo?
[git/hg]什么叫做bare repo?
摘自: git vs hg - 挖金子的矿工 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
1. 上面部分说法可能不对,因为该博文是针对老版hg写的,而后来hg也有了类似git的repo内多命名分支,而对于bare repo,官方wiki (GitConcepts#Bare_repositories上)说要这样: hg update null
对git而言, bare repo不仅仅是没有checkout, 而且There is no .git directory is
created. Instead, the files normally in the .git directory are placed in
the top-level directory where the working directory would normally be.
(来自Shared Repositories Should Be Bare Repositories - GitGuys)